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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Are you coming to your senses at last in finally admitting that it was red shirts that were responsible (well as good as doing so in a rather begrudging way).

    If so, what is your argument about DocN???

    Why are you asking this 'little' question and then when you get replies you don't like, go on to defend the red shirts when you basically admit they were whollely culpable??

    What about "high probability" don't you understand?

    What about the difference between a probability and a certainty is it, that you don't get?

  2. I have a little question.

    Not important I guess, but...all of you, who claim that the Red Shirts burned down Central World, have really good prove for that, I guess?!

    Otherwise, you would clearly not spout stuff like that.

    When the red shirt leaders (Jatuporn I think) were going mental on stage raging and ranting on about "let Bangkok burn" and lets leave them something to remember us by, who do you think might have been responsible for these dastardly acts of wanton destruction shortly after???

    I wouldn't mind betting that you think that OJ Simpson was innocent!!!

    Are you really that ignorant and stupid??

    No, I am not...but maybe you are arrogant, ignorant and stupid!

    If someone says something, that is 100% evidence, he also did it?!

    Go and cash in on the 20 million and enjoy your wealth and wisdom!

    Please answer MY little question.

    Am I right when I say that you do not believe that red shirts were behind these arson attacks (all over Thailand) following this incitement to do so from the red shirt leaders????

    Perhaps normal, non-political law abiding people simultaneously heard voices in their head urging them to do this.

    OK, I'll retract what I wrote about you being stupid - you are just not that clever or sensible and thats putting it mildly!!!

    I will answer YOUR little question: no, you are wrong!

    I think, there is a high probability, that they came from the "red"- side!

    But I am not going on an internet- forum and stating it, as if it were 100% proven fact!

    I have seen some "obvious" things in my live, that turned out very different, when you had a closer look.

    If you are interested, PM me and I tell you an interesting story about "obvious" happenings, that turned out very different!

    If it makes me ignorant and arrogant or even stupid, that I would rather wait for prove before I "believe" or "assume"...so be it!

  3. I have a little question.

    Not important I guess, but...all of you, who claim that the Red Shirts burned down Central World, have really good prove for that, I guess?!

    Otherwise, you would clearly not spout stuff like that.

    When the red shirt leaders (Jatuporn I think) were going mental on stage raging and ranting on about "let Bangkok burn" and lets leave them something to remember us by, who do you think might have been responsible for these dastardly acts of wanton destruction shortly after???

    I wouldn't mind betting that you think that OJ Simpson was innocent!!!

    Are you really that ignorant and stupid??

    No, I am not...but maybe you are arrogant, ignorant and stupid!

    If someone says something, that is 100% evidence, he also did it?!

    Go and cash in on the 20 million and enjoy your wealth and wisdom!

  4. Ooooooh...I see!

    A cartoonist is executing his right of free speech (against the PM), he is cut down and people are outraged...and rightfully so!

    A comedian is executing his right of free speech (somehow pro- Thaksin)...and the same outraged people call him a red shirt prostitute...a terd...should stick to his comedy and basically shut up.

    In other words: the democracy- friendly TV- crowd, that has no problems with coups, if it only fits their political agenda!


    (Noooooooooo, I am not a red-shirt supporter...or xxxxx...so save your breath!)

    Edited by metisdead, Today, 11:35 .

    Inappropriate language removed.

    It seems like they are just executing the same right of free speech you ascribe is due the comedian... but, evidently, not to them.

    And they are at least managing to do so without having "inappropriate language removed" from their posts.

    I am not denying their right to free speech. I am calling them on their hypocracy!

    And you would see that, if you wouldn't have your nose so high up.

    By the way: the word that was x'd out was just a stronger word for the word prostitute, so...

    Actually the hypocrisy is yours. Personally I don't have any problem with a comedian playing to his audience. But I do have a problem with a comedian posting a message on Facebook that the party (& Yingluck) didn't like and suing him for defamation.

    And your 'I am not a red shirt supporter' following a patently red shirt rant is not hypocritical? I believe you - thousands of other might not.whistling.gif

    I really couldn't care less,if anyone believes me or not.

    It is common on TV: you are not for us, so you are against us.

    There is no grey, there is only black and white.

    Other posters have a problem with the comedian, if he doesn't say the "right" thing...otherwise they wouldn't call him names.

    And where is the "red shirt rant" please?

    You are for freedom of speech (that includes all sides and all shades of the spectrum) or you are not.

    That is all I said!

    The self- proclaimed TV- Champions of freedom want to have their cake and eat it...and that is hypocacy!

  5. The one thing that would slightly make sense about that plan, would be getting more attention (= money) to Isaan and put some development (jobs, infrastructure etc. ) to that place, that is badly neglected by the rest of Thailand.

    ...in that perspective, it might be a good thing...but we all know, it will never happen!

    • Like 2
  6. Beer! All the way!

    Carlsberg, Tiger...and Chang ( I know....)

    But I also enjoy a glass of red wine (no ice!!!) from time to time or a Jack Daniels on the rocks (...with ice...).

    I found some strange mixes quiet refreshing also: Bacardi/ Ginger Ale, Vodka/ Red Bull or Vodka with a variety of other "mixers" (Fanta Red, Beet Root or Mango...don't knock, till you try it!

  7. Ooooooh...I see!

    A cartoonist is executing his right of free speech (against the PM), he is cut down and people are outraged...and rightfully so!

    A comedian is executing his right of free speech (somehow pro- Thaksin)...and the same outraged people call him a red shirt prostitute...a terd...should stick to his comedy and basically shut up.

    In other words: the democracy- friendly TV- crowd, that has no problems with coups, if it only fits their political agenda!


    (Noooooooooo, I am not a red-shirt supporter...or xxxxx...so save your breath!)

    Edited by metisdead, Today, 11:35 .

    Inappropriate language removed.

    It seems like they are just executing the same right of free speech you ascribe is due the comedian... but, evidently, not to them.

    And they are at least managing to do so without having "inappropriate language removed" from their posts.

    I am not denying their right to free speech. I am calling them on their hypocracy!

    And you would see that, if you wouldn't have your nose so high up.

    By the way: the word that was x'd out was just a stronger word for the word prostitute, so...

  8. Ooooooh...I see!

    A cartoonist is executing his right of free speech (against the PM), he is cut down and people are outraged...and rightfully so!

    A comedian is executing his right of free speech (somehow pro- Thaksin)...and the same outraged people call him a red shirt prostitute...a terd...should stick to his comedy and basically shut up.

    In other words: the democracy- friendly TV- crowd, that has no problems with coups, if it only fits their political agenda!


    (Noooooooooo, I am not a red-shirt supporter...or xxxxx...so save your breath!)

    Actually its was the Thais who called him those names, TVF members are just commenting on the news report


  9. All this is just to impress the girls and win in football from each other....bunch of stupidos!!!

    Well, Thai boys and men typically haven't had their balls removed like many westerners on here have so they act a bit more macho, occasionally things get out of hand, but that's how it goes.

    Oh...is that why they so often gang up...5 vs 1?

    They may not have their ball removed...but maybe another bodypart, beginning with "b"!

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