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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. You pester us with your uncunning old farang / young thai girl stories so why cannot I pester you with sth entirely different?

    And who made you judge and jury? Not all dress like that and who says that according to what've you have heard is to right way to get intregated into the society?

    I think you are full of baloney. If you kept your mind open to suggestions then the discussion would have taken another turn.

    OK fair enough. It's true that if you have no need to "integrate" as being respectable, and just want to be perceived as another down-and-outer in a wifebeater drinking lao khao with the lads that's your right.

    For me, I need to make an impression to land jobs with wealthy Thai customers, so my view of integration is going to be different.

    To each his own you're absolutely right.

    You are full of baloney.

    Last time i heard that was while watching Judge Judy many years ago :)

  2. BS on the S2 face down.You were lucky.I knocked mine off the table last year . Landed face down, glass cracked, phone dead. 5k baht repair at Samsung. Not built for dropping. Old slide Samsung still working perfectly after many drunken drops.

    To start with, it wasn't me doing the test, I did drop my S2 a few times and no cracks, no scratches, you can call it lucky if you want (I would call you un-lucky instead). Have you ever held the 4S in your hand? It's all glass and weights like a brick, no worder they break, not just in that youtube video.

    That video is about the comparison of 4S and S2, now about S2 and some old Samsung. Keep in mind that every drop is not the same and there could be cases like yours when S2 falls down and breaks, but I'm sure the video perfectly demostrates that 4S can't stand a chance agains S2 if dropped.

    the s2 is fragile and screen is very hard but brittle ,ive seen one break only falling from waist height

    drop tests are very inconclusive since every drop is differnt unless they were dropped in a lab by a robot maybe 10,000 times and work out the average of screen failures

    someone drop tested an iphone from a tall building in germany once and it recorded video all the way down .....and kept recording after it hit the bricks

    video is probably still on youtube

  3. YipYip, You say you live in a house. D'you by any chance have water jars filled by rainwater? If so, you might extol the healthy virtues of washing the hair in rainwater. My much beloved adopted this procedure when we moved up-country. She fills a bowl with water from the jar, squats prettily and washes, then conditions and rinses her hair. No clogged drains!

    If you don't have rainwater, what about a hose from your main water supply? If squatting prettily is not an option, raise the bowl to an acceptable height.

    You could also, of course, assemble the foursome, look suitably worried and seek their advice as to how to deal with the problem, citing destruction of the pipework by using acid as the reason for your concern.

    Give it a shot. Prevention is so much better than cure.


  4. i have a license but i never show it to them. Do not show or give your license to them It creates more problems as they try to take it.

    They lost my license at the police station once as i lost the receipt they gave me and they never found it.

    So, i always say: " I don't know, i no English, no Thai" what ever they say to me.

    They mostly let me go most of the time.biggrin.png

    Try and see, you will understand me. haha

    i tried that once at suvaranpuum

    pretended i couldt understnd anything ........

    they radioed for a pick up to bring my bike to be impounded at the station (i was thinking they might be stealing it because it was a grey import also )

    You need some sort of licence to drive anything in thailand ,at least in BKK

  5. may i ask something that is out of the topic? been wondering, does thai gold have the highest percentage of gold in their jewelries? 96.5%?

    i could vaguely remember the gold i had seen in hongkong are actually lower in % but cost more than thai gold, is that due to the workmanship or there is some materials that justify the cost?

    you can even get 24k jewelry.

    is thai " bog standard" gold the same as 24K gold in the west ?

  6. No problem in the sticks, only helmets on market day.

    ^^ YipYip..not producing your licence is probably an offence.

    i had my licence and when i was relieved of it at the first checkpoint earlier in the day ,how could i have it again to produce at the next checkpoint and the next one after that ?

    (if you get an official ticket ,you have 7 days to pay the bill from the date on it ) )

    multiple checkpoints on the same day are going to result in some people being stopped 2-3-4+ times if you need to do a lot of driving like i do

    they could have all gotten a small bribe from me but if they want to be extra greedy ,il ask for an official ticket each time

    Might be time to start riding a scooter again ,big shiny bikes give the impression youre loaded with cash

  7. Sometimes happens on my S2. Don't know the answer, but hopefully a firmware update will fix it.

    Me also- just bought the S2, and have noticed my phone falling off the network. When it happens, it is totally gone - "Emergency Calls Only". Rebooting the phone restores the connection right away.

    Irritating because there is no outward sign when this happens - still showing signal strength, and sometimes still have data service, but can't make or take phone calls.

