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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. Maybe worth a read:


    or to highlight

    "To make this change, find this entry in about:config:


    The default setting is represented by the numeral 3, and corresponds to "when appropriate/automatically." To change it, simply double-click the browser.cache.check_doc_frequency entry. A small dialog box will open. Type the numeral 1 to change it to "Each Time" and press OK. Here's a description of the available options for this particular setting:

    0 = Once per session

    1 = Each time

    2 = Never

    3 = When appropriate/automatically"

  2. From what you described, I would have to agree that the harddisk is probably damaged, whether this is the only problem will only be known if a new hard disk is installed and you are able to load an o/s.

    Replacing a harddisk is fairly simple and shouldn't cost too much (B4000+ depending on size) and if you take it to panthip they will format and load the o/s of your choice probably free of charge at the same time. In all honesty I don't think the Toshiba service centre will be able to do much that can't be done in panthip, but they probably will keep your computer for a while, which could be inconvenient, and they will probably cost more.

  3. Noodles

    Many times zone alarm reports an intrusion when in fact it is just a ping from your isp. The isp will do this to confirm that you are still connected after a period of inactivity to see if they can reclaim the ip address.

  4. I had a similar problem with a Toshiba laptop a few weeks ago, only mine was closer to 4 years old. Took it to Panthip where I found a really helpful shop which specialised in older Toshiba's (Ground floor). Prefered it there to the main Toshiba shop as he did everything in front of me rather than someone taking it away. I kept the original hard-disk (Fujitsu, Made in Thailand..) and confirmed it was badly corrupted, with multiple bad sectors.

  5. Normally this is a sign that the UPS is having to adjust the voltage to the correct level. Normally occurs when the UPS is designed for a particular voltage and the voltage in is higher or lower.

    Could be that you are getting a very high or low voltage which is outside the threshhold of the ups.

    If this is the case then leave the UPS in and on as it might protect equipment from getting fried.

  6. Quote

    "have tried that slim,thanks, but it does not have a default value when installed?"

    Whilst it does not have a "Return to default" button, the browser help does list what the default was. For Documents this will be:

    Document CSS

    Selects whether or not Opera should use all CSS defined in the

    document. This is enabled as "Document" by default.

    Document font and color

    Selects whether or not Opera should use all fonts and colors

    defined in the document. This is enabled as "Document" by default.

    User CSS

    Selects whether or not Opera should use all CSS defined by the user. This is

    enabled as "User" by default.

    User font and color

    Selects whether or not Opera should use all fonts and colors

    defined by the user. This is enabled as "User" by default.

    User links

    Links in documents can be turned off with this option, but that will make Web page navigation very difficult.

    It is recommended that you keep them on for both "Document" and "User" if you don't specifically want

    them off.


    Selects whether Opera should enable tables. Enabled in both "Document" and

    "User" by default.

  7. Still using Opera 4.01

    I have looked at later upgrades but have not seen anything new which I would use. Love the tab function, ability to enable/disable java on the run,enter proxies easily, except all cookies and discard them when I close the browser, and general ability to do what I want with history,cache etc.

    Has a fairly reasonable download manager which does on occasion allow for interupted downloads to be resumed (25% of the time), but not as good as a download manager like getright,Download accelerator etc

    The only real advantage of later versions was the ability to identify function was extended to cover later versions of Netscape and Ie, although I have not had much problem with just keeping to the Mozilla default.

  8. Quote Pandit 35

    "I hear that in the second quarter they are starting a new service with 'new' technology. Currently you sign up for a minimum of 1 year, so anyone new might find themselves feeling hard done to."

    True started advertising the new service in the Bangkok Post today. Service is called VDSL and is aimed at business's rather than home users. Costs start at B 5,400/month and allows upto 8 Fixed Global IP addresses. Speeds between 6Mbps - 10Mbps upstream and downstream.

    Good for companies who cannot afford the B100,000+/month for a Leased line

  9. The only time I have had a similar problem to this is when the page has not fully loaded, and have had to press the stop button in order to get the focus back and to be able to cut & Paste. This has only happened a few times and has been more down to the internet connection than the web page itself.

    One thing you could try is going into Preferences (Alt P) and "documents" and seeing what has been enabled/disabled. Opera has a fairly reasonable help file in the bottom right hand side of each window in Preferences also telling you what the default value was when installed incase you have changed anything by mistake.

  10. If he is buying internet cards from ksc then does sound like dial-up. If he is in an apartment (Jump of balconey..) then could be going through a pabx system as well which would slow the access down by 50%.

    Remember it doesn't matter how fast your computer is, it is how fast your modem is and line connection that counts.

  11. I found using two browsers to be the simplest option. For me this is Opera/Ie. Whilst I haven't downloaded Firefox, I have been taking a keen interest in what people have been saying. One hope is that in future versions of browsers, the programmers will consider what firefox has done (Simple browser, ability to add -on additional features as users want) rather than simply make each additional version more feature rich than the last.

  12. It was a very long time ago, so I maybe (probably am mistaken).

    From what I remember the "Cooling Off" period was because the British Government was trying to save money in repatriations. Too many Brits were coming over to Thailand, marrying the love of their lives after a 14 day holiday and taking them back to the U.K.

    Obviously a fair few of these marriages failed fairly quickly, and it was decided that if visa's were not issued for 3 months (Hence Cooling Off Period)then they could reduce this down by a sizeable level.

  13. Hi Big Spuds

    Sorry to hear about your problems.

    Regarding your idea as to coming over to marry your girlfriend and then re-applying. I am not sure if it has changed, but the British Embassy used to have what they called a cooling off period between getting married and accepting applications for a visa. From what I remember it was 3 months. Maybe Scouser can verify or not.

    Hope everything works out for you.

  14. As you noted the only difference between the two models of compaq computers is the processor.

    The major differences between the two will be clock speed the pentium is 1.5, and the celeron 1.3 and the Level 2 cache on the pentium is double that of the celeron. There should be a noticable difference with battery life of the pentium as the pentium has far better battery management (during idle times) than the celeron. Both are based on the same 90nm architecture.

    Regardless of which computer you decide on you may have to buy some addition ram as they both come with the bare minimum 256MB. (Actually only 192MB as 64MB is stolen by the video memory), if you are going to be installing windows xp,(for windows 2000 or linux it will probably do fine). As you are also aware you will also need an o/s as it only comes with dos. If you are going to buy in Panthip, then that will not be a problem.

  15. Unfortunetely until a dentist has actually started work on the tooth it may not be possible to determine the full extent of damage even with an x-ray. I had the same at the Bangkok Dental Hospital last year, two teeth needed root canals, one was straight forward the second took two additional visits to ensure the tooth was 100% dry inside before finishing (No additional charge). From the x-rays both teeth looked in a similar condition. It is possible that the dentist is just being professional, ensuring that his or her work is good. I believe I paid about 7000B for each root canal.

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