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Posts posted by DocN

  1. docn The new one that was on last night with all the Kawa product placement was good!.

    YL aides say she will not appear on TV tonight. ... I am thinking a lst ditch effort maybe .... but who knows at this point.

    I am not really paying attention, though the 2 main actresses seem to be quiet cute...

    So it is good, she is not interupting.

    Unless she resigns, I simply don't need to hear her anyways.

    But I guess, we all just have to wait and see.

  2. Is anyone really surprised by the female PM? When she was selected or chosen by her brother as candidate for PTP's PM,She was incapable of taking part in any of the leader debates,restricting her campaign to shaking hands with her own supporters and smiling.This ineptitude continued throughout her 3 years as PM .rarely speaking in the parliament and her performance in the censure debate was ,even though expected, quite pathetic.She is clearly out of her depth,whether it's leading her incompetent corrupt government or dealing with a crisis.She must be running around asking her puppet masters "What do I do?" Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Is this a sexist remark...or are you just "out of your depth"?

  3. I thought I saw a press release about rubber bullets being fired at crowds. Was this false? Looking for updates as need to bring wife back home if this thing escalates too much more.

    There were reports of rubber bullets - but that has long since ceased as the crowds went away for the night. Use express ways where you can though - better safe than sorry.

    I have not seen any evidence of rubber bullets actually being used despite that one report/tweet .... not enough injuries reported for them to have been used (is what I think) Lots of disinformation out there.

    YL will be on the TV Pool soon (all channels)

    Grrrrrrrrreat...my gf is p1$$ed already, because her soap is being interupted with nonesensical announcements all the time...

  4. Finally made major news wires in US.


    Thai PM flees police compound as protesters launch 'people's coup'; at least four dead

    But after a day of skirmishes between protesters hurling stones and Molotov cocktails against riot police firing back with tear gas, the demonstrators failed to breach heavily barricaded Government House, office of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, although the number of protesters began to swell as night fell.

    "They haven't seized a single place," National Security Council Chief Paradorn Pattanathabutr told Reuters.

    The protesters sowed chaos in one of Southeast Asia's biggest cities, breaching a police line, seizing seven police trucks, and forcing Yingluck to move to an undisclosed location from a building where she was to give media interviews.


    No doubt US news are by far more accurate than anything else us mere mortals hear or see here on the ground.

    Except for False News, I give almost any US- press organisation a lot more credit, than almost every single Thai- journalist.

    • Like 1
  5. ***REPORT JUST IN***

    The protesters finally get through the gate at Government House only to find a note on the door that reads:

    "GONE SHOPPING.......please come back later"

    Better yet: "Out for Som Tum"....

    Funny you should say that... The social networks are alive with rumours that Yingluck has not been in the country since last night.

    Allegedly been leaked from some source that she is long gone as with a bunch of others.

    Now this is just unconfirmed rumours, but who here believes that it is quite possibly true?

    I for one certainly think so.

    So...the self-proclaimed hero of democracy and justice, Suthep, was talking to an imaginary PM for one hour?

  6. call it house arrest on innocent people.

    I have seen it myself when police didn't dispatch staff to RU, instead the red mob guarded and sealed the entrance while students have been locked inside, the lights off everywhere, even the streetlights. Police said it was inconvenient, meaning neglecting duty on a big scale. Instead thousands of police were sent to the stadium, non to be seen to protect the venue of locked innocent students. What a disgrace ...

    Sure you guys have seen the pictures when the army had to release them this afternoon. Did any of them, especially the girls look like mob with their handbags?

    A thousand questions need to be answered.

    Those with the fantasy of third hands, it is like in 2010 where they played the color shirt changes from within(a tactic used by the reds). - Nothing changed.

    Since it is not a curfew, I guess you are free to roam the city!


  7. Day of victory...with 4 people dead and a call for a strike tomorrow!

    Seriously...let's start celebrating!

    Todays victory should be awarded to the small group of Ramkhamhaeng University students that got 70.000 Red Skirts running for their lives.

    How anyone can seriously speak of "victory" after today, is beyond me!

    But you seem to be a nice "the glass is half full"- guy and see the positive in everything!

  8. So...this story was debunked as fake...by whom?

    The director came out and said it didn't happen?!

    Aha...sure ...he could not be telling a lie to protect his esteemed institution!

    Lies are exclusively for Thaksin and Red-shirt supporters.

    I personally don't believe the story is true, but I am not at church, so believe doesn't count for much now, does it!?

    "Lies are exclusively for Thaksin and Red-shirt supporters."

    At least part of the post had some truth in it ! clap2.gifcheesy.gif

    Remember, what I told you in my PM?

    Just do it...we all will profit!

    • Like 1
  9. +1.

    Most people don't realise the majority of Reds just want what each of us have taken for granted most of our lives - a fair and equal crack of the whip, equality and justice for all. The Yellows want Thailand how it used to be, and still is in a lot of circles; a caste type system, the rich stay rich and/or get richer, the poor know their place, stay in their place, low or no education, so they can continue as fodder for the factories, construction sites, and maids and servants for the elite. There is no way the Dems/Yellows would have ever put in the infrastructure there is now in the villages and towns in the North and NE. That is why this is turning into a class struggle - working class = Reds, elite = Yellows. Seems most people on this forum support snobbery and elitism, not seeing past the government is corrupt <deleted>. They are ALL corrupt, Dems no better than the rest, proven down the decades.

