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Posts posted by DocN

  1. My missus is red to the core as are most Issan folk. Not because they are stupid, ill educated and unthinking morons ...no...because they despise everything that the Bangkok wealthy and Amart stand for. I think it was in the late 50's that the Issan dialect was banned from schools... so English is actually their 3rd language. The wealthy in Bangkok send their children to international schools whilst ALL previous governments have purposely put in place practices which disenfranchise the rural poor from a good education. Keep them in their place where they belong ! ... a case in point is the convoluted written languge..poor old Somchai working in the paddy from dawn to dusk has little time left after mastering Thai to explore any other educational routes. The Thai culture of patronage, feudalism, face and respecting a Poo Yai (irrespective of how they got their wealth... I'm thinking Suthep here)... all comes together to explain why the rural poor will take a chance on the Thaksin regime.... He can walk with the people... Abhisit? I think not. So to all you posters who say that Thaksin just 'bought' the votes .. you are being stupid beyond belief. If someone is going to give them 200 B ... they will take it...even from the Democrats...THEN .. go and vote for who they want anyway. The real problem is that the Democrats have consistently shown to be incapable as a strong opposition, as a consequence we have the so called 'democratic dictatorship', this, together with a piss weak judicial system with no real checks and balances and we have what is modern Thailand.

    Making the assumption that everyone in Bangkok and everyone protesting are wealthy and amart is just as bad as assuming that everyone north of Bangkok is stupid, ill educated and unthinking morons.

    Okay...and that is exactly the point: I know many, who walk in the protests and say" I don't like Suthep"- what they don't get is: as long as you walk his walk, cheer his speeches and don't walk out, when the mad man appears YOU ARE BACKING HIM UP!

    And another point: they are not the elite, not the amart, agreed!

    But they are a) backing their cause and b ) will be used by them and don't even know!

    Ditto for anyone supporting red shirts, and therefore supporting Thaksin.

    I didn't say anything different...only that was just not the question here!

  2. The problem is, Head and others who are reporting from Thailand would not be able to tell all the details even if they knew them (which I am not convinced they do).

    He cant reveal the direct support that Suthep is getting from "certain people" on high. He cant directly discuss the roots of the class system in Thailand. The fact that such subjects are banned is a huge advantage to Suthep.

    Even on this forum not all the details are allowed to be discussed. To be honest the best appraisal of the real story can be obtained by mixing with the "connected" Thai community outside of Thailand where they are allowed to discuss openly. The fact is, those "in the know" who are best placed to know the full situation unanimously consider Suthep is a means to an end, the end being reclamation of government by the upper class backed by "those on high", using military force, a situation which they are dreading.

    I cant believe that some foreigners on this forum actually support the protesters. They either dont know all the details, or they are stupid. I would also bet that 99% of those on the streets dont understand the full situation either.

    I actually think, they know!

    There are many articles out there -in the real world- that perfectly well describe connections and tell names.

  3. My missus is red to the core as are most Issan folk. Not because they are stupid, ill educated and unthinking morons ...no...because they despise everything that the Bangkok wealthy and Amart stand for. I think it was in the late 50's that the Issan dialect was banned from schools... so English is actually their 3rd language. The wealthy in Bangkok send their children to international schools whilst ALL previous governments have purposely put in place practices which disenfranchise the rural poor from a good education. Keep them in their place where they belong ! ... a case in point is the convoluted written languge..poor old Somchai working in the paddy from dawn to dusk has little time left after mastering Thai to explore any other educational routes. The Thai culture of patronage, feudalism, face and respecting a Poo Yai (irrespective of how they got their wealth... I'm thinking Suthep here)... all comes together to explain why the rural poor will take a chance on the Thaksin regime.... He can walk with the people... Abhisit? I think not. So to all you posters who say that Thaksin just 'bought' the votes .. you are being stupid beyond belief. If someone is going to give them 200 B ... they will take it...even from the Democrats...THEN .. go and vote for who they want anyway. The real problem is that the Democrats have consistently shown to be incapable as a strong opposition, as a consequence we have the so called 'democratic dictatorship', this, together with a piss weak judicial system with no real checks and balances and we have what is modern Thailand.

    Making the assumption that everyone in Bangkok and everyone protesting are wealthy and amart is just as bad as assuming that everyone north of Bangkok is stupid, ill educated and unthinking morons.

