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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Ridiculous comment, it's a matter of software, done in a moment. How do you come up with it.
  2. This is very strange, yesterday I saw this message in a newspaper in the Netherlands: Ayutthaya - The keepers of the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace & Royal Kraal elephant park in Thailand were ecstatic as one of their elephants had given birth to twins. The joy soon turned to panic as the mother elephant suddenly started attacking one of her babies. An employee intervened, but was then injured herself. Due to the fact that twins are rarely born to elephants, I wonder if they are the same elephant. But then it was also worth mentioning that the elephant was initially aggressive.
  3. 'stressing the necessity of verifying renters’ driving licences and enforcing helmet use' Again, only for the tourists, b.t.w. how about this to the locals? Or do we turn our heads, as usual, the other way.
  4. It is the same with withdrawing money from an atm machine, in Europe, before you take the money out of the machine, you have to take out your credit card first, here in LOS it is exactly the other way around, resulting in forgetting to take out the credit card. People have been complaining about this for years but they don't change it. Why not, is the big question.
  5. "Thailand should pay attention. " Surely there will have to be better governance first
  6. That happens regularly when you order something with destination Thailand. If you are unlucky, which has happened to me more than once now, it arrives in Thailand with a different tracking number where the delivery driver delivers it to the wrong address, so you both lose your money and don't get what you ordered. These days to avoid this, I check in Thailand first, whether it is available there.
  7. It reminds me that when I was a teenager, and had my room upstairs. When there was too much noise in my father's opinion, he switched off the power downstairs so that the whole house was without power, it did help. This as an alternative, if someone put a bullet through their head.
  8. Oh, I see well here we also have trolls to discredit someone. Well done, keep up the good work.
  9. It is already far too late, people should have started doing this 30 years ago....you might wonder why I myself have been in Thailand for more than 25 years. Then I was doing business with Turks myself, irritating people to do business with there, and then came the Moroccans, that was much worse, they were intimidating you with a gun in their pocket.
  10. If no more fingerprints, it is possible to give someone else with a little corresponding face your passport, I am thinking of a brother or sister, for example. Spectacle wearers also have several options, at immigration, I have to take off my glasses, in contrast, there is no such need at automatic verification.
  11. They stand there looking like they invented the wheel themselves.
  12. I can go one step further, but then they get tired.
  13. Huh, under 4 thb/unit? Then it's almost time I removed the solar panels from my roof.
  14. It is beginning to look more and more like this government is getting crazier by the day. Unbelievable.
  15. When I am on the plane, I can look even further. Nothing special people, just move on.
  16. Why on earth are we not allowed to see the handcuffs? Does it sometimes display a key number?
  17. Totally agree, but then you have to have those credits/assets.
  18. Let me tell you in short my experience, it starts more than 25 years ago, yes I met a hooker from Thailand in Europe, and stays a few years with her In the longer term in Thailand, I felt cheated, and after several times on/off, definitely drew a line under it, yes with sadness. There after again met a hooker in Phuket whom I now live with for more than 15 years, to the great satisfaction of both sides. So it can go right, it can go wrong. But I should mention the cultural differences remain and are sometimes difficult.
  19. That does sound a bit contradictory, after all, I too have a retirement extension based on NON-O for many years, with this visa, no additional health insurance is required. That is required if any other type of visa. So in my opinion, the rules that apply to NON-O are still applied.
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