    Pardon me but I call BS on that!

    If your incredibly wrong and incredibly oversimplified statements of a class struggle were true even in general .... The South and the West would be red as well as the NE and the N .. yet they are not.

    The fact that TRT.PPP/PTP have failed to make any really significant changes in the client patron system other than to strengthen it some in the NE comes as no surprise to many. That people like you miss that fact is surprising! (and very very sad) ... From the village loan scheme to the rice pledging scheme the policies have just widened the gap and added debt to villages. The regional power families are as entrenched now as they were 12 years ago. That is the "caste system" in Thailand. The client/patron system. It can work well if the patron is reasonably selfless (or simply merely reasonable,) Unforyunately that is not how it works in the PTP (etc) system. The client patron system crushes the clients by pretending to be kind while in fact adding to the burden the client has.


    You are absolutely right on the facts!

    Thaksin and all of his aides are as much "elite" as Suthep, Abisith or others, even higher up the ladder.

    The magical word here is "perception"!

    I think many of the Thaksin- supporters perceive him, to be on their side!

    And the people who call that stupid and complain about it, are the exact same people who had decades to either a) educate the "stupid" people or b ) give them the feeling, they give a hoot about the "poor and downtrodden".

    They choose not to do so and so someone like Thaksin came along and got the "poor" behind him.

    Now everybody is upset about the stupidity of "the people"...sad day for them!

  10. So...one to four people died.

    We don't know how many, we don't know who they are and we don't know, who shot who and when and first...but we all jump to conclusions.

    One dead is one too many!

    If the red shirts go home: fine!

    Although I think that they have the same right to protest and make their voice heard in this conflict: stay there!

    Of course I don't believe ALL will go home and I assume, there will be enough to make/provoke a lot of trouble.

    So will there be from the anti- government protesters.

    Both sides are equally as guilty...and both sides don't give a f#$ about it!

    I am just guessing, that these 4 (3,2,1) dead will not be the last in this conflict...and I guess, both sides will cry crocodile tears over that fact...and back in their "war room" shake their hands about a job, well done!

    ...and the looser is: Thailand!

    • Like 2
  11. All this because one evil man - Suthep - wants to escape a court appearance for mass murder.

    Apologies in advance if you were merely trolling, but on its own, one of the more obtuse comments I've ever read here.

    Taking a step back then, what DOES he want?

    And do you agree with it?

    he wants Thaksin out the picture for good, no more proxy governments no more clones no more corruption.

    I am interested to hear: how will he achieve especially the last point?

    He never really mapped that out, did he?

    He wants elections, free of vote- buying!

    He wants to end corruption!

    He wants a better education system and health care!

    ...and I want a pony for Christmas!

    He is just throwing around buzzwords and on top of that wants a non-elected government.

    Sorry, but except for the last part, I am not buying it!

    • Like 1
  12. I am neither for red nor yellow. Please excuse me of my English is not perfect but I have tried my best to express my unbiased point of views as a Thai person lives abroad who has followed up the current situations in Thailand.

    I am a Thai who is opposing the current Thai government regime. I have followed up reading and watching live news of the Thai protests and I have observed the red shirts destructive actions. I watched the Thai protesters's speeches located at the Thai police head quarter yesterday (live broadcast via online). The Thai government set up a loudspeaker plays loud music to drown out the Thai protesters' speeches. It is a cheap tactic which reminded me of WW II and the war in Vietnam that the oppositions used this type of annoying tactic.

    Thai spokespersons of the Thai protesters regularly update of their movements and plans and Yingluk's son was not mentioned at all because Yingluk's son is NOT whom the Thai protesters wanted to harm him. It is propaganda news from Thai government against the Thai protesters.

    The Thai protester speakers have been stressing on peaceful protest. They are Thai people from all walk of life. They do not carry any weapons. They are told to prepare themselves with a good pair of walking shoes, a whistle, food and water.

    They voluntarily join the peaceful protest without having to be paid to come to join. If I was in Thailand, I would join the protest. I did not know before that there are many Thais have the same point of views as mine that currently Thailand has been under control of the Thugsin Chinnawat. I can not stand seeing Thailand has been heading downward spiral to financially unstable in the past few years since the current Thai government has been in control.

    I know that there are corruptions in any of Thai governments but the current Thai government has done too much economy damages that beyond many Thais can tolerate.

    I and many Thais are NOT gullible to believe the current dictatorship, Thai government's propaganda news, Earlier, I hoped that there would be someone would stand up to speak out for the new Thai reform. I and many Thais could not wait until its fourth year term ends, otherwise it will be far gone too damage to recuperate from the financially loss of Thai people's Tax money. There is no physical money left in the Thai department of finance any way because the current Thai government has taken all for a proposal of so called unnecessary budgets bills. The current Thai government refused to report the record of what they have spent on. This is only just one of their shady and corrupted operations.

    You and many Thais are gullible to believe every kind of cr@p, that has been continuously shoved down your throats for centuries.

    And you believe it now!

    Not from the current government, but from the other guys.

    They all -red, yellow,blue...whoever- play you like a violin and use you as pawns in their chess games.

    One lie more or less, doesn't matter!

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