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Posts posted by DocN

  1. First of all: what if 1 Mio people show up?

    These 1 Mio people rule over the rest of country?

    By Sutheps own rules, he just makes up, as he goes along?

    And second: last Tuesday was V-day, because there was an upcoming B-day...so now Monday is D-day...

    What is this?

    Sesame Street?

    Monday will be brought to you by the letter D: d like "deceive", d like "divide", d like "destroy"...

    What a bunch of Muppets!

    Who are the Muppets?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    All of them, the whole lot!

    Politicians, who only care for "the peopel" if by "the people" they mean themselves...and the sheep, who are following them!

    On both sides!

    The whole stupid, arrogant bunch!

    So what is the process for dealing with a lying, cheating and corrupt government?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Are we playing 20 questions?

    First of all, this would bear the question, why there are no protests, since the beginning of time, because in Thailand "government" is synonymous with lying, cheating and being corrupt...and more!

    Second,IMHO, the protests against the amnesty bill were quiet valid (so would have been the demonstrations against the rice scheme, the first car sceme, the flood sceme....but hey...we only throw tantrums , when the name "Thaksin" is directly involved, don't we?!)- what is not valid, is asking for the hand over of power to an un-elected government.

    Thirdly, all this "outrage" would have a lot more credibility -in my eyes- if I would have the feeling, Thai- people are generally politically engaged...when in fact, most of them couldn't care less. Even the one, who suddenly roam the streets of Bangkok, when the name "Thaksin" is called out, but don't give a sh1t for anything else.

    And last, but not least: I am still to see a mapped out plan, by the self- proclaimed champions of freedom, justice and democracy.

    I am all for protests and marches and stuff- but there has to be a plan and there have to be reasonable demands.

    Not just making up sh1t on the top of your head as you go along!

  2. First of all: what if 1 Mio people show up?

    These 1 Mio people rule over the rest of country?

    By Sutheps own rules, he just makes up, as he goes along?

    And second: last Tuesday was V-day, because there was an upcoming B-day...so now Monday is D-day...

    What is this?

    Sesame Street?

    Monday will be brought to you by the letter D: d like "deceive", d like "divide", d like "destroy"...

    What a bunch of Muppets!

    Who are the Muppets?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    All of them, the whole lot!

    Politicians, who only care for "the peopel" if by "the people" they mean themselves...and the sheep, who are following them!

    On both sides!

    The whole stupid, arrogant bunch!

    • Like 1
  3. First of all: what if 1 Mio people show up?

    These 1 Mio people rule over the rest of country?

    By Sutheps own rules, he just makes up, as he goes along?

    And second: last Tuesday was V-day, because there was an upcoming B-day...so now Monday is D-day...

    What is this?

    Sesame Street?

    Monday will be brought to you by the letter D: d like "deceive", d like "divide", d like "destroy"...

    What a bunch of Muppets!

  4. Hardly a role model for Thais..

    Saint Mandela's charges in full..

    • One count under the South African Suppression of Communism Act No. 44 of 1950, charging that the accused committed acts calculated to further the achievement of the objective of communism;

    • One count of contravening the South African Criminal Law Act (1953), which prohibits any person from soliciting or receiving any money or articles for the purpose of achieving organized defiance of laws and country; and

    • Two counts of sabotage, committing or aiding or procuring the commission of the following acts:

    1) The further recruitment of persons for instruction and training, both within and outside the Republic of South Africa, in:

    (a) the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives-for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, (the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, 21.6 tons of aluminum powder and a ton of black powder);

    (cool.png the art of warfare, including guerrilla warfare, and military training generally for the purpose in the aforesaid Republic;

    (ii) Further acts of violence and destruction, (this includes 193 counts of terrorism committed between 1961 and 1963);

    (iii) Acts of guerrilla warfare in the aforesaid Republic;

    (iv) Acts of assistance to military units of foreign countries when involving the aforesaid Republic;

    (v) Acts of participation in a violent revolution in the aforesaid Republic, whereby the accused, injured, damaged, destroyed, rendered useless or unserviceable, put out of action, obstructed, with or endangered:

    (a) the health or safety of the public;

    (cool.png the maintenance of law and order;

    © the supply and distribution of light, power or fuel;

    (d) postal, telephone or telegraph installations;

    (e) the free movement of traffic on land; and

    (f) the property, movable or immovable, of other persons or of the state.

    Source: The State v. Nelson Mandela et al, Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, 1963-1964, Indictment.

    You are seriously quoting the Supreme Court of fascist country, a racist country against a black man, who was fighting for equal rights...to discredit that man?

    Question for you, how come Mandela was on the US terrorist watchlist as late as 2008 ?

    So it would seem the US considered him a terrorist as well...

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The USA has basically the whole world on a watchlist, right now, as they spy on basically everyone they want.

    Apart (sic!) from that, the USA are paranoid.

