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Posts posted by DocN

  1. I am not getting into the christmas mood here at all!

    In Germany we celebrate Christmast Eve rather than Christmas Day and there is that time between 3pm and 8 pm, when you can walk out into the streets of the town and it is cold and quiet, almost as if the world is holding it's breath and takes a short break from the hectic and the struggle....

    It just doesn't happen here (of course) and that is why christmas for me is just not happening...

  2. Interesting stance on things like "freedom of expression", huh?!

    "You don't agree that Thailand is an <deleted> miracle of a country, urinate off"?

    I don't agree with terryp on all the things he said- but he is right about Thailand, not being paradise, like some of "you" folks see it!

    It is my right to feel and say so...and it is your right, to live in a fantasy world!

  3. I don't have to ask them, because I saw them all in the morning. They were out doing the stuff they are usually doing at that time. I don't doubt that some of them went to a temple or to some place where the monks were to give them food........but, again....NORMAL. NORMAL. NORMAL. The idea that everyone should line up to give the monks food is dumb and doesn't match with what I have seen in Thailand at all. The people who want to go and give food are out there because they want to and pretty much every day....today wasn't an exception to any of it.

    Is it that difficult to ask one adult Thai person ? If you ask only one adult Thai person they will tell you.

    clap2.gifcheesy.gif ...coffee1.gif

  4. Let me get this straight: your OP is basically saying "look at me- Thais love me now and you are all beneath me"...and you say, I am flaming, if I tell you that I don't care?

    You know nothing about me, how I live or integrate, which festivals or cultural activities I join...but you judge me (and others) because you want to be Thaier than Thai?


    No my OP says today is an important day in Thailand. If you live here and want to get along and not have a bunch of emotional, physical and mental problems it would be wise to learn something about Thai culture and what the Thai people find important or you will be left with the useless baggage and rumors of the bar stool boys who think Farang is a dirty word and Thai people are always out to rip you off.

    It is obvious you have little information about Thai culture and if you want to live here it would be wise to educate yourself. If not OK, Pearls to swine comes to my mind.

    I gave you some really good information. If you choose to ignore it. UP to You. Tomorrow will be a better day for me as I know more people and have a better relationship with more people than I had today.

    Yep...you are full of it!

    End of discussion...although, I guess, you will have to have the last word!coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  5. What about all the govt officials that periodically visit Khun Thaksan who is convicted and wanted? Nobody is charging these officials with breaking the law. Oh yea, I forgot, selective enforcement of the laws is in affect. TIT

    Not wanting to split hairs, but since when is it a crime to fly to Dubai and meet Thaksin?

    • Like 2
  6. You are a fantastic and admirable human being, a beacon of virtue and you of course morally way, way above me.

    Please accept my apology for my audacity to even answer to your OP.

    We are all beneath you and it is an honor to have you here on Thai Visa and we all are grateful that you shine such a bright light on us.

    In the hours to come, you will face a sh1tstorm from those, telling you that you are full of it!

    If would give a hoot about you or any religion, I would pray for your strength to get through it, but istead I will just go on with my imperfect life!

    96% of Thailand is culturally Buddhist. It's not about religion. It is about Thai culture. You are opposed to Thai culture. Today is a Thai tradition. If you didn't go you missed it. Loy Krathong and Son Kran are also Thai traditions. You are not well acquainted with Thai culture which is bound to make your life in Thailand more difficult and less happy.

    You don't know the importance Thais place on Today because you don't respect the culture. OK. Up to you.

    I live in Thailand. I like Thailand. A big part of that is understanding Thai traditions and respecting them.

    Today was an opportunity for any Farang to do a little bit to impress the Thai community we are not as bad as the press leads them to believe.

    What part of "I don't give a f@#$ what you think", didn't you get?!

    • Like 2
  7. How many lined up this morning and gave food to the monks with the rest of the Thai people in your town?


    I am not Buddhist. Why would I want to be a hypercrite and gave alms when it is not my religion? There are many religions in Thailand, so why try to impose your religious beliefs on others?


    Because the monks don't insist you be Buddhist if you are hungry and without a bed for the night. Because the monks don't ask if the stray dogs and cats they take care of are Buddhist. Because the mayor and his staff and all the important people in town are there and all waied me and tried to speak a bit of English to me. The mayor's old secretary wished me, "happy birthday" the only English she knew. If for no other reason that they see a Farang at 6 in the morning not drunk and participating in the community.

