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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Hopefully the police catch the shooters.

    This is unacceptable.

    Suthep must call off all the protests immediately.

    If they did, what would you do. No way Suthep is backing down now, same as Thida and her people.

    Thailand is very close to making the choice either to go down the path of a Khmer Rouge-like Red swarm or remaining a relatively industrialized modern nation.

    Thailand is very close to remaining a Democracy - or letting a few idiots overrun the country and turn it into a communist state controlled by the aristocracy with no elections and no hope.

    Thailand is very close to performing a great magic- act and vanish into its own @$$hole!

    I absolutely believe there is mayham going on outside that stadium, although I am quiet sure it is hard to tell, who draw first blood...neither do I care!

    I guess, it will be a very hot night and an even hotter sunday!

    I fear the worst and really don't care who did what first and who did what to retaliate.

    It is a crying shame!

    • Like 1
  2. I am not condoning either of the 2 following "events", but again I am a bit confused.

    German photo- journalist beaten by anti- government demonstrators: "He is biased and a red-supporter! He should stay away from a anti-government rally! He was clearly asking for it!"

    Jatuporn warns students, not to get too close to the Stadium:"How dare he? These students are just exercising their right to demonstrate..."

    Now -again- Jatuporn is a dangerous man, and he should be in jail, for all I care...but...bit of double standard, don't you think?

    Talking of double standards, the police requested a warrant for Suthep's arrest. Jauporn is clearly and repeatedly in violation of his bail conditions. Expect he'll be arrested anytime now and placed back in prison wink.png

    A friend of mine was near the assaulted German journalist with another journalist. My friend and the other journalist had no problems, and reported people were friendly and wanting to explain why they were there. I don't condone violence and suggesting "anyone asks for it" is silly. However, a journalist, known for his often very sympathetic comments towards red shirts and Thaksin should have exercised caution. Bit like a football supporter exercising his right to stand in the middle of the rival teams fans. It will lead to trouble,

    Absolutely agree with all you say.


  3. I don't know why I give you the honor of an answer, but...NO, I would not prefer that!

    Just show me a post of mine where I "fire" against the "Dems/yellow shirts/elites/hi-sos" in my (and you are right about that) "amazing posts!

    I don't know if I would regard your answer as an honor, and you were joking about showing you a post where you had "fired" against the opposition, right ? clap2.gif

    Nope, not at all! Show me, where I am "fireing" against them.

    PM me or make it public, I don't care.


  4. I am not condoning either of the 2 following "events", but again I am a bit confused.

    German photo- journalist beaten by anti- government demonstrators: "He is biased and a red-supporter! He should stay away from a anti-government rally! He was clearly asking for it!"

    Jatuporn warns students, not to get too close to the Stadium:"How dare he? These students are just exercising their right to demonstrate..."

    Now -again- Jatuporn is a dangerous man, and he should be in jail, for all I care...but...bit of double standard, don't you think?

  5. link did not load the photo so doing it manually -- The high-so entertainment at the stadium ... (and how empty it is!) There are about 100 buses heading down from Udon now though (so that will add 50% to the crowd)

    Hi-So entertainment?

    Not enough Jazz and Expressional Dance for you?

    No reading of Nietzsche?

    As I see it, theses dancers are part of a Luk Toong - show...to be seen everywhere in Thailand all year round.

    But at least you are right about the empty stadium.

  6. My god blink.png

    Those courageous people fighting to destroy democracy are also attacking children?

    I usually prefer to post rather light hearted comments... But in this case I really find it disgusting >_>

    Not only they are criminals, now their cowardice has also come to light.

    A 10 years old boy as a target? Shame on these cowards !

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    At least a million young kids aren't receiving a decent education, why? because of the corrupt practices of her government


    The education problem came with Thaksin!

    Before he was around, education in Thailand was bliss and whenever a young child of a rice farmer in Isan could not attend school, because his family was too poor, 1 or 2 rich families threw in some money, so the kid could continue with the education process...

  7. For all I care, they can stay there until hell freezes over. Just don't destroy the place, like you did last time!

    (yeah yeah I know...way better than burning down Bangkok blah blah blah)

    Would you prefer they did burn down Bangkok, Doc ? Give you a bit more ammo to fire at the "Dems/yellow shirts/elites/hi-sos" in your amazing posts ?