    • Like 2
  5. I am not sure, if the 1st thing is actually "double pricing" in the sense, we all understand it.

    There are actually different "tiers" in hotel rates. Middle Eastern, German, Thai, etc.

    ...and with tourism struggling quiet a bit at the moment (unless you believe TAT), there are some special offers for local- buyers out, who usually would pay actually more than most farang.


  6. I don't know, if it was "great" or not, but this one on http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/685974-farangs-all-times-insulting-thai-people-on-forum-here/page-5 had me in stitches for a few good minutes.


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    Posted 2013-12-02 17:24:52


    I very hate farang talk bad Thai people! It Thai country not falang country!! Say dog too much, shout too much, whistle too much. Falang no have understand too much!

    Plus they're a tad unsophisticated, many of them.

    ...of course you would have to read a bit of this thread...

    • Like 1
  7. Lots of stateless people. Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Who gets nominated as the sucker country whose citizens have to support all the stateless people with their taxes?

    My solution is to put them to work in an area where they would not destroy the security of the country. Unless you want a welfare state they have to work. What country has a lot of room and not too many people and areas where whole populations could be isolated from the rest of the population. Thailand is 96% Buddhist not a real good choice for other cultures. What other countries have a mixed population and the necessary raw materials?

    Ummm dunno. Russia?

    Or China?

    How many countries allow free access for stateless people from other countries?

    Lets make it personal. Instead of a country lets say it is your backyard. How many people are you going to let live in your backyard? I would feel very sorry for the people but the reality of the situation is they are not going to live in my backyard.

    You can criticize Thailand all you want but how would you feel if they showed up at your house and started camping out there.

    Unfortunately for you and the drivel you are writing, the subject of the OP is not "How many people should Thailand take in?" nor is it "How many refugees do I want to have in my backyard?"

    It is though: "Thailand secretly supplies Myanmar refugees to trafficking rings"

    Following your logic -and I use this term very carefully- it means if I have them in my backyard, it is up to me and fine with you, if I sell these people into slavery!

    Please don't bother answering!

    Please, I beg you, don't bother!

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the Royhingas left Burma and came to Thailand. The Thais didn't kidnap them. Correct me if I'm wrong. That being the case can any people just show up in a country and expect to be taken care of. Lets say 3 million Romas show up in London. Are the British required to take care of them? Or 10 million Africans show up in Italy. Is Italy supposed to care for them?

    Please stick with the topic ......


    The refugee status of the people (nor their religion, nor their ethnicity etc) is of no bearing when it comes to selling people.

    In theory, you deport a person only to their country of origin but the Rohingya are in effect, stateless people. Humane governments do not deport refugees to places where they will be persecuted.

    Many countries will accept refugee applications from people abroad, and will grant refugee status to those that reach their shores. My country has a "wet foot/dry foot" policy for Cuba. At sea they turn you around, on land they put you in a refugee camp until you gain status. But again this is about human trafficking (which you already said you support... so you can count on this as your last direct reply. I do not have time for those that lurk under bridges.)

    Unfortunately I am out of "likes" for today, so please accept this as my "like" for this post, good sir!

  9. Looks like the usual split between the " I love Thailand" and the " I love myself " gangs.

    It gets a little boring!facepalm.gif

    willyumiii, Well said. Short, sweet and simple ;-)

    If you don't love Thailand, you only love yourself???

    Wow...just wow!

    DocN... you made it all the way to "advanced member" without basic reading ability?

    WOW, what a trollerant forum!


    no it's not a misspelling wai2.gif

    Looks like the usual split between the " I love Thailand" and the " I love myself " gangs.

    What exactly am I misreading here?

  10. No I think the Burmese having hosted these people for a hundred years or so should be responsible for them. I think the Thai government has a responsibility to return them to whence they came or to Australia.


    1)You do no think government officials involved in human trafficking is a problem that concerns that government.

    2)You do not think that dropping to the lowest rung on the human trafficking chart is a problem for a government.

    You do, somehow think that Australia is involved.

    go back under the bridge

    Me under the bridge. You give me a good reason Thailand should take them over Australia? 1. Australia has more room. 2. Australia has more Muslims. 3. Australia is a Christian country and is supposed to be charitable. 4. Australia took a lot of Vietnamese so distance can't be much of a problem. 5. Australia has over 70,000 people from Indonesia living there now.

    I told you my case for Australia now you tell me why Thailand should take them?

    What about: ...because it is the right thing to do?!

    Australia is a christian country and is supposed to be charitable?

    You have said some pretty stup...not so really overly intelligent things today...but this one...wow!

  11. Looks like the usual split between the " I love Thailand" and the " I love myself " gangs.

    It gets a little boring!facepalm.gif

    willyumiii, Well said. Short, sweet and simple ;-)

    If you don't love Thailand, you only love yourself???

    Wow...just wow!

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