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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. Had one in my bath robe last year, fecker bit me right on the top of my arse when I tied the cord. excruciating pain for a few hours and a sore swollen arse cheek for a couple of days.

    It could have been worse!

    Oh my, yes it could have.

    Imagine an Irate farang in the emergency ward grasping a swollen meat whistle and demanding immediate attention

    Ain't gonna get many people queuing up to suck the poison out for you either..........sick.gif

    You would in pattaya as long as u had a 1000 thb :D

  2. Don't listen to these brainwashed (such is modern marketing) wimps. Shave like a Real Man® for next to nothing.

    Buy a traditional double edge safety razor. Sometimes a larger Boots will have them or a local market. Also some supermarkets have the plastic version, Gillette Clic, which lasts for awhile but is quite mild. If you can't find one it's worth importing.

    Then buy a box of 100 Astra (or other) double edge blades at a beauty supply shop for B150. Assuming you get 4 shaves per blade, now you're shaving for 11 baht/mo, excluding soap/cream.

    Ideally you'd have a badger brush and proper shaving soap. You'd have to import the brush. But you can improvise: Thai beauty supply shops & other outlets sell a crappy little brush of the sort used at Thai barber shops. Crabtree & Evelyn at Emporium sells high-end cream & soap; The Body Shop sells a high-end soap. Otherwise, it's Dove or Imperial Leather and a drop of shampoo, or body lotion.

    Go to the badgerandblade(dot)com forums for a wealth of advice about all aspects of wetshaving. (What a civilized international forum, totally unlike here.)

    As for deo, just make your own from a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch. Start w/ 50/50 and then try 70/30. Google and verify. Been using it for several years now, works great. Can apply to underarms w/ a small brush--pick up lady's makeup brush ("kabuki brush") at a local market.

    Crocodile Dundee .....

  3. i was at a barbeque and a massive one of these things walked out from under the table i the garden we were sitting

    i jumped up to stamp on it and then i rememberered thai peple dont like to kill things

    so ,i thought i better check and they all shouted KILL IT ,KILL IT (vrsy strange for thais )

    Im near 100 Kilos and i was wearing size 11 steel toe cap boots and i stamped it once ,heard a bit of a crunch and it keep on motoring :o

    had to stamp it about 5 times before i was confident it was dead and finished

    if anyone interested theres a video f one on youtube ,killing a tarantula and then a snake

  4. all my tracking works fine ,even the cheap registered post

    i sent a 20,000 thb phone to the uk a few days ago and it left suavarnapuum airport 48 hrs after i posted it

    cost 320 thb to send it by registered airmail

    EMS,DHL and FEDEX are also flawless but they would want to be for the prices they charge

  5. I certainly didn't get the impression of any 2nds quality yip. My wifi signal good as gold. Haven't bothered to look at any benchmark comparisons but bear in mind the Gnex is pushing a lot more pixels than the sgs2 which will affect things. Photos hit or miss in my experience - some nice, some pretty poor.

    Mine is an import from germany not korea. I'm sure mbk has imports from all over the place. Another batch I saw was from Aus.

    its still a very good phone

    its only when you compare it to the previous heavyweight champion of android (GS2 ) it falls on its ass in almost every aspect except screen

    I did all my testing against gs2's but people in the states have tested it against the motorola razr and it was signifignatly worse in many areas

    like signal and some bugs and glitches

    doesnt matter now anyhow ,its been surpassed already by the sgs3 so there is a new "top spec" model to take the focus of the nexus and some of its flaws

    in comparison to the iphone and others

  6. dear lord ,i thought people in cheap condos were "slumming it up " until i seen this shack house in the middle of knowwhere

    are you right in the head ? Youre going to pay 200k to live there in that ?

    Rather you than me .............

    Reverse the situation ,If someone paid me 200k , I still wouldnt live there for any length of time

  7. @seasia

    I was only kidding about being annoyed, I'm pleased the OP appears to have resolved this issue. Equally I agree this thread has been fascinating reading for many of us, and certainly an education for me.

    I used the word chronic in my response, it is possible for someone with a chronic problem to get temporary relief, maybe that's what has happened here. Temp relief from an ongoing battle to gain respect and authority within his own home.

