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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. You are so lucky. Last november, I made the mistake of buying a Motorola razr hd. What a big mistake.

    They promised an unlocked boot loader and ICS within 3-4 months, but so far, they have not delivered. Besides, having a slim body, everything else is inferior to the S2. I can't wait to get the new S3 next month.

    Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

    build quality is probably better on the Motorola Razr HD but thats very subjective

    it certaintly "feels" stronger built than my GS2 and Gnex do

  2. . and heck whats up with the single poster appearing out of nowhere?

    the plot thickens .........I suspect fowl play

    I'm more interested to hear the testimony of the [sic] "two stff members"

    I'm also curious as to something that hasn't been properly explained yet: Was there any zucchini on offer, and was it advertised?

    its important we dont overlook the details ..........did the 170 KG manager really eat the chicken before the OP arrived or was there no chicken ever there to be eaten ?

    I wonder if we could call upon the CCTV that overlooks the platters to see if there was in fact some chicken at any stage on sunday ?

    if indeed there was chicken ,the staff were maybe just slow in realising it had been eaten ,and putting some more in its place ..........

    but then we have the matter of the cheese ......

    • Like 1
  3. Try Kasikorn. The wife told me they had issused me one and I had to go and pick it up.

    Erm I never applied for one and don't want one. Told them thanks but no thanks.

    So they must be easy. rolleyes.gif

    I have no idea about money back on petrol (I doubt it) , but robinsons and central department regularly give a further discounts on certain credit cards. I think power buy and some other place that won't come to mind at the moment do a well.

    there actually are some kickbacks on petrol (caltex and PTT garages refund 3 % )


    and several other benefits of using a thai credit card to pay to stuff

  4. I spend a fortune on grocerys ,petrol/diesel and other stuff in big stores

    i read that a thai credit card gives you 8-10% back on purchases like these and discounts on top of that

    i use my thai debit cards for all these things and hence get no benefits

    i have a condo worth 5 million

    (in my name ) and substancial amounts in saving accounts in kasikorn and bangkok bank

    the problem is ,im self employed in europe and i only have a thai student visa that gets updated yearly (no thai work permit )

    would any bank issue a credit card based on savings in their branch ? or is it based only on incoming income (which i have 0 )

  5. Just my experience, but the only place in Bangkok that rents big bikes that I know of still hasn't resolved our little dispute from 7 months ago. They say I damaged their bike, I say I didn't, they won't return my calls and they haven't returned my deposit of 5000 baht, and they wanted to keep my passport. Maybe a fluke experience, but I have never before or since had a problem renting big bikes from Thai run shops all over Thailand, never been accused of damage I didn't do, but did have problems with this foreign run establishment in Bangkok. So, if you rent one in Bangkok, it is on Rama 9, and take your own photos at the shop and agree on all damage. It looks like they upgraded their bikes recently, but I would still be careful before you drive away.

    there is plenty of these places in bkk ,i know there is one at ratchada 17 http://bmr-bikes.com/

    never have a problem there ,got deposit back fully but they have not bikes larger than 650cc i think

  6. Well, if that DTAC thing happened with me, my wife would be giving me the evil eye for getting angry, so that would be worse than not having phone service.

    Re the bike helmet- I learned long ago that one can not be trusting. Does your bike not have one of those convenient hooks under the seat for it? Takes about 15 seconds to secure a helmet. Either that or buy a cheap and useless helmet that no one would want.

    a cheap useless helmet in a crash ...........

  7. This thread could have been much funnier, I agree lets close it down.

    Agree, but the request has been ignored, despite changing the words from my mouth without even asking and by doing so, even the meanings....that's what prompted me to ask for a closure, you have no chances to give your reasons

    move to bkk or pattaya ,you will still be under scrutiny ,but it will be a bit more "diluted" because at the moment ,its You against the entire village

    Your never going to win this situation .......

  8. This sounds like its going to end in tears ,i would pack my shit and get outta there

    If the whole village is against you ,YOU should move

    if they are trying to provoke a reaction out of you on your own property its going to end in violence

    sooner or later

    A meter of heavy chain would also solve the problem ,but you may have to pay the medical expenses

    or even stay in jail a few nights so best not to resort to weapons unless defending yourself from immediate attack

    Yes i am aware of the risks, thanks, but the point is that we are not all tourists with a backpack already on, as very likely Bendix is, and leave everything behind, sometime we have to stand our grounds

    so ,whats the plan then ?

  9. This sounds like its going to end in tears ,i would pack my shit and get outta there

    If the whole village is against you ,YOU should move

    if they are trying to provoke a reaction out of you on your own property its going to end in violence

    sooner or later

    A meter of heavy chain would also solve the problem ,but you may have to pay the medical expenses

    or even stay in jail a few nights so best not to resort to weapons unless defending yourself from immediate attack

  10. The very fact that this policeman is rich enough to be owning and renting properties would be cause for concern in itself

    I love it how everyone says the policeman must be a decent law abiding fellow who would never use illegal tactics to make lots of money

    But policemen dont get enough salary to be ..........without.................using illegal tactics to make lots of money ............

