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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Anyone surprised about this "Buddhist" nation?

    whats your point of bringing religion to it? need no to beat around the bush

    He's right, PaullyW. That being said; Anyone surprised about this "Gargoyle-wearing, Gucci-Bag-toting, Jet-setting Buddhists" nation? "Was in Tuk Com the other day and saw three more of them pawing over iPads. But I digress...

    Regarding the OP; I truly find this story very difficult to believe. It seems that fish stories really do originate with sailors on the open sea. All that horrible telling, and not even one regaling of mutiny. Hmmm.

    What surprise me is the number of Thai Visa posters so willing to drag religion or Buddhism into every thing that is negative and not a word of it on positive points in Thailand.

    And they think the Thai system of education is bad. I wonder what kind of education they got.

    Wake up people religions and Buddhism do not do wrong it is the members in them that do wrong. the same goes for atheist's. What does an atheist blame his wrong doing on. "lack of religion"?

    Yeah right...and guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people....

  2. I have seen on many occasions, over the past 15 years, any number of lower class Thai men literally bashing the tarnation out of some unfortunate Thai female in broad daylight, with no intervention from the local ghouls until she was on the verge of unconsciousness. The police never showed up. Nothing ever came of it. The air cleared and people went back about their own business.

    It's only about money. No money, no big deal.

    To hell with these rich, spoiled brats (including the stupid girl) over their petty squabbles and sordid, meaningless lives.


    Why doesn't she just leave him completely. Just be absolutely rid of him?

    Not that it isn't obvious, but...you saw what he did to her, when she was "flirtatious", dind't you?!

    How are the cjances, this will end good for HER if SHE leaves HIM...???

  3. Wow!

    Where do I start?

    First of all: I am not condoning violence of any sorts, but someone should spoonfeed this piece of sh1t some of his own medicine!

    Secondly: these laws are a shame!

    Thirdly: unfortunately, most people won't even care. She is a woman, eg second- class human being!

    So is it okay to hit her, if she flirts around? suuuuuuuure it is, she had it coming! bah.gif

    I wonder how many times he cheated on her!? Cheated...not being "flirtatious"! But he is a "man" (yeah, right!), so he can xxxx around all over the place, it is his god- given right!

    I feel sick!

  4. 1) "if someone is going out with a married woman"

    - she said, she was single

    - and even if not: if SHE thinks it is okay, then maybe something is wrong in her marriage anyways

    - as stated before: it is common, that bar girls have boyfriends or husbands. no big deal

    2) shouldn't the Thai- guy talk some things over with his wife and not assault the Russian like a Neanderthal?

    3) the scandal here is not the promiscuous behaviour of the Russian or the lady. Not even the stupid and uncontrolled Tha- husband. The scandal is the way the police reacts AGAIN! Like in that Krabi- rape case, all we need now, is a government official, who utters something about "dinner"....

  5. Prosecutors said that they were still waiting for more testimony from police

    In most countries, if a police officer was killed and dropped on the side of the road like garbage the police would be eager to present their evidence.

    In most countries, the perpetrator would be lying in a prison hospital with broken bones and no teeth after a nasty fall. Unless the perpetrator was rich, of course. That applies in every country.

    In Britain, Charles Saatchi, wealthy PR magnate and Conservative Party donor was photographed choking his wife in public. He went to a police station and accepted a police caution.


    The Telegraph ran a few stories about their 'passionate relationship' and photographed them cosying up together and suddenly the story isn't news any more.

    It's not just Thailand, bros.

    Did I just miss the part, where he ran over his wife with a sports- car, himself being drunk and full of cocaine, dragging her body 200 meters down the road, leave her to die, drive home, try to bribe a cop, try to turn an innocent "servant" into a scapegoat....???

    No. That thing you missed was the point.

    Your point is, that a case of domestic violence is basically the same as this case???

  6. Why not Thaivisa or the farangs start a donation to help the poor girl...

    Are you Thai?

    Just asking, because normally I get answers like "you don't know Thainess" from your likes or "If you don't like how we handle things here, go home!".

    Why not Thaipeople (to use your way of speaking) start a donation to help the poor girl?

    Oh...right...she is poor and not Thai, so...none of your problem, right?!

  7. if the young man had driven a Honda Jazz nobody would care a sh*t.

    If he had driven a Honda Jazz at 120 km/h, dragged the cop along for 200 meters, left him to die, went home, tried to bribe the police, get an innocent man to be his scapegoat etc pp...you be dam_n sure, I would care a lot of sh1t!

    Also to all you "this is Thailand, it is like it is, go home if you don't like it"- guys: GROW UP!

    who would care a sh*t that you care a lot of sh*t? your pet rabbit?

    Read your statement- read my reply!

    Problem solved!

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