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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. I am not 100% sure of the legality of it but:

    If you did get a "Panthip" copy of windows, and then entered the original serial number, I believe you would still have a valid licence, providing of course that the version of windows was the same(Home or Pro), and it went on the same computer. Remember when you buy software, what you are actually paying for is the licence to use it, not the software itself.

  2. Richard

    Many thanks for your up-dates.

    Throughout the early posts, I was unfortunetly away from Thailand on business. One of the first things I did on my return was to visit the Camillion Centre with my wife. As you can imagine it was an emotional experience for both of us, filled with huge sadness but in parts there was pure joy. It was wonderful watching the kids playing, and the love they receive there is obvious.

    I would like to thank yourself, Noel and the others who brought the centre to my attention, and like Digger would be very interested in knowing about the sponser program.

    It was great to see so many people at the Harley Pub last week. I appologise for not introducing myself, maybe next time.. I hope you understand. It was truely amazing the amount raised, congratulations to all. It certainly couldn't go to a better place.


  3. Would agree with bambi, regarding both Paracetamol and anti-histamine. The Paracetamol should help reducing the swelling and ease the pain, anti-histamine will help with itchiness. You could also apply "Tiger Balm" as well to soothe the affected area.

    Generally most problems occur due to scratching, rather than the actual bite.

    If you find this doesn't help or the symptoms get worse after 3 days, then it is definitely time to start seeking medical advise.

    Hope you feel better soon


  4. Heng

    As I was being a little too general in my last post, thought I would give you the figures with which I based my assumption that debt has risen.

    Since the turn of the century in just over 5.5 years (based on figures available at 1st December 2005):

    Total UK personal debt has increased by £529bn (87%) from £609bn to £1,138bn

    Total secured lending on homes has increased by £453bn (92%) from £494bn to £947bn

    Total consumer credit lending has increased by £76bn (66%) from £115bn to £191bn 

    Total credit card debt has increased by £24.3bn (76%) from £32bn to £56.3bn

    Base Rate has decreased by 1.5% from 5.5% to its current rate of 4.5%

    Average house price has increased by £90,383 (94%) from £96,340 to £186,723

    Average earnings have increased by £5,077 (28.5%) from £17,803 to £22,880

    Average household debt in the UK is approximately £7,749 (excluding mortgages) and £46,085 including mortgages

    Data taken from:


  5. There has been a progressive increase in wealth.

    I returned to the UK last year for the first time in over seven years and I was shocked by how much wealth there is about. House prices have risen relentlessly, people are driving around in new cars, sports convertables of the weekend, the latest gadgets, the llates fashion necessity... The UK is increadibly wealthy and it shows.

    Think you will also find there has been a progressive increase in debt...

  6. You will find out quick enough after you/he/they/them have an accident. :o

    It's easy enough to find out whether a car is insured. By law all cars must display a valid insurance sticker on the windshield, which clearly displays the valid date similar to the vehicle tax sticker, which must also be displayed.

    No3 insurance (the minimum) doesn't cost that much and is used as a third party insurance to cover anyone involved in an accident, but not the vehicle itself. Police are frequently looking for invalid and non displayed tax & insurance stickers, particularly in Bangkok at the tollways, and out of town at roadblocks. Motorbikes also have to have the insurance & tax stickers fixed to the bike.

  7. A decent 5 star hotel in a worlds capital is going to set you back about US$100 million to US$ 200 million, and that includes Bangkok.

    If you had this kind of money and decided to buy the Dusit Thani Hotel, what would you be prepared to pay the manager. How much would you pay to protect your investment. The same goes for Industry and Finance. Setting up a factory to produce Hard Drives or Cars or whatever costs big money, would you be looking to pay the lowest wage possible for the person running it, or would you try and find the best Manager possible.

  8. how easy is norton to uninstall completely.

    i uninstalled zone alarm a while back and the complcated instructions took the best part of three hours to carry out before zone alarm was completely eradicated from my system.