    Okay...and that is exactly the point: I know many, who walk in the protests and say" I don't like Suthep"- what they don't get is: as long as you walk his walk, cheer his speeches and don't walk out, when the mad man appears YOU ARE BACKING HIM UP!

    And another point: they are not the elite, not the amart, agreed!

    But they are a) backing their cause and b ) will be used by them and don't even know!

    • Like 1
  4. Hello, I will be travelling to Bangkok just after Christmas. Can I check with you guys who are locals, is it safe to travel say during weekdays or will the level escalate? Thank you for your replies. Traveller from Singapore.

    Still as safe or unsafe as it always was.

    At the moments, everything is easily avoided, if you just don't go there (the demonstrations)

  5. Sometimes I think that a parody of democracy could be more dangerous than a blatant dictatorship, because that gives people an opportunity to avoid doing anything about it.

    Aung San Suu Kyi

    Would that be the same Aung San Suu Kyi who now plays such a large (yet inefectual) part in the very parody of (Burmese) democracy she seeminly once railed against?

    The same Aung San Suu Kyi who refuses to even protest, nevermind condemn, HER government's genocide of minority ethnic and religious groups within the borders of her own governmental "influence"?

    Aung San Suu Kyi is less her own person and with less substance than the winner of last year's "X-Factor".

    I'll take neither lessons nor lectures from Ms Aung San Suu Kyi, thank you very much.

    Yeah that same Aung San Suu Kyi, who is revered the world over and is now playing it a bit safer, to change the system from within.

    Which might take some time to work out!

    Who are your idols?

    Men with impressive mustaches?

  6. I am really and honestly disgusted by the borderline fascist bull**** that some are spewing here.

    Voting rights based on education?

    So if you are kept from education by the same people that will not give you voting rights, because you are uneducated...that is okay in your eyes?

    What hole did you people crawl out of?

    If you wanted cataracts operated on, you would see an eye specialist. If you needed company bookwork done you would see an accountant, if an airplane is broken an aircraft engineer is called in, but if a sensible choice must be made for electing a responsible government you want some drunken halfwit to be able to choose? You know it makes sense for some standards to be met to qualify as a valid conscientious voter.

    I want a drunken halfwit to choose!

    I want a not- drunken halfwit to choose!

    I want the educated elite to choose!

    It as much the drunken halfwits country as it is the educated's country.

  7. Suthep has played his hand.

    The Dems don't want an election because they know they can't win it.

    Therefore he wants chaos.

    The people pulling his strings are willing to risk all (read my earlier posts) because the prize is so big.

    A totalitarian state run paying lip service to monarchy, the establishment back in control.

    Big business won't care, tourists don't care as long as there is some signs of stability.

    But of course there are the people, who won't stand for this.

    So we need to have a revolution and sort out these elites once and for all.

    As I stated earlier, we are witnessing the death rattle of the establishment, who won't go down without a fight but it's too late, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

    The military needs to be careful, the USA won't accept any more coups which put these bastards back into power.

    So just as the establishment yielded power to the people in most western democracies, so they will yield here too.

    No, if there's a death rattle, it's the death rattle of a corrupt government that wants so much to continue stealing. The smart thing for them to do was to compromise and to work together with the opposition and impliment some reforms. Now, look at what has happened. It's going to be 2006 all over again. You think the USA cares if there's a coup. They'll do their usual doublespeak about supporting democracy blah blah blah then it's business as usual. 2006 is the perfect example. Any sanctions by the Americans or anyone else for that better?

    Ah, Gerry, there you are.

    before Thaksin there was no credible opposition.

    The pigs spent 12 months a year at the trough and thought it could never change.

    the bonanza of natural resources plus the booming tourism economy was all theirs, and rightfully theirs from family rights and blood ties to the ancient establishment.

    this upstart, Thaksin, not even from Bangkok came along and played the game to his advantage, and ever since they've been crying foul.

    Thaksin was smart, he unleased the power of the people.

    The yellows are just Bangkok public servants and are all brainwashed, hence the significance of their yellow colour. Forelock tuggers every one.

    They are absolutely snookered.

    They know they can't win an election.

    So the only choice left is to bring on another coup.

    yes the USA does care, or didn't you listen to the US ambassadore's comments?