    Anyone else have problem like this? I'm suspecting the SIM card, even though the SIM worked fine for a year in my previous Galaxy mini, and for years before that in a variety of telephones.

    thats more or less exactly what i get on my gs2 (AIS )

    i thought /assumed it was thailands 3G network was dodgy but it seems to be android devices only because my old phones 600 thb nokia never loses a bar of signal

  8. i had this shit last week ,first time i flew past them in the 4th lane (the overtaking lane in some countries )

    he waved me to pull in but i didnt see the wave and hammered on

    on the way back (on a differnt route of course ) i gets stopped again ,i was in lane 2 of 4 lanes BUT THE INNERMOST IS A HARD SHOULDER which was

    blocked by police vehicles and desks and chairs

    I only had a 1000 ,a 500 and a 100 in my pocket, i offered to pay 100 since i had done nothing wrong

    he said to just give him the 500 or we go police station ,

    I laughed and put it back it back in my pocket

    i refused to hand him over my licence and asked for proof i had been in the right lane for this immaginary offence

    he then got flustered and and said my hat was illegal ,tinted visor is illegal so hes correct

    so again i told him i can pay 100 or nothing? ,up to you ? I tell him im going to need a photograph of his police ID number

    and record this incident because he is most definately in breach of the rules and took out my phone as if i was going to record him on video

    he flipped and tried to grab the phone but i stepped back and lowered the phone before he decided to shoot me

    he calls over a superior officer and i explain that i was in the left lane all the way from the intersection to the checkpoint ,he said maybe that police made a mistake about the lane but would have to give me a fine anyway for the illegal hat (which i accepted )

    i decided at that point ,these monkeys at the side of the road werent getting any cash from me and then requested an official ticket so i can pay it in my own time

    i took that fine and went on my way ,i ask someone to read it for me

    (written in thai of course ) and i WAS FINED 400 THB FOR RIDING IN THE WRONG LANE !!!

    night time comes andi was riding again and came around a corner straight into a checkpoint and they pulled the same shit and about lanes


    i just showed him my ticket from the morning and they wanted to fine me again ,but id have to pay cash ON THE SPOT :)

    i had about 30k in my pockets but i wasnt pulling that out so i asked for a ticket to pay at the station because i had not money

    After a few minutes deliberation ,they asked me if i have ATM card ,also i had about 6 cards in my wallet but i smiled and said no,thank you

    il pay at the station , just write me a ticket please......

    they went back and conferred and surprisingly came over and said ok,now u go ( for free after 15 minutes of detention and deliberation they must have decided i was wasting more time than i was worth )

    yesterday i was riding again and i see a checkpoint in front ,i switch right in behind a fast moving fortuner and ignore their waves to pull over again

    its getting beyond a joke , 6-7 checkpoints in a week and they want usually 400 if they can get it whether youve done anything or not

  9. anything with a big screen will be good for those purposes

    dont bother spending too much on the fastest CPU or graphics because for your purposes ,you wont know the differnce

    big HDD is desirable but external ones are so cheap ,you can buy those if and when u need them

  10. Hi

    I am a big fan of android system and owner of many android devices (mostly samsungs)

    I have noticed sometimes (not very often ) my phone signal bars go to zero and there is a tiny R character

    (obviously ,this means i cant recieve calls or data when im in this stage )

    doesnt happen on my 600thb nokia :)

    usually i can reboot the phone and it works again but i was talking with two thai guys

    using android phones from other manufactures (not samsung ) and they live 50 km from me

    on the opposite side of the city who have the same problem sometimes

    they think it an android problem and they think it doesnt happen on iphones

    i was under the impression it was a dropped signal due to the dodgy thai network transmitters etc

    and when you re-boot the phone ,it re-connects to the server

    does this happen to anyone else or has anyone noticed anything similar ?

  11. sorry,im in the centre of bangkok

    thats just what i was hoping (fabricate parts to make it fit or buy a few fittings and use 80% of what ive already got )

    a nice cheap solution

    these GIVI boxes and racks are a nice design so id like to keep em and stick em on the Versys if possible

    if i have to get new ,il probaby go with shad boxes or something cheaper than givi

  12. If its as crap as everything else from china i doubt many people will buy one

    they cant make 125cc and 250cc bikes properly yet so god help anyone who buys a 1000cc supersport

    from china

    If China can put a man in space then they can build a litre sportsbike...........maybe.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    If its as crap as everything else from china i doubt many people will buy one

    they cant make 125cc and 250cc bikes properly yet so god help anyone who buys a 1000cc supersport

    from china

    If China can put a man in space then they can build a litre sportsbike...........maybe.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    the chinese government have unlimited cash to work on space age programs and probably world domination

    i doubt lifan can compete with those resources and this bike will probably be cheap shit "cost focused " more

    than cutting edge groundbreaking bike technology

    1961 the farangs had a man in space ? thats a long time ago now in terms of tech advancements :D

  13. I have a set of givi boxes and mounting racks that came off a 2011 Ninja 650

    I want to put them on a 2011 Versys but the brackets are a differnt fitting

    is there any shop that could modify the ninja bracket to fit on a versys or would

    it be cheaper to just dump the lot and buy a system designed for the versys ?

  14. I kill little brown scorpions. mosquitoes and centipedes. The big black scorpions can go on their way. I don't allow anyone to molest my tokays because they enjoy eating the centipedes. Since my tokays are protected by me, I have not seen a centipede for over a year.

    In the last 3 months I have had scorpions, millipedes and now this centipede, but to me the worst of all are those flying cockroaches. I hate cockroaches with a vengeance ever since I worked in a bakery as a teenager and we had to kill them in their hundreds by stamping on them. All that crunching and blood underfoot, Yeuk !!

    sounds a bit messy ,theres plenty of posions out there but probably not allowed to use near food baking area

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