  11. Anyone rooted their ICS S2 yet? I would consider the upgrade only if I can get it rooted again without the ugly yellow triangle.

    yes ,use chainfires triangle away APP

    it worked perfectly for me and re-set the boot loader from about 27 back to zero because i used to flash roms often

    it can be downloaded from xda for free but if you can afford ,you should pay a dollar and download it from the market and support

    the developer so he can keep his work up to date

  12. Re: MBK counter shops, I did try to find S-Phone but couldn't. I did get a quote, nearly 30 days ago, on a SGN for 13,500 asked/offered no negotiation (I didn't push for lower), from a counter shop roughly where indicated on the attached map, 4th floor, nearly straight in from the Tokyu Dept. Store exit/entrance..

    i picked up one of these today

    i went to the 4th floor (mbk)

    1st shop i stopped at with a prety young girl at the counter

    i asked her how much is the nexus now

    she said 12,700

    i asked her if thats the best price she can do

    she asked me if i can take a black one she can go 12,600

    i didnt bother to haggle and just paid her on the spot

    i dont know if i could have got a cheaper one if i went around and compared every shop

    but i was prepared to pay 13,200 anyway so 12,600 was a bonus

    i was out within 6-7 minutes

    (i hate MBK so getting what i want and leaving ASAP is more important to me than saving a few thb walking around it ) :)

  13. how long do you think it will take the box shops to start selling it cheaper than the networks ? smile.png

    Not sure, depends on supply/demand. Maybe 60 - 90 days to get closer to 20,000?

    Im trying to remember ,i think the (thai ) galaxy s2 was a few months to hit 17,500 in the box shops

    Im wondering about people bring them to MBK from other grey market avenues

    if the galaxy nexus is 6000 thb cheaper than 19,900

    will they get the SGS 3 in the next couple of months with a similar whack knocked off ? but just no warranty ? :)

  14. See it at the banks often. All they do is stamp the fake notes as fake. Surely it shold be a bigger deal than that.


    did they let you walk out of a bank with those notes after stamping them ? ermm.gif

    if so,im going to have to start watching tellers when they count the money i lodge in case they would misplace a real note/notes

    with copys and claim mine were fake

  15. Is the price 21,900 Baht for the 16GB or 32GB model?

    I think there is a single model which has 16 GB of internal, fixed, very high speed memory, and a uSD slot which can accommodate up to a 32 GB USD card.

    In some cases there will be promotions which include a uSD card:

    First 2,000 pre-ordered customers will also receive 16 GB Micro SD Card complimentary from dtac and Samsung.

    So in essence a total of 32 GB, for the first 2,000 customers.

    Is the price 21,900 Baht for the 16GB or 32GB model?

    I think there is a single model which has 16 GB of internal, fixed, very high speed memory, and a uSD slot which can accommodate up to a 32 GB USD card.

    In some cases there will be promotions which include a uSD card:

    First 2,000 pre-ordered customers will also receive 16 GB Micro SD Card complimentary from dtac and Samsung.

    So in essence a total of 32 GB, for the first 2,000 customers.

    how long do you think it will take the box shops to start selling it cheaper than the networks ? :)

  16. You supposedly have a solid contract for 4 years lease of a premises.

    Just politely refuse his offer, continue to pay rent on time and there is nothing he can do.

    Thailand is built in intimidation. If you are going to run at the first approach, you may as well pack up and go home now.

    Stand firm, use a lawyer if you feel it gives some documentation and protection and go onwards.

    If the landlord comes back with an offer that is beneficial to you, then consider that on its merits.

    You are holding a pair of Jacks. He's holding a King 3. It's all how you play the next few cards.

    i would say the landlord has ALL THE ACES UP HIS SLEEVE

    and a 9mm on his belt

    and a walkie talkie to call 400 of his mates who all have similar power

    i would not gamble when i could take the 400k and leave ,i also would not feel safe worrying

    if my actions costs the policeman to lose out on a few million thb

    It is attitudes like that, imtimidated by this guy being a policeofficer (half of this country is police whistling.gif ), that creates a not level playingfield. Not because that is the way it is, but because most farangs here are unrealisticly afraid of BIB, and ofcourse they (BIB) takes advantage of that. Do you seriously believe that the OP's landlord is going to kill him in a dispute over a rentalcontract. With the help of 400 of his mates, who all are just as corrupt and lacking moral values as the landlord? Get real, ! If you knew, how often I how heard from farang (or as letitbe would say: forang cheesy.gif ) that someone in the inlawfamily is a policeofficer, all highranking ofcourse. In all interaction with Thais, police or not, be polite but not krengjai, smile a lot but be firm. And you will find out that the law(?) of this country even is for you wai.gif

    thats all fine until theres a few million thb at stake (which they may well be in this case )

    if someone threw a matchbox of drugs over the wall and they were found on the property

    the landlord could get rid of the wife ,the farang and keep the 400,000thb in his pocket

    i think its a reasonable deal ,100grand gift money and your 300k deposit back

    theres no way hes going to pay your projected/ guesstimated earnings for the next 4 years (circa 4 million thb )

    i would love to say stay put but i think thats the wrong advice and may even be harmful

  17. You supposedly have a solid contract for 4 years lease of a premises.

    Just politely refuse his offer, continue to pay rent on time and there is nothing he can do.

    Thailand is built in intimidation. If you are going to run at the first approach, you may as well pack up and go home now.

    Stand firm, use a lawyer if you feel it gives some documentation and protection and go onwards.

    If the landlord comes back with an offer that is beneficial to you, then consider that on its merits.

    You are holding a pair of Jacks. He's holding a King 3. It's all how you play the next few cards.

    i would say the landlord has ALL THE ACES UP HIS SLEEVE

    and a 9mm on his belt

    and a walkie talkie to call 400 of his mates who all have similar power

    i would not gamble when i could take the 400k and leave ,i also would not feel safe worrying

    if my actions costs the policeman to lose out on a few million thb

  18. I would do my best to keep the economy working and use it as my airport departure tax .

    The only problem I see with your cunning plan Baldrick is that you dont pay departure tax at the airport anymore...its in your ticket price..thumbsup.gif

    biggrin.png The OP didnt actually say which country though did he though Baldrick wink.png .. Bali airport you still pay cash on exitwai.gif

    but hes not posting on balivisa.com

    that alone should give you a clue as to which country hes referring to......

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