    These greedy corrupt families who control the Democrats and have controlled Thailand for the past 200 years are just about to have it all taken away from them.

    Of course, they'll fight to the death, and they have no concience about what damage they cause.

    But, you can't stop the tide, and the tide has turned.

    Watch and learn.

    Ooooh 'they' the mysterious amart, the Bangkok elite that somehow mystically syphon money from Thailand without actually being i power. A mysterious set of unnamed people that are the cause of all Isaan ills.

    Do you know who these people are?

    I have an office on Silom, have been there since 2001. We get a taste of all colors of protests there. There really is no big difference between the people on the pro and anti govt crowds.

    Your anti amart rhetoric is nothing more than regurgitating hate speech. Hate speech that is designed to have people hate the other side so

    Much that they will overlook many sins that their own side are guilty of.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    yeah...ahm...pedro actually there are some very good pieces of journalism out there...only they are not available in Thailand or at least difficult (and not without risk) to get and to possess.

    But of course, it is people like you, who are Thai'er than Thai, who swallow all the c-r-a-p that gets fed to all Thailand for decades.

    Yes- there are very rich and very connected people...VERY connected, who have a great interest in what is going on right now.

    The pawns are being lined up now and this special chess- game will begin, when a normal chess game would end.

    Don't worry- you will maybe never "see" the amart...but they are there.

    And they are not very mysterious: they just hide very well and protect themselves with laws, that make them untouchable.

    • Like 1
  8. People show support by handing over cash to Suthep

    "Thank you dear protesters, and now go ahead and die for me already, I won't care, as long as you gimme money and I get into power again"

    In reality, he won't win because Thaksin has way more money and can buy his votes by a million times.... wai2.gif wai2.gifwai2.gif

    If anyone would really follow the money, that is involved in the PAD, Dems, Suthep ...it might show, that you are very, very wrong!

  9. Sounds like a damp squib. Maybe he should call off Sunday or risk looking even stupider than he does already!

    Most of the protestors I came across this afternoon, were on their way to the shopping malls, but did have whistles.

    You will see Sunday!

    And when you look this picture, do you really think that they are on them way to the shopping malls?


    Or maybe they should look like this =>


    They don't need their swords yet as the government hasn't (and hopefully won't) send in the army!

    You are missing the point here! The peoples who protest now (look at the 1st picture) do not go to the shopping mall!

    They are there to oust K. Yinglack Shinawat and all her goonies!

    Actually, no...that is not what they are!

    They are about to become pawns in a chess- match and they are gullible enough, to serve as canon- fodder...just as the ones below!

    • Like 1
  10. Did any of you -also on that other thread about how the current government is a dictatorship- ever ask themselves, why so many western journalists of renown new organisations (you may personally not like NYT or BBC or whatever...but that's not the point!) start writing blatantly simplified articles painting everything black and white (or red and yellow)?

    Is it really because those news organisations actually started hiring absolute morons to report the news from Thailand, since ...let's say...2002?

    Or may it be that these journalists actually would love to write the truth...but that should better be sent when you are basically sitting on your flight home, otherwise you may stay longer in Bangkok, than you actually wish for...and in less nice circumstances, as when you are writing simple stories about the "class- struggle" and Thailand being a beacon of democracy?!

    Just saying....

    • Like 2
  11. Got plenty and love them...even more loved getting them.

    They are only "publicly visible" when I am topless (which generally not a nice thing!) and in shorts.

    On a girl: can be very sexy, can be extremely gross.

    Like anything "fashion" or accessories that depends on her taste as the owner...and on my taste as the on-looker.

    • Like 2
  12. All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

    The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

    By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

    The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

    Buddhist, Christian or Satanist, apparently you have no children.

    I do have children...and if it happened to them I would know it is because of the past karma of my children to suffer and die in this way. Also my own past karma to cause me to lose a child and suffer any mental anguish.

    The Buddha said...'if you are being attacked and beaten by a bunch of people, and they are trying to kill you, do not feel anger or hate towards them, since that only makes you the same as them, but you should feel compassion for them, since they will surely suffer much in the future because of the karma they are creating for themselves.' ....certainly not an easy thing to do or easy mindset to have in such a situation. Life is not easy...nor is living it in peace and truth.


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