    There are not many religions in Thailand by percent. Almost the whole country is Buddhist. 93% practicing Buddhists and 96% cultural Buddhists.

    I have never heard of a monk trying to impose his beliefs on anyone.

    They have you for that, from now on! coffee1.gif

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  8. But that's where I'm getting at, in Thailand corruption is apparent in Canada it is not so apparent but it is there and big time. Is it really better though one or the other? I mean systemic corruption of whole industries like construction is damaging to the economy and to tax payers who pay more in taxes because of all the corruption that is happening that is not apparent.

    Is one really thought better than the other?

    Here is another example: let's say one country has 1.000 traffic- deaths in a year- another one has 20.000...would one be thought better than the other?

  9. "However, 14% says they would try to stay away from HIV patients, whom have been described as "disgusting" by 2% of the respondents. 4% say they feel disgust toward AIDS patients."

    Such enlightened, empathic and heart warming views. Lets hope they stay safe, hey.

    I was surprised at such a low % for these. Humans are instinctively disgusted by things that are harmful to them.

    HIV isn't harmful unless there's blood-to-blood contact with an HIV carrier. There's no reason at all to be disgusted by HIV unless you engage in unprotected sex or IV drug use with people who have it.

    Don't spoil bad education and paranoia with facts, please!

    No to get political -god forbid- but there are many on this forum, who think that Mr. Abisith was in danger, because some braindead red-shirts sprayed "AIDS infested blood" on his door!

    The general knowledge - or rather: the lack of it- about a disease that has been around for centuries with information about it basically everywhere, is frightening.

  10. No, not hyberbolic. Have a look at these pictures and you will see why I make the comparison


    The key issue here: tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, some people might believe it. The events at RU were initiated by RU students. They decided to attack buses and taxis taking people to a legitimate rally. The fact that they did so in a way reminiscent of Pol Pot thugs is saddening and must have been terrifying for the innocent victims of it. The pictures are there for all to see.

    The big lie, repeated so often, and without challenge is some quarters, is that RU students are the victims in this. Nonsense. While it is unfortunate that some innocent students may have been caught up in the events, they are NOT the ones who have died in this tragedy.

    The Rector of RU would do well to reflect on his own mismanagement of the circumstances. Given the strong likelihood of violence given the proximity of the rally, he would have been well advised to close the campus beforehand, not after. Classic case of blaming the victims. Not surprising.

    Pol Pot? blink.pngdry.pngermm.gif

    Can you ratchet your hyperbole down about a dozen notches or so?

    As for your "key issue", I thought the key issue for this thread was the issue brought up in OP, namely police inaction, which doesn't appear to be addressed anywhere in the above frothing.

    It's just the lemon next to the pie.

    Wait for tomorrow, when the progressives and students reclaim the country for the benefit of all citizens(even if some lack the cognitive faculties to appreciate what is happening).

    Progressing where?

    The late 1930's?

  11. Here is another thing: while I am putting all effort in understanding their English (not my native) and I am very patient and listen carefully, because I know that some sounds or letter- combinations are not common here, so it is hard for them.

    For example: my name is Nils! My Thai-name is New, Nin, Nel, Nis...but never Nils.

    Very few Thais actually put an effort into understanding me, when I try to speak Thai, though.

    For example: in a pub, I order "Tiger, song khrup"...blank stare.

    What is the problem?

    Of course it should be "Tigeeeeeeeeer, song khrup"!

    I am in a PUB, I want to order a DRINK, that as ENGLISH- name... so the waiter can note even GUESS what I want?!

    I try to use my totally imperfect, way to little Thai anyway I can.

    I want to go to Surawonge, by taxi...it is Suriwong!

    I want to go to Mahesak, but I should want to go to Maheeeeesak!

    Not the slightest effort!...and that is not very encouraging!

    • Like 1
  12. In western countries you learn already in school about humanity,about to be patient,you learn how to respect other people and cultures,they teach you also to be responsible for your doing.In western countries they teach you to obey laws and orders.In western countries you have one government who is responsible for all this.In western world we have the yr 2013,Thailand is still in 17 or 1813,Thailand stands still,no development

    at all.Nobody obeys laws and orders, in Thailand,every rule has an exception..