    If he has won some respite he should use it and take the best of the advice from this thread and put a marker down. Otherwise we'll all be reforming for another thread on this subject in 6 months time.

    If he can put up with this kind of <deleted> in his own house from his own wife for 10 years hes probably beyond help anyway......

    I would have already left on "business trip " and see how they like it when nobody is supporting the house financially

    It sounds like hes doing everything like a slave and being treated worse than a dog in the street for it ............

    no wonder they think farangs are stupid ............

    • Like 1
  8. I have seen rolexs, cartiers, breitlings in pawn shops around pattaya. I have never seen one above a value of 120,000. All of them in boxes with original certificates.

    There is a big difference to the retail value and pawning value. Your best option would be to phone a friend.

    Or I'll lend you 100,000, with the watch as a deposit. With a 20% interest charge.

    As for the gold being 18ct, it doesn't have much value in Thailand in comparison to Thai gold. There not interested.


    hahahaha, again another example of someone who thinks there stuff is worth more than it really is. I deal with these kinds ALL the time. Just looked your watch up pal, although I don't have the serial # and presuming your details are correct....... $4000 Retail. Spoke to 3 dealers, all within $300. But you keep dreaming, and Good Luck to you, you're gonna need it.

    Please note the following you poor people http://www.chrono24....--id1997367.htm and with that, i rest my case !!!

    Even by rolex standards ,that looks cheap and tacky

  9. i was selling a large motorbike recently and a thai girl called to buy on behalf of her BF ,

    she asked me to put a 20k higher price on the reciept so she could get a comission so it

    probably happens a lot more than people realise or even want to realise.......

    I hope you didn't.

    Or here's an alternative - agree to do so but split it with her.

    Figure out how to make contact with him without her knowing and give him the 10K as evidence of your sincerity, after swearing him to secrecy as to why he's dumping her.

    i didnt even know what the deal was at first ,the phone rang and the wife came to me with some proposition

    girl buyer wanted a discount of 20k

    we get paid 320k as a direct bank transfer but refund 20k of it (in cash ) to the sales agent after the transfer

    it sounded like a good deal on our end so i gave them the green light to sell it

    whoever was funding the deal was overseas and i didnt get to meet them

    didnt even know he was her BF / Husband until later on but im sure it happens a lot more than we ever hear about

  10. So that LP9 stands for the ICS 4.0.3 then?

    Yes I bought my S2 in Singapore.

    Good, update is available, now on to find the way to root it after the update and remove the triangle. Also need to research the compatibility with some important apps...


    You could save yourself the trouble and flash a rooted version of ics 4.0.4

    There is some excellent versions on XDA now

  11. Why on earth wouldn't you help the poor guy out and enlighten him about his situation?

    If not then and there, at least get his phone number and then have chat with him later on?

    Basically makes you an accessory to fraud otherwise. . .

    Nooooooooooooo, do not get involved. It backfires. Been there. bah.gif

    I would try to be resourceful enough that it wouldn't come back on me, but still let me sleep at night that at least I've tried to do the right thing.

    And even if it did cost me, I'd still rather be part of the solution than the alternative.

    i was selling a large motorbike recently and a thai girl called to buy on behalf of her BF ,

    she asked me to put a 20k higher price on the reciept so she could get a comission so it

    probably happens a lot more than people realise or even want to realise.......

  12. I have offered to buy my wife a new scooter because her Suzuki Best is beat to death. The thing is that it always starts the first kick and runs like a charm. I think she is of the opinion that it can't be hurt and if it is hurt, it's no big deal. She rides it every day and it is about 7 years old. Once in a while she rides my Elegance but still prefers her Suzuki.

    ADDED - Her nephew has a new Fino but she doesn't like it. My friend's Scoopy doesn't impress her either. At one time she looked at a PCX but decided it is too big and bulky besides being too expensive.

    Yamaha Nuovo 2012 Model - paid 60k all in premium insurance in Pattaya at the Yamaha main dealer. Great bike, easy to ride, good mileage and my girl likes it better than the step-through models such as the Fino and Scoopy that we test drove. More expensive yes, but if you keep bikes for years as it's sounds I think it will hold up against the test if time longer than the others due to the rather large redesign it went though this year. Get's around 45km per liter if you drive normal and not like speed racer everywhere.

