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Posts posted by DocN

  1. America is on the other side of the world. Hear we have different ethics and morals. Have you ever read the book The invasion of the barbarians? if not get hold of a copy and read it.

    You mean : here in Thailand?

    Oh yes, you bloody well have!

    If you define the terms "ethic" and "moral" very loosely and include treating women as second class human beings, treating "inferior" people as second class citizens, whoring out 13 year old children to your neighbor...and I could continue for hours!

    Back in Europe we had other ethics and morals too, you know!

    We had a "good ol' tradition" of burning witches!

    We learned, that it is not really an "okay- thing" to do.

    Maybe you should start and consider some of your "ethics and morals" and adjust them to...let's start with the 20th century!

  2. A system that doesn't allow questioning or -god forbid- criticizing superiors (teachers, bosses etc.), where no open discourse can ever be held, that has an "anti- defamation- law" and another law, that prohibits freedom of speech, expression and opinion per se, that has a hierarchy- based social contract, where the "inferior" bow -no questions asked- to the "superior" and where a majority of the people actually like corruption, if they benefit from it, can never be "democratic"! Democracy is bound to fail in a system like that!

    ...and that is just the first of many ,many problems!

    • Like 1
  3. She identified chemicals in the water as Potassium permanganate...and Sodium thiosulphate


    Potassium permanganate

    Potential Acute Health Effects:

    Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.

    Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).

    Possibly corrosive to eyes and skin.

    Eye contact can result in corneal damage or blindness.

    Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering.

    Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal or respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and coughing.

    Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking, unconsciousness or death.

    Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations.

    Over-exposure by inhalation may cause respiratory irritation.


    Sodium thiosulphate

    Potential Health Effects:

    Eye: May cause eye irritation.

    Skin: May cause skin irritation. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin.

    Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. May be harmful if swallowed.

    Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May be harmful if inhaled.



    I guess, that would depend on how much of it is mixed in how much water.

    I guess, the effects described above, would occur if you spray the stuff directly and undiluted into someones eyes.

  4. RIP to all

    ...and shame on those responsible

    ...shame on those, treating this like the Olympics of Idiocy: You shot first! No, you shot first!

    ...and responsible are both sides, I might add!

    Couldn't agree more Doc.

    These white's/yellows or whatever the hell they are have now sank to the very bottom along with the bullies they are trying to kick out. Shame on you.

    Can't help thinking, how many of Suthep's 'peaceful protesters' were reds at the last election? whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    Good that you agree with me...and now stop the selective reading and focus on this part: ...and responsible are both sides, I might add!

    Just look at the reds track record from 2010 and stop being ignorant. Try to know the facts instead of just being opinionated...

    ...and that helps...how?

  5. No one has been shot (as in "killed) and it will be quiet hard to say, who fired live rounds...if that is true at all.

    But finding it sad, that political opponents didn't die, is beyond the pale!

    Grow up!

    That live rounds have been fired since Saturday night and that people have been killed and not admitting it is beyond the pale.. You should take your own advice.

    As I read it, the OP is not about the clashes on Saturday, where people died!

    It is about the alleged use of life- rounds in the clashes yesterday.

    As is my comment!

    I already stated very clearly, what I think about what happened on Saturday!

  6. I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

    Just saying...

    I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...coffee1.gif

    There is a huge difference between spraying feces (which they haven't done) at the police and trowing blood onto the PMs house.

    Think about diseases and the fact that the demonstrators were allowed to reach Abhisit's house.

    And do you know what the difference is, between AIDS-infested blood and none AIDS- infested blood, thrown on someones door?

    Unless someone is covered in open and bleeding bruises and directly crawling through it and it is very, very fresh....(of which nothing was the case)?

  7. People are extremely thin skinned if they are offended by being called "Farange". I've been called worse. In fact their hundreds of other words much more offensive than "Farange" that I could call each of you other "Faranges" in several languages too, but then my posts would be deleted. Oh...but how I'd like to use them.

    At this point the majority of you have simply proven my original point. You know who you are. No need to respond but I know you just can't resist the temptation so fire away.

    Khun Koratesanguy, there is simply no need to respond anymore nor provide any other identifying information. The people I spoke about will never go away. And you have raised very valid points on how foreigners behave and act in Thailand especially on a public forum. You should also understand many of their points are also very valid and Thais do need to address those problems in order to become a more advanced society. Expats (foreigners) who actually live here often offer solutions to make Thailand a better place but it seems no one listens or wants to listen so you will always get the negative comments that have been posted. You are young and could easily be in a position to help your fellow country men by leading by example. Teaching them how to improve their lives. That is up to you. Good luck to you.

    There is a point in providing identifying information.

    IF they can be provided, I will publicly and wholeheartedly apologize.

    If not, I say ...him troll!

    • Like 1
  8. For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

    I like "Hey YOU"...as done by many taxi drivers, bar punters or Tuk Tuk- guys!

    What about "Sir" and "Madame" and if you are personal with me (or talk about me)...what about my name!

  9. I am struggling for words, how to describe what I am just thinking.

    The guy is seriously suffering from delusion of grandeur!

    you wish

    You wish to put power in hand of a megalomaniac ultra nationalist.

    I live in Bangkok, and the idea to see Suthep get power without someone to "contain" him, scares me.

    What about you?

    It doesn't scare me at all. Anything is better than being ruled by people who actually do not live in Bangkok. As a matter of fact, not even in Thailand. Surely, they will never represent all Thais. Obviously you have short memory of red mob militants bullying and terrorizing ordinary Bangkokians for months. Give us a break.

    But this clown and his followers will do exactly that?


    Just tell me how that would work in your opinion.

    I am really, really interested!

    • Like 1
  10. "Chemically treated water?" Wouldn't that be considered to be a weapon of mass destruction by the UN?

    No not a weapon of mass destruction, but a Chemical Weapon - also outlawed under the UN and most international laws.

    Just for my understanding: if you put chlorine into water, that makes the water chemically treated, right?!

    Would that turn every swimming pool in the world into a potential threat?

    Or doesn't it really depend with what the water is treated?

    Just adding chemical x to water doesn't make it harmful.

    Riot police often ads coloring to the water, to identify protesters later...and unless you are allergic to a certain kind of coloring, it will not harm you at all.

    • Like 1
  11. I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

    Just saying...

    I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...coffee1.gif

    Are you for real about loving Thaksin? Red supporter? So Authoritarian rukle is OK? Maybe better you are here and not back in your own country. How can ANYONE condone corruption at any level?

    Nooooooooo....and the fact that I find BOTH actions ...oh wait...one action, the other is just in planning....despicable and the coffee1.gif should have given that away!

    I am not condoning anything and most of all not authoritarian rule...

    • Like 1
  12. coffee1.gif

    Yep...misread it: they are planning to spray poo.

    I apologize for unintentionally getting it wrong!

    But great to see, how friendly some react to that!

    One could say "Hey...are you sure you got that right?!"

    Or one could be going right for the kill with personal insults and accusations.

    I still invite anyone to point out to me where I willingly lied or behaved like a Jatuporn- character.

    I invited 2 guys yesterday...and heard no more from them!

    I'll point it out for you: in each sentence and post, tone, mood, viewpoint, emotion, misleading etc.

    The angel of mercy has spoken!

    ..and now POINT IT OUT!


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