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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. usb 2.0 is backward compatable. So any usb 1.1 peripherals will still work if you upgrade your computer, but will only work at the original transfer rate.

    To make matters a little more confusing the people in charge of standards regarding usb decided to do a little name changing a couple of years ago. Officially usb 1.1 has now been renamed to usb 2.0 (full speed), which has a transfer rate of 1.5 Mb/s. The newest usb is called usb 2.0 (High speed). This has a data transfer rate of 480 Mb/s.

    More information on usb can be found at:


  2. One of the big problems regarding all p2p networks has been the prolific prescence of virus's,trojan's and other backdoor codes. Originally these were mostly written for the fun of it. Since the clampdown on p2p networks by both the music and film industries these have changed.

    Although simple virus's and trojans are still around, more sophisticated codes have appeared over the last few years, most of these are aimed at trying to mask p2p ip address's by using an infected machine as a proxy. When this happens massive amounts of bandwidth are taken up, and as a result transfer speeds slow to a crawl.

    For anyone interested in how this works; here is an interesting example:


  3. The problem is that you do not have enough memory..

    As you correctly pointed out one of your computers has an integrated video, what this means is that the 60mb or so of video memory is being "stolen" from your total memory of 512mb which is not leaving you enough to run a graphic intensive program like Photoshop.

    The problem will be compounded if you are running many other applications in the background, like anti-virus software which tends to "steal" more memory.

    In the short term you could try shutting down unnecessary applications (This doesn;t always work, because sometimes the programs don't "Release" the memory), but in the long term you need to either buy another agp card (Which comes with it's own memory), buy more RAM or buy both.

    Hope this helps

  4. Hi stevenjm

    Yes having a cd4 count <200 (or in some countries <250) does mean that she has AIDS.

    The medication that the doctors have prescribed looks good. The gpo-vir will help in both reducing the viral load and increasing her cd4 count. Generally gpo-vir should start working quite quickly, which means that within 3 months her viral load will DROP considerably, possibly to below the detectable level of 50 or only just detectable. At the same time her cd4 count will not decrease further and should start going UP. It is quite normal to see the cd4 count rise by 15 - 20 per month. In the meantime the doctors have prescribed Bactrim which is a very good anti-biotic which will help her immune system.

    The most important thing to remember is to take the medication on time, every day. There must not be any lapses. For this reason it is generally benificial if she can have a small "stock-pile" of say 2 months, remebering to use the older medication first (some of the medications only have 6 months shelf life). This will be even more important if she is in Cambodia and she is totally reliant on imported drugs from Thailand, it only needs the border to be closed for a short while.. The danger with not taking the medication for even a short period is that her body could very easily become resistant to the medication. This doesn;t seem to be happening with the people who take their medication as prescribed.

    One of the things seldom mentioned in AIDS is the mental problems. Your girlfriend will be very vulnerable to depression. Whist medical advances in treatment of AIDS has been tremendous; Newspapers, Tv etc have only really shown the negative sides.( I think there is a real worry by the medical community, that people may start to think of AIDS as curable and therefore undo all the work they have done in the last 20 years). As a result of this people who are diagnosed with hiv/AIDS are really unaware of how far the medical community has progressed in the treatment of hiv/AIDS. No one knows exactly how long your girlfriend will live, but if she takes good care of herself, eats well, exercises, gets plenty of rest and takes her medication properly then it is entirely possible that she can live a full and active life. The major thing is to make sure she does not give up hope...

  5. From what I can gather the problem seems to be a fault with:  

    Hotfix number 890859

    One possible fix is found at:


    One note from Microsoft regarding this hotfix is:

    Known issues

    • The Add or Remove Programs tool in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) lists software updates under the name of the product that a particular update applies to. In Windows XP SP2, the Add or Remove Programs tool lists the update that is described in this article under Windows XP – Software Updates. However, in Windows XP SP2, the Add or Remove Programs tool does not display an “Installed On” date for this update. Therefore, this update is not displayed in the Windows XP – Software Updates list according to the order of its installation. Instead, this update is displayed at the top of the Windows XP – Software Updates list.

    Note Add or Remove Programs is a Control Panel item.

  6. Post Offices will be open on Monday.

    If you have something real important then maybe worth phoning Don muang airport and seeing if the post office there is open. You might get lucky. Phone numbers can be found in the travel section.