    The constitution of Thailand is a joke,Could you imagine the constitution of UK would has a passage what says the queen and her family are untouchable?Could you imagine

    US army would build a state in a state?Could you imagine high class and rich people

    have influence on the daily life in a democratic country?Exceptions like that keep Thailand in democratic stone age.I’m not a Thaksin friend,but he tried to do the right thing,He tried to take the power away from the establishment,his reasons for that are maybe not that great,but my thinking is once the establishment and old rules are away,then the way for development is open.Thailand should get a new westernized

    constitution,Thailand should ban all current politicians for future elections,but after all here is Asia and it’s there country,so they can do whatever they like to do,and maybe we as westerners should not put our noses into their business

    Oh man...I was with you until the part that I marked.

    Thaksin IS the establishment! He just used this kind of "propaganda" to win over the vote of Isan.

    He was sucessfull at that and actually pushed trough some of his populist politics (which by the way is more than most of the guys before him ever even tried!) but in the end, he just used "the poor" as pawns in his chess- game!

    He is as much "elite" as the "elite" that fights him.

    They are all a bunch of power- crazy rabid dogs and the don't give sh1t for "the people" as long as they got, what they came for!

  13. i am realy shocked about your comments, may be I was the only one who been in Bkk in sunday and i saw at Siam Station all the people,

    from 18 to 70 years old, all kind of people, all educations, i saw the people 89 in Leipzig east germany and this feeling was the same,

    this goverment doesn´t have any chance to go on, they finished, there is no support by the people, my son and I we bought 2 wistles and hen we were shoping in Asoke center many thai were greeting us and talking to us and took pictures with us and our wistles and they told us they are hapy that we love thailand also.

    I dont know there is an good opposition in start position but I know for sure this goverment finised already.

    ...and you know, what actually separates these people from 1989 in Leipzig?

    They don't give a hoot for democracy!

    They are throwing an tantrum, because of the name "Thaksin" and because the current government just got too greedy.

    If this is over and this friendly crowd has won, we will be at the same amount of "Thaksinism" right here, next year.

    Only it will be "Suthepism" or "Abisithism" or whatever "ism".

    There will be corruption, running wild, there will be not a iota more freedom (of press, expression, speech...) and not one bit more equality in justice, education or health care.

    And just ask yourself, if it would have been so nice, if you and your son would have worn red t-shirts....by accident! (...or imagine a red shirt demo and you wearing those nice little whistles).

  14. I can only speak for myself: I was considered a good learner of languages, when it came to speaking.

    I was lost, when it came to grammar.

    Until today, I could not make up a sentence, if you would ask me to put it in "past perfect"...

    And I am even more lost with the Thai- system of "melody". I just have total difficulties pronouncing pet,pet,pet ...or even pet differently, when I am talking about ducks, the number 8, spicy food or jewels!

    Happy for the OP, that he is such a genius, though!

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  15. Just imagine for a second, we would not already "know", what he is actually really after...

    I am yet to hear more than buzzwords thrown around and wild ideas, along with ultimatums, that no one will ever meet.

    "I want elections without vote buying!" (which basically everyone does), "I want to get rid of corruption!" (which even a majority of the population likes, as long as they benefit from it), "I want equality in education and health care"....and I want a pony that sh1ts diamonds for christmas!

    HOW do you want to achieve this! Wave your magic wand and say "Expellum corruption"?

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  16. America is on the other side of the world. Hear we have different ethics and morals. Have you ever read the book The invasion of the barbarians? if not get hold of a copy and read it.

    You mean : here in Thailand?

    Oh yes, you bloody well have!

    If you define the terms "ethic" and "moral" very loosely and include treating women as second class human beings, treating "inferior" people as second class citizens, whoring out 13 year old children to your neighbor...and I could continue for hours!

    Back in Europe we had other ethics and morals too, you know!

    We had a "good ol' tradition" of burning witches!

    We learned, that it is not really an "okay- thing" to do.

    Maybe you should start and consider some of your "ethics and morals" and adjust them to...let's start with the 20th century!

    I don't want bash American people, because I know that the most people have a good heart. But about your politicans and multinational companies, sorry. So we should different between normal people and leader.

    Nice, that you don't want to bash American- people. I am not one of them anyways!

    I am just reacting a bit allergic to "We have our ethics and morals" (therefore we are above criticizim)...

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