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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Thank you, my gf is also driving a motorbike, but she is not an idiot. Maybe next time you should think before you comment....idiot.
  2. YES, especially when you approach it at a retarded, ridiculous, speed....don't blame me!
  3. Unbelievable! I can imagine that there are people who no longer want to live in this country. For some reasons, I have to stay, I don't have possebilities to leave. It is and remains a third world country.
  4. The Nethelands consist largely of dikes, because more than half of it lies below sea level. And after the flooddisaster of 1953 people started controlling the water in many ways including dykes. And those dikes keep the Netherlands dry.
  5. And dykes, dykes and more dykes.
  6. I wouldn't take the risk. I tried high blood pressure pills once, but never arrived.
  7. Because they believe they have more than one life. They learn when they do there best in this life they will better come back, if not they come back as a animal.
  8. What are BB guns? BB reminds me on a actress many years ago and 'BB'; could also related to something else, regarding that woman.
  9. Why are you making it so difficult, when you know which one you need you can order one directly from Apple. I have been that for many years, even the big computers,and if you don't like it, you can simple return it, free of charge and get your money back right away
  10. Tell me what it means in Thailand: "a qualified electrician" I don't have much confidence in that, they can confess everything with their mouth but practice goes a bit more laboriously.
  11. Iran, Oh well, what do you expect from the axis of evil?
  12. Do you see a mirror outside the car??? I don't. (only on the left side)
  13. Oh yeah, Safety First, you can only see it on big signs. Throughout the whole country, but that's where it ends. RIP.
  14. My experience for many years is he speak the true. Phuket is the most expensive province from Thailand, 25 years ago already.
  15. I've mention this before, the taxi mafia on Phuket consist largeley of people who maintain the faith of peace.
  16. Not only that but the Crude Oil price has been around $ 73 per barrel for months. So I don't understand whu now suddenly the price has go down. It should have gone down a long time ago.
  17. A little further on there is someone with a remote control.
  18. What do you expect with China as nabour which are of the same kind.
  19. What do you think about the population. Don't underestimate that.
  20. It reminds me of the tomatoes in this country. What a horrible mess they are, they look like apples, they are so hard,a ripe tomato should be soft and I don't understand it, there is enough sun, isn't there? Why are there no decent tomatos in this country? Edit: and yes I try to growing this by myself, but so far I have not succeeded.
  21. I don't understand that, when I turned 50, now 27 years ago, I was very happy. I had just sold my company and settled in Thailand, and I have not regretted it for a moment, so I am still happy until death...it's not so difficult. And don't forget 'Paradise on earth does not exist', that is my motto.
  22. Well in one of your premessages you said this item is not about the BRICS countries, but Thailand is nominated to become a member of the BRICS countries. For that reason I still believe that it is important to know what will happen to the currency in this country. However, I also believe that gold provides a great deal of security, and that I'm certainly not going to worry about confiscations or some burgler who could come to steal my gold. BTW Can you imagine especially in Thailand where everybody owning a little bit or a little bit more gold that the government would dare to confiscate that? You don't believe that yourself.
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