    I have offered to buy my wife a new scooter because her Suzuki Best is beat to death. The thing is that it always starts the first kick and runs like a charm. I think she is of the opinion that it can't be hurt and if it is hurt, it's no big deal. She rides it every day and it is about 7 years old. Once in a while she rides my Elegance but still prefers her Suzuki.

    ADDED - Her nephew has a new Fino but she doesn't like it. My friend's Scoopy doesn't impress her either. At one time she looked at a PCX but decided it is too big and bulky besides being too expensive.

    Get's around 45km per liter if you drive normal and not like speed racer everywhere.

    that sounds impressive ,i estimate i get 25-35 km per litre from the elegance 135 but

    that would be riding as fast it will go

  13. Here's an interesting comparison between the Nexus and the Droid Razr. You may be surprised.



    If I ever buy another phone it will be the Razr Maxx with the huge battery. The Maxx is quad band GSM and 3G.


    that video test is nearly a mirror image of what i get when comparing the "new " nexus to the "old" gs2

    the GS2 like the RAZR surpasses it in practically every test .......

    for a phone that had the potential to be the best phone in the world ,it appears they decided to go " el cheapo" on a few components

    According to that review ,the nexus doesnt even have gorilla glass either ? Maybe it was googles idea to use cheaper components so

    they could drop the price rapidly and get more users on their android platform

    wouldnt be impressed if i paid 22,000 thb for this when first released but the current price is quite fair

  14. I was in the department of land transport making a new insurance policy and i waited for 10-15 minutes in the line to get to the counter and talk to the girl

    As soon as we started doing the paperwork a pot bellied thai man wearing an army suit and a buddah amulet walked up with a handful of documents as if i was invisible and rudely pushed them between me and the cashier and asked her to check them

    I turned around and looked right through him and pushed his documents to the side as rudely as he had pushed them

    for a minute it felt like violence was about to erupt and i half hoped it would because i would have loved to put his teeth down his throat

    the girl called someone else over to deal with this prick instead of sending him to the back of the queue so his rudeness paid off in the end because he didnt have to queue up for 15 minutes like everyone else

  15. Thanks for the honest appraisal.

    I was under the impression the CPU specs (with the SGS2) were similar (TI v. Exynos), but yes, the GPU was a little less featured.

    Re; WiFi, I might try different radios; you should be able to find CWM-flashable ZIPs? I've had to flash several dozen in order to get one which offered optimum 3G, voice quality, GPS lock and WiFi performance. KC1 or JK4 (I9000) work best for me, am on DTAC. Not sure about the 9250 naming convention.

    its still a lot of phone for roughly 12k or maybe 11k soon as the gs3 pushes prices of everything else down even further ,i just think they could have put a little more work into it and blown everything away and made it the phone that sets standards for all android phones

    the screen is the most important part of a touch screen smartphone IMO and they have done that very well (better than GS2)

    ,text looks crisp no matter how small you make it and colouring is more realistic on the nexus

    Ram is ram so a gig is a gig i suppose

    why they would use a GPU from 2-3 years ago in a new flagship device is astounding though ?

    also ,why they would install 2 cameras thats about 50% more grainy and crapper than an older "flagship" phone i dont know

    the soundcard in the speaker will have to be hacked also if you would like to hear notifications (default is way too low to hear )

    the cpu is also 1.2 ghz but it doesnt blaze through tasks as fast as the GS2

    some of the "hot new features " are basically useless

    All phones have ICS now so the single largest advantage to choose this is gone

    NFC chip in it is a waste of hardware in thailand ,i dont know any place that it can be used (maybe it can but i just dont go to those places )

    and Android beam is a bit like face unlock, its cool the first time you use it but its not something youre going to be using much after the "novelty " wears off

    and not many phones support it yet also so you may not be able to use it with your friends unless they have top spec phones

    GS2 is now 13k (same price give or take a few hudred thb ) also in mbk so there is a good choice of almost top end phones for sensible money now

    (some say galaxy nexus will get JELLY BEAN 5.0 (where the sgs 2 may not etc ) but thats not worth thinking about at this stage )

  16. the whole debate is and has been out there for a long time ,i am sure there is lots of viruses out there by now

    but i personally dont use an ant-virus yet as id not like a slow -down and shorter battery life tht comes with it

    I may change my mind soon though ,if i get a virus that wipes my system or sends a few hundred dollars of SMS messages to

    premium rate numbers etc

  17. These are "grey-market" imports. They were not imported by the local subsidiary. They were imported by other channels. They are legitimate product, at least the ones I looked at were. There is no such thing as a grey-market copy?