    There is a fairly good write-up on un-installing NAV here:


    It suggests that a user first try and uninstall using the Add/Remove facility found in Control Panel, if this fails (as it did for me), then you can download a small utility called rnav2003.exe (There is a link at the page above). It did a pretty good job of removing everything from the desktop,Internet Explorer, Program Files and the registry.

    Hope it helps

  9. Just for observation..

    It is not just one-way tickets where you need a valid visa. You can also have problems when you have bought a return ticket in Thailand and are using the return portion to get back into Thailand. There is usually no problem within Asia, but return flights I have taken from both Europe and N.America have asked to see my visa before allowing me to check-in.

  10. It might be worthwhile contacting Incomtec Co. Ltd. They are the main distributors of epilog lasers in Thailand, (Same laser as used in your link)

    Incamtec Co. Ltd.

    Contact: Mrs. Wanthanee Muneesynchai

    662/43 -46, Rama III Road

    Bangpongpang , Yannawa

    Bangkok 10120

    Phone: + 0- 2293-0200 (20 lines)

    Fax: + 2293-0220

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Hope it helps

  11. The answer to your question is Yes, however there are several pitfalls for which you will need some good legal and Proffesional advise.

    The biggest pitfall is working on the assumption that you can actually sell your house. Thai's in general, don't buy 2nd hand property, partly because they prefer new, partly because the property companies can either provided or set up a mortgage and lastly because of superstition and the fear the house is haunted or just unlucky. This limits your potential buyers quite considerably to either foreigners or investors.

    Because you purchased the property through a Thai company (albeit your own), you are left with really only one option, and that would be to sell the company along with it's assets (House). I am not sure if as a minority shareholder you would even have access to the companies bank account.

    What I am trying to point out is that there maybe problems. But, just as there are solutions to purchasing land by a foreigner, there are probably similar solutions to selling such land, but make sure you are fully aware prior to purchase.

  12. reminds you of that old crone that used to beg at NEP . wonder where she went? must have been rich in the end.

    The person you are referring to was a guy....

    The way he looked, dressed and acted, many people assumed it was women. Not sure if he ended up rich, but probably made a comfortable living wandering between NEP and the Cowboy. Believe it was Trink in one of his columns who mentioned his gender. Fooled many people for years..

  13. I am sure someone can possibly explain the technology side better than me, but basically a download accelerator will give you far steadier stream of download, so whilst your connection speed won't alter, you will be able to download quicker.

    Two of the biggest advantages with a download accelerator are:

    1. If you are downloading large files, then should the connection be lost then you can carry on from where it left off, rather than downloading the whole file again. This can be great if you have dial-up or a dodgy connection.

    2. You can enter in multiple downloads, the program will then work it's way down the list until completed. (You can normally chose whether or not you wish to disconnect, once the downloads are finished). Ideal for when you want to download, but would't mind going down the pub :o

    Most have some sort of plug-in so that it can be used with Ie and can be used as a replacement for Ie's Download Manager

  14. One of the things I would do is:

    Go into windows explorer (or My computer)

    Click on Tools

    Click on view

    Ensure that "Show hidden files and Folders" is enabled

    Hopefully if you now go back into the folder where the files are being downloaded, you will be able to see everything.

    If you can see all the files, then before you delete everything have a look for any file(s) which has a file extension other than .zip, or any files which look different or are a lot smaller than the norm, as this may give a clue as to what the trojan or virus is,and therefore ideas as to how to get rid of it.

    Post any additional info you get and someone may be able to help you out.

    Hope this helps

  15. I have had similar problems in the past with attaching photo's to Yahoo email. One of the ways I have got round this is to put the photo's into a zip file and then attach the zip file(s), usually one photo per zip file.

    Hope this helps

  16. Sounds like a good idea to me.

    What I think Thai Airways are trying to do is stop Travel Agents from hoarding seats which they might or might not sell. This means that the seats are available to everyone to reserve.

    Looking at Thai Airways web page, you can see very frequently that certain flights are fully booked weeks ahead in all classes, yet as time goes by, seats suddenly become available. I am sure that I am not the only one who has experienced great difficulty in getting a reservation, only to find that once I have boarded the flight that it is half empty.

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