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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. It has been 15 years since I got married, so memory is a little vague. But to the best of my (what little I have remaining) memory, I sent one of the two marriage certificates I received from the Amphur to be recorded with the British government. And in return received a certified copy, which I still use for getting visa's.

    Now a question.

    Is it possible to get a replacement copy in Thailand at the Amphur

    Somewhere along the way I seem to have misplaced/lost my original

    Anyone else had a similar problem. Or is it just me..

  2. For someone to get a British Passport they need a Professional person, eg Doctor , Lawyer, Banker etc, to sign one photo and the relevent part of the Passport application form saying that "I certify that this is a true likeness of ...."

    In the case of a child, it is normal to give the form and photo to the child's Doctor.

    Hope this helps

  3. If you are going to use cdr's for storing data; here is a bit of (probably useless) information..

    The major two components in a cdr are:

    A Reflective coating

    An organic dye

    Basically, by heating the dye it changes the reflective properties.

    The two reflective coatings used are



    Silver has a better reflective property than gold.

    Silver is cheaper than gold

    Silver gets damaged by the ink easier than the gold

    There are 4 main types of dyes





    Each of these dyes is translucent, and appears different depending on whether the reflective layer is Silver or Gold

    Generally, the best dye for Thailand is Pthalocyanine due to it's properties with damp/humidity, and for long lasting, gold is better than silver. Thankfully only pthalocyanine looks gold when used with a gold reflective layer, the other dyes look shades of green or blue. So if you turn a disc upside down and it looks gold then it is probably (possibly) the best one for long term data storage.

  4. Like gary A, I use external harddrives for important data. Although for the future I would be keeping an eye on flash memory, these are dropping in price and increasing in storage capacity. Currently up to 1.5 GB at a price of around $80.00 so not very good value for money when compared with cd or dvd disks (at the moment..). I would expect the high storage versions to stay at a similar price for the forseeable future, but the storage capacity to double every 12-18 months.

    With no moving parts, no warping, better temperature tolerance, virtually unlimited read/writes they have a life span of approx 75-100 years.

  5. Quote

    "Sorry John, thats total bs,

    airlines don't check, if they did it would take all day to check in."

    If you are on an International flight all airlines check

    1. Name against ticket

    2. Validity of passport

    3. Whether the person has a visa to the destination country (If required)

    As a matter of courtesy they also check Thai visa's so as to warn passenger's if they are overstay, so that the passenger's can ensure they have sufficient funds to pay at the immigration counter.

  6. As Bkk_mike said xp has a 32GB limit on FAT32.

    Other than Partition Magic, another alternative would be to format using either a win98/Me computer or use a win98/Me boot disk and format from that.

  7. I think in the scenario supplied by the OP, I would go for the FAT32 option. This would give the user a little more flexability, as the backup harddrive could be used on all systems 98,Me,2000 and xp.

    The only reason why I would use NTFS in a backup drive would be if the amount of available space was an issue, as FAT32 does tend to allow less usable space than NTFS.

    Encryption shouldn't be an issue, as EFS is not a particularly good encryption program anyway, and there are far better (read secure) freeware programs available.

    Networking shouldn't be an issue on a backup harddrive

    Guess I go with Pandit

    It won't be too long in the future when Microsoft will finally unveil WinFS, guess around 1 year after Longhorn (Which is a definate maybe for this year).That should start a few threads..

  8. To start with, I would like to say that to use statistics to govern one's unsafe sexual practices is very dangerous. To use simple statistics as used in the original post is even more dangerous.

    The fact is some people seem to be more prone to catching the disease than others, this has been highlighted in many well publised cases where people with AIDS have knowingly had unprotected sex with numerous partners, and a percentage of these partners have contracted the disease, whilst others have remained uninfected.

    For the ones who became hiv+, their chances of catching the disease was 100 %. Unfortunetely, until you have unprotected sex with someone who is hiv+, you do not know if you are more prone to being infected. Even then; the only real conclusions you can come up with are whether you are more prone to catching the disease. You cannot make the assumption that because you did not catch the disease, that you are less prone, because other factors come into the equation, the three biggest remaining factors would be:

    1. Viral load

    2. Sub strain

    3. The state of ones own immune system.

    Having multiple sex partners increases your chance of being infected, because you are more likely to have sex with someone with either:

    1. A higher viral load

    2. A different or multiple sub strains

    Obviously girls who work in the "Entertainment Industry" have sex with people from all over the world therefore are more likely to come into contact with all the various substrains as well as the E strain which is the most predominent in Thailand. Likewise the more partners the more chance you come into contact with someone with a high viral load. On top of that you also have to take into account the state of one's own health, if you are "Run Down" or your immune system is already battling another infection then your likelyhood of being infected increases dramatically.

    To coin a well used phrase: Having unprotected sex is like playing Russian Roulette. Only in this case the more partners the more bullets..