    This is similar to the Samsung Galaxy Notes for 15,000.

    Samsung Thailand would not, in theory, offer warranty service on these.

    Ok. So is it like a plain white box, but 100% genuine samsung parts; or is it a full retail-looking box?

    The only risk is if something goes wrong with the phone, you might be SoL or have to pay for repairs yourself, correct? In most cases I've seen repair prices actually pretty reasonable.

    The unit I looked at has what looked like a standard Samsung/Google box, white with a color picture of the phone on the front. I am 100% certain it was 100% genuine.

    I confess I did not look at the enclosed warranty card, but that would determine where one would obtain warranty service if required. It could very well have been Samsung Thailand, or Samsung U.S.A. (Dallas, TX), or Budapest, Hungary. wink.png

    I saw on a Thai forum that someone claimed they got an SGN for 11,900 but I cannot determine the shop/location.

    the mbk ones are from korea ,as such ,samsung thailand will refuse to repair them at any price

    I believe someone got one for 11,900

    when i was paying 12,600 they asked me if id like to pay using a credit cad or cash (meaning they were prepared to take another 3% hit to get 12,600 from me )

    its pea-nuts anyway so i didnt argue

    the quality of the phones is questionable ,i am not sure if these are 2nds that maybe didnt pass all the QC tests in the korea factory

    mine has very very weak wifi reception ,slower cpu and gpu (compared to the gs2 ) and the pictures are pretty grainy and pixelated (i expected that anyway but they look worse than id imagined ,dont even try to use the zoom :) )

    screen is nice resolution and size though and battery life is prety god though

    i have tested all with 5-6 roms and multiple kernals and the hardware is a little disapointing for a phone thats supposedly "better" than the gs2

  18. it comes down to making a Thai copper lose face, because that is what you would be doing by proving him wrong in that way.

    He is losing both his face, arse & job if you do it the right way, in addition to the risk of being prosecuted according to Penal code section 157, and he don't want that.

    refer to http://www.thaivisa....75#entry5353235

    Penal Code of Thailand

    Section 157 Whoever, being an official,

    wrongfully exercises or does not exercise any of his functions to the injury of any person,

    or dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions,

    shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht,

    or both.

    serious punishment OR fined 2k-20k by his boss

    wonder which one he would get ?

    I havent heard of many policemen being jailed for corruption in thailand

    usually they get moved to a less "lucrative" post when their greed or incompetence comes to light in the media

  19. Pedestrians are the least of your worries

    I was stopped in a traffic jam today on my motorcycle waiting for the car in front of me to drive when an idiot

    in a brand new fortuner came straight into the back of me

    knocked my bike forwards and sidewards a bit ( it didnt fall though ,i was able to hold it up with my leg ) and bent my number plate and put a nice scratch in his body coloured bumper (white )

    for a brief second i thought about murder and then i calmed down and drove off

    there was no sense in calling the police (he hit me from behind so he was completely in the wrong although i was in the 3rd lane waiting to turn right

    and "technically " motorcycles must be in the left most lane at all times so i didnt want to be inadvertantly blamed for his damaged new car

    (farang in the wrong place at the wrong time caused an accident etc )

    ,i was able to bend my number plate back into place so my bike stil looks new but he will need his bumper sprayed

    even stopped in a <Snip!> traffic jam is periilous ,no idea how he hit me ,4pm on a bright afternoon day ,i wearing a blue shirt and a white helmet and riding a pretty large

    650cc kawasaki versys

    i can only guess he was sending an sms or updating his facebook page on an iphone ,impossibe to say really as he had a tinted mirrored layer on all his windows and the only thing i could see was my own reflection

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