    I don't know why I give you the honor of an answer, but...NO, I would not prefer that!

    Just show me a post of mine where I "fire" against the "Dems/yellow shirts/elites/hi-sos" in my (and you are right about that) "amazing posts!

  8. Get all the morons into Rajamangala Stadium, cut the power and lock the doors.

    Som tum and sticky rice 3 times a day

    All the morons?

    Wouldn't it be better to keep red and yellow apart?

    I'm intrigued

    Where are the yellows?

    Nowhere, of course! They are now People's Committee for Changes of Thailand into Complete Democracy under Constitutional Monarchy...

    I said it before: just because a cow is born in a horse- stable, doesn't mean it can win the Derby!

    • Like 1
  9. This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

    ...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

    Call him what you will but don't forget the most accurate description which is that he is correct.

    Thailand has been led by convicted criminals (and those yet to be convicted) for what seems like 'forever' and is still being led by the same factions.

    ...which includes him!

  10. Let me just get that straight and mind you, I am not saying either version is correct.

    I just wonder, how some of you handle "the truth".

    This piece of "news" comes out and you at once deem it propaganda, because what else can it be, coming from the devils layer eg. someone remotely or closely or whatever linked to the government.

    And when the director of the school in question is tweeting something...that is the gospel and by no means is made up??

    You want CCTV evidence for the one...but you take the other as given, because someone has seen a tweet?!

    The black/white- vision (or yellow/red) on this forum is staggeringly amazing!

    • Like 1
  11. Suthep is raising a clenched fist Communist style. Reminds me of Mandela. The government and military are charged with enforcing the law and maintaining peaceful order in society. Allowing protesters to enter and occupy their buildings is a FAILURE. Using force to prevent this is justified and warranted. Protesters have "crossed the line." The government is committing suicide. Perhaps this is a good thing. Time will tell. I wish the US government would commit suicide too...

    Even mentioning Suthep in one sentence with Mandela should be an offense to every thinking person!

    • Like 1
  12. Before I write my post let me first state my absolute dislike for Puea Thai and as someone who has lived in Bangkok for 6 years I will never forget the mayhem their hired thugs caused in 2010. I still feel hatred when I see the family across the street going out to a protest all dressed up in their red shirts.


    How in god's name can any foreigner even pretend to support this mob going around at the moment? Let's be very clear on this - they want to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a council of UNELECTED people of their own choosing to write a new constitution for the country. Can you imagine this happening in your own country and not being outraged?

    Protest peacefully against the disgraceful amnesty bill? Brilliant

    Protest against the corruption riddled rice scheme? Fantastic

    Protest against the attempt to fiddle with the senate to consolidate power into fewer families? Superb

    And you can even protest to put pressure on the government to dissolve the house and call a snap election, but when you refuse to even consider a snap election that is going against all of the ideals of democracy. All of the points that Suthep laid out in his six point plan can be achieved through a democratically elected parliament but the Democrats have never had the balls or the intelligence to get out there and win the working class vote.

    Do people really want to see this country set back to zero by a bunch of old men with ideals more suited to 100 years ago? The government at the moment has many flaws but they were elected by the people. The thought of some council of old farts dictating a new constitution and acting like a bunch of feudal lords makes me sick to my stomach.

    Welcome, brother, to the club of Red/Thaksin -supporters on TV...as you will be deemed from now on, by all of the anti- Thaksin League!

    • Like 2
  13. This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

    ...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

    I disagree. The people who cheered Jatuporn believed what he was doing was the right thing. That was their democratic right.

    The same way these protesters have the democratic right to protest the Thaksin/Yingluck government.

    Totally agreed. Hence the " at "stupid"....

  14. This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

    ...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

    I am not sure how one can equate people who exhort crowds to "burn Bangkok" with someone who insists on non-violent protest.

    Neither side is pure as the driven snow, but the wanton destruction that occurred in 2010 at their leader's behest was far in excess of what we are seeing. I hope I don't say this prematurely, but the evidence to date suggests that the criminal acts od 2010 far outweigh the criminal acts that have been reported in the current demonstration.

    You are aware, that buildings in Bangkok were not burning after one week of occupation, aren't you?

    Just wait and see, what the occupiers of the day have in store for us in...let's say 2 weeks time, okay?!

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