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Brick Top

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Everything posted by Brick Top

  1. Instead spend the money on yourself and get a Testicle Transplant or try growing a pair
  2. It only exists in my household for 29 days of the month
  3. I would only approve if i was allowed to roll my cigarettes up between them
  4. Guilty of terrible spelling but my excuse is a bad eye infection. Susposed to read ; Those Liptons Tea Bags work out very expensive, because you need 5 Tea Bags for one cup , because there as week as cats piss , although i have never tried cat piss myself
  5. Its enough for 1 year if yiur carefull
  6. Those Liptons T Bags wirked iut expensive , you needed 5 T Bags for one cup of Tea because tgere as week as piss. Get my Typhoo T Bags from Lazada, 100 baht for 100 including delivery, not the best but coice but anything is better than Liptons
  7. Why didnt you take the bull by the horns on the night in question and give her a severe thrashing followed by a good old rogering
  8. I think its no were near enough, i would ask for a lot more than 100,000 if i were you . Think about it , your a young 22 year old stud and she an older lady with 2 kids , you should ask her for at least 300,000
  9. For 2,500 i could buy a new pair of feet
  10. Not in my case , because i was self employed , so i needed 35 qualifiing full years toget the full pension.
  11. Not in my case , before i paid the £13,000 in Voluntary Contributions , my pension forcast was around £72 a week, now i receive £202.98 a week , so in my case it was certainly worth it
  12. I recently paid 15 years worth , they let me go back to 2006 , it cost me around £13,000 , i estimate i will get my money back within 3 years with the increased pension so its like 33.3% on my investment. I strated to receive my pension in February thus year, i will never get the full pension as i only have 32 full years instead of 35 needed to get the maximum. What annoyed me was i had yesrs in 1982 and 1983 and 1986 with just one or two week missing , i proved this wasn't my fault but they wouldn't let me pay back those odd few weeks.
  13. That is incorrect information, i bought a villa in Phuket in 2015 that villa was built in 2006 and had two previous Thai owners before i bought it. The villa is in my name and the land is now in a Thai company name that i control as director with 49% and 1 voting right per share for my 49%. The other 51% are split between my accountant and my Thai wife but they have 1 voting right per 10 shares.
  14. If i were you i would i would be looking for some " Hard Evidence " before putting my foot in it
  15. Not a good idea not to pay , after 3 years they will cancel the registration, then it becomes a major headache
  16. I also asked my local TV repair man in the UK which TVs are the most reliable, he also told me Panasonic are the most reliable TVs that hardly ever give problems. He mentioned the soldering was far superior to any other brand.
  17. In my experience, yes you can transfer whats left on the remaining 30 year lease to a new buyer. In your case thats what i would offer any buyer. If the land owner agrees to making a new 30 year lease , then the existing lease can be cancelled, there will be a fee at the land office to create a new 30 year lease, if the land owner will agree. Forget about what people tell you that you can have a 30 + 30 + 30 lease , its absolute nonsense and also illegal , the maximum is 30 years only.
  18. 100% correct , the 30 + 30 + 30 is illegal, its been tested in a Phuket court and your correct in saying it also nullifies the whole contract , so there is not even a 30 year lease
  19. I bought one of those for my Thai girlfriend when went back to the UK for a few months. When i phoned her up to see how she was getting on with it , she said not too good , its knocked 4 of my teeth out
  20. This is the problem of buying property in Thailand , its unfortunately Buyer Beware , in the UK this would have been picked up on the "searches" that the solicitors do and thats why it takes 3 to 6 months to complete a sale in the UK now. I just came back from the UK (havent been there for 10 yesrs) to complete the sale of some building land , the sale was agree in December 2023 and only completed in September 2024. The buyers solicitor drove me insane with question after question , i was strongly advised by my solicitor to be 100% truthful in my replies or face legal consequences in the future. I have bought and sold around 50 Condominiums and Villas and Townhouses here over the past 23 years and often the sales have been completed in 2 to 30 days , with the layweres not checking nothing only the title.
  21. It looked to me like the object passed through the open drivers side window
  22. A pure Stallion, what have you been taking, Bob , Horse Tranqelizers
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