  7. 1. I think you mean that you get a sound when you connect to the internet. If this is the case then go into control panel, click on sounds and scroll down until you see something marked connected. (On mine it says conexant adsl... Connected)Next to this you may see an icon which means that you will get a sound when you connect.By clicking on the icon a box below will display all options for different sounds. Scroll to the top and click on "None"

    2. Next time the box appears click in the box saying "Do not show in future"

    3. For more information on windows messenger look at:


    Hope this helps

  8. Quote

    "HElp !!!!!!!! going to thailand in 2 days and should i bring cash and travelers checks , is there a difference in exchange rate between the 2"

    There is a difference between the 2. For Pounds sterling this is typically about 1 baht higher for a T/C. There is also a charge for each traveller's cheque of about 30 baht. So higher denominations are more cost effective.

  9. Quote:

    "Btw, it's been a while now since Windows Service Pack 2 came out. Maybe it's time you downloaded that, all the bugs should have been sorted by now if that's why you've been waiting so long."

    The number of American companies that have actively excepted this service pack is....... 7%.

  10. Gary

    If you read the following three articles you should have a slightly better understanding on property leases in Thailand. Bear in mind the first two are written by companies trying to sell their services. But between the three you should get an idea as to the rights,obligations and pros/cons of leasing property. Anyway I hope it helps:




  11. Just one suggestion:

    Up until last year when I was in an apartment, I would get disconnected every 45 mins by the PABX system. Once the disconnect happened then the Dial-Up connection screen would appear. It would then take multiple attempts to reconnect, and then frequently at slow speeds. I found that if I closed the Dial-Up screen down and reconnected using the short-cut on my desktop I would reconnect instantly and with a good connection.

    Like I said just a suggestion..

  12. I don't think you are going to have much luck in getting it repaired. I had a similar problem on my Toshiba laptop a couple of years ago, where I lost Q,A & Z on the left hand side. The only problem was that the Toshiba office didn't have a British Keyboard so had to replace it with an American style one. Cost about 5000 Baht.

    The problem here might be that Sony only have the dual English/Thai keyboards, I can't believe that they have no replacement keyboards in stock considering the number of laptops they sell. In which case you can swap your old US "Keys" for the dual language keys. Swapping a keyboard shouldn't take any more than an hour. If the computer is still under warantee then you will have to decide which is more important, access to your computer or the warantee.

    It was a week before I returned to Bangkok and could get it fixed and it was a pain typing as I had to keep using the Alt function to type the letter "a".

  13. One days overstay will not get a fine, however if you are going through the airport then the overstay is based on flight departure time not when you actually go through immigration, so if your flight leaves after midnight then add an additional day on.

    Likewise I have applied for an extension with a days overstay at immigration in Bangkok, no problems. I didn't even realise I was overstay until I got the passport back and checked the stamps.

  14. I had a similar problem a while ago.

    Doctor suggested:

    Not washing my hands more than 2-3 times a day, and then thoroughly drying them.

    Not using a scented type of soap.

    Not using any type of hand cream.

    Applying Aristocort A after washing and drying and before bed.

    It did take a while (several months) but my hands did stop going hard, dry, cracking and itching. I now use Protex Simple soap which seems to be fine.

  15. Quote

    " Correct me if I am wrong but the Celeron is 16bit and the same priced AMD will be 32bit.

    That is four times faster.

    Windows XP is intended for 32bit."

    Celeron processors are 32 bit. Meaning they process 4 bytes at a time

    Windows has been 32 bit since win 95 (NT4), although windows 95 did have some legacy files left over allowing it to run some of the old 16 bit applications.

    The next change is 64 bit processors although windows xp Pro 64bit is still in the developement stage and is according to Microsoft "Coming Soon...) 64 bit processors are available from both Intel and AMD but are for the high end market, at the moment there isn't any software which utilises the 64 bit architecture.

  16. THAI LAW

    "Thai law requires that 51% of the shares be held by Thai juristic persons, however, any company with more than 40% foreign interest that purchases land will be investigated by the Central Land Office in Bangkok (under section 74 of the Land Code) to ensure that the company has not been organized in an attempt to circumvent the prohibition against foreign ownership of land."

    The only differences between what different law offices state seems to on whether a company owning over 40% is investigated or Automatically investigated.However if you are going to purchase land by starting up a company who's sole intention is to circumvent the prohibition against foreign ownership of land then you are breaking the law and should the Central Land office decide to investigate then you will be forced to sell the land in a time not less than 180 days and not more than 1 year, after which it will be taken over by the government.

  17. When I lived in an apartment we sometimes got bills a little higher when we didn't give the apartment owners the months readings in time for the bill, but this was off-set the following month when we gave a reading.

    Apartment owners always charge more for water than they pay to the utilities company, but then they factor in the electricity cost of pumping the water up to your apartment. 5 baht for pumping 1000 litres...

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