  9. Quote

    "While I do think Bill Gates is doing fine and can afford some piracy (cost of doing business), he did not steal software. He did develop the Altair BASIC interpreter (give him some credit) and went on to work out a deal with IBM to have the rights to what became MS-DOS. Smart operator, but not a thief.

    Jealousy is not a reason to steal from someone. Actually, I can't think of a reason to steal from someone."

    The following is an extract from


    Congressman of the Republica of Perú

    in a letter to Microsoft.


    "The inclusion of the intellectual property of others in works claimed as one's own is not a practice that has been noted in the free software community; whereas, unfortunately, it has been in the area of proprietry software. As an example, the condemnation by the Commercial Court of Nanterre, France, on 27th September 2001 of Microsoft Corp. to a penalty of 3 million francs in damages and interest, for violation of intellectual property (piracy, to use the unfortunate term that your firm commonly uses in its publicity)."

    Full letter can be found at:


  10. The figure quoted by BES is only true if a company or individual budgeted say B6000 for each piece of software, bought a pirated version in Panthip and left the remaining B5900 in their back pocket or company safe and never used it.

    If a company had 12 computers and installed pirated software on all of them, and used the "savings" to hire someone at B5900 a month for a year then the Thai economy would actually benefit as all the money would remain in Thailand rather than being exported to America.

  11. Amari Hotels are pretty good and ideal for family.

    Not counting the Amari Airport hotel there are three Amari's in bangkok. The Atrium is probably the most remote of the three. The other Amari on petchburi is the Watergate which is situated near to Panthip plaza, again a good quality hotel, but with a few more things to do and see within walking distance. The last one is the Boulevard which is on Sukhumvit soi 5, opposite Foodland, which is ideal for when family visit, as they can walk around, find familiar restraunts and the markets stalls, which means you can leave them to themselves. Only downside is it is fairly close to Nana plaza, so in the evenings you get a lot of girls walking around.

  12. Jockstar

    If the disc only holds the one file "data3.cab" then it will not play.

    What you have is probably one of three things.

    1. A corrupt disc

    2. A disc provided by the company to fix problems with the original data3.cab

    3. An upgrade to the original game providing additional scenarios

    The original game disc will have at a minimum files labelled "data1.cab" and "data2.cab" (data1.cab will have the signature bytes on). Additionally it will probably hold .exe, .dat, .dll files etc

    Hope this helps

  13. Changing money at the airport is easy.

    The exchange rate is slightly down on what you get in a downtown bank, but it is considerably easier and quicker. The best deals are for exchanges from Baht to US$, any other exchanges mean a double exchange; Bt to US$, then US$ to Foreign currency. With 2 sets of commisions..

    Exchange rates at the Exchange Booths do vary throughout the day; as a general rule of thumb: If the banks are open then the exchange rate is better. Evenings and weekends generally see the worse rates at the Booths.

    Exchange it anywhere but the airport - you will get raped.

    If you have to make a special journey to a bank, then the airport will be more like a friendly grope. At least it's over quickly..

  14. To use 0163 on a laptop to get the £ sign you need to:

    Enable the number pad. (On my Toshiba Fn + F11)

    Use the number pad keyboard. (You will see the small numbers on the front of some of the keys, usually to the right hand side. On a Toshiba the M = 0, J = 1, K = 2, L = 3, U = 4 etc)

    Hope this helps

  15. I must say it is absolutely terrific to read about the number of people here at Thaivisa who are supporting their loved ones, you have my deepest respect.

    To stevenjm:

    In one of your earlier posts you mentioned that the doctors have prescribed "Something for that white stuff on her tongue". Generally the doctors here prescribe 2 medications, short term is a mouth wash which is gargled and then swallowed. This is done about 3-4 times a day for a few weeks. Longer term a anti-fungal medicine is prescribed called fluconazole (There is a Thai generic version available manufactured by Siam Pharmaceuticals called flucazole) If your girlfriend is not on this medication then I would suggest you speak to your doctor about it as it is a recommended treatment for hiv.

    You also mentioned that your girlfriend was feeling dizzy. Whilst the problem is probably a lack of iron, it can also be a result of the medication she is on. I was informed that when I started on Stocrin it would have a similar effect. The Doctor was right, I felt as though I was drunk for ten minutes after taking it. This passed after a few weeks, but I still jokingly refer to it as yaa baa.

    On a positive note..

    I was talking to my Doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he said that other than a very few newly diagnosed cases, he has not had to admit a single one of his patients into the hospital (Bumrungrad) for ten years. Every existing patient is treated as an out patient.

  16. Quote

    "You think when you talk about something you don't know anything about helps? Please this is a load of BS.

    60 Mb of video memory?? 512-60 not enough?? All the other remarks, amazing!!"

    No Problem

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    cu slimdog

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