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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. If an old woman wanted to marry me in the UK and build me a house for 400,000 pounds I would have let her 15 years ago, when I was in my early 20s, especially if I knew I could ask her to leave as soon as it was bought. If I asked her to buy a  new car that no one in my family had ever dreamed of owning too, and she agreed, then I am worth some thing like 1/2 a million pounds. I would have done it. Then I could dump her and go get another old woman and go for the bigger jackpot. I wouldn't mind the embarrassment of going around with an old woman older than my mother, and all my friends would know what was going on. Every one would actually except the poor old woman, but she has unlimited money obviously.

    There is not much difference in my way of thinking than the Thai.

    I have heard about a thousand more stories of guys in Falang land that have been taken to the cleaners by the woman of their dreams. Some of them after 30-40 years of bliss, some of them after the vows. Look closley at the facts. So many Falangs in Thailand treat the purchase of a woman like the purchase of a car. Something that is theirs to do what they like with, because they paid for it.They can drive anyone elses, but woe betide any one getting behind the wheel of theirs.

    That is a pretty useless way of looking at life. Some of my most respected friends are not averse to going off for a short time every now and again, and even frown at me when I say I am not interested. Why should I be. I respect the woman I married. And before around 135% of the readers of this come back with " I'm not one of them" I did say some, not all. Well that's just my point of view.


  2. If you have just come to Thailand from abroad, you're bound to be disappointed by what passes for high-speed Internet here.  I consider my ADSL connection (CS-Loxinfo over TT&T line) to be good value relative to what I was paying for dial-up access per month with CS-Loxinfo, adding up the combined cost for both the local phone calls and the access time.  I have an always-on connection (well, mostly always) and it's faster than the dialup-up access.  Could it be faster and more reliable?  Sure, but it's beats being on dial-up for the same cost per month.

    Would have to agree 100%

    The first time I got on the internet in Thailand it was costing me B500.00 for 10 Hrs plus phone calls (Samart). So todays high speed packages are considerably cheaper, faster and more reliable. As Ovenman said, sure beats what I have had in the past.

  3. As other posters have mentioned, in order to access bank accounts on-line, most banks require Internet Explorer. If you are using this and the advise that tywais offered didn't help then there are a couple of other possibilities.

    1. Many banks once logged-in, Open a new window to display account details. Does your browser block popup's for the banks website, or do you have any form of pop-up blocker software installed, if so then you will have to either allow popup's for the banks web site or disable when accesing the web site.

    2. The only other possibility I can think of is that you have Java disabled

    Hope this helps

  4. I took a flight out of BKK on Cathay Pacific.

    The tickets (2) were purchased online about 8 days before travel. The charge had already been processed by the time I checked in at the airport.

    For the purchase, I used a unique credit card number (generated online by my credit card company, a different number for every purchase). Of course, I didn't know that I had to show the credit card until I looked at my confirmation, after purchase, where it said that you MUST present the same credit card when checking in. All I had was a print-out of the online card. Never mind my passport showed the same name, along with the original card from the credit card company (which I never actually use in Thailand), and the fact that the online purchased had already been confirmed and deposited into their bank account.

    Speaking to the reps and then the manager, I was told that there was no way I could board the flight without showing the same credit card that I used to purchase the ticket. (Those who do not have their credit card "go back home", the manager said. Nice guy, but it was a stupid thing to say...)

    So, I ended up purchasing the same 2 tickets AGAIN with cash (I don't like using credit cards in Thailand). It'll take a few days before the charge is reversed on the card, but this has to be the stupidest check-in policy I've ever heard of. When I finally checked in, they didn't have any record of my reserved seats or vegetarian meal.

    Needless to say I will NEVER be flying Cathay Pacific again. If one doesn't have the exact same credit card you used online, pay for it again or just turn around and GO BACK HOME.

    um, why didnt you have the card with you? Surely you dont have that many cards that you leave the majority behind or do you just use cash abroad?

    Its not that an unreasonable request as others have said to help try and prevent fraud.

    It sounds as though he did have the creditcard with him, at least the creditcard that was billed. But, because he used a random generated number, (issued by the creditcard company for that particular transaction) the number on the credit card did not match the "random number" that the Airline wanted. Hence the problem.

  5. With Win98 you should have a couple of choices:

    1. Do a search on your computer. You will possibly have a copy of the file in:


    If you have not deleted this folder then it hold a back up of all the windows files.

    2. Re- install Ie. You should be able to do this by going into windows explorer, click on Program Files, then Internet Explorer. Inside this folder you will see "setup.exe", this will re-install Internet Explorer onto your computer.

    Hope this helps

  6. Richard, I was very sad to hear your sad news.

    Over 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with AIDS. To say the least it was a massive shock. Up until just before then, I considered myself to be fairly healthy, a few minor ailments, which I was always able to put down to my work, which is fairly stressful and draining both physically and mentally. On this occassion I knew I was in a bad way, I was having trouble sleeping, eating far too little and had a shortness of breath along with a few minor ailments . Having been away for 2 months, my wife was worried sick when she met me at the airport, and dragged me to Bumrungrad almost instantly. Early testing (not hiv) revealed little more than fatigue. After my condition had, if anything gotten worse, I was back in Bumrungrad where the x-ray this time revealed the start of pneumonia. The Doctor wanted me to have a hiv test, In her words,"To eliminate that possibility", whilst I thought it a bit of a waste of money, I consented. The result was positive. Due to the time of day, and the fact that we had to pick the kids up from school, we arranged to see a specialist the following day, although they did take more blood from me and my wife.

    That evening was a nightmare, I had no idea as to how i became infected, I was worried sick that my wife and children might also be infected, I didn't even know if my wife would stick by me.

    The following day we got the results. For my wife the result came back negative. When asked about the kids, the Doctor said we could test them if we wanted, but he was certain they were fine. Wanting to be 100% sure, we asked for testing, an hour later, both negative.

    My results were not so good. My CD4 count was down to 8, viral load was measured at 85,000, I had PCP pneumonia, my body weight was down to 65 kg, plus a few other less serious ailments. All in All, I was in the ####.

    Over the next month, the Bactrim, the Doctor prescribed for the pneumonia did it's job, slowly but surely the pnemonia receded. The wife's cooking stopped any further weight loss, I even gained 3kg, and I started on ARV medication. The support I received from my wife was nothing short of brilliant. I don't think I could have made it without her.

    Today I feel fine, recent tests showed my viral load as un-detectable (<50), my cd4 is rising slowly but surely and is up to 200, I am able to work, although I now take far better care of myself regarding food and rest whenever I am away. My weight is back to a more sensible 75kg.

    The Doctor I see at Bumrungrad, has been brilliant, always encouraging, always spending a few minutes speaking to my wife, re-assuring her and offering encouragement. Over the past couple of years he has tried to build up a profile, when I mentioned that I was given a blood transfusion, he asked,"where and when ?" I told him, Paris 1984.His reply shocked me. "Did you know that hundreds if not thousands of people were infected with hiv from blood in Paris during this period".

    Today there is no way of confirming, whether or not I did get infected 21 years ago, and if so, why I never passed it onto my wife or children. To be honest I don't care, they are all healthy. My wife has had 3 further hiv tests in the past 2 years, once for confirmation after 3 months and twice for getting health insurance, once for the kids, once for herself, all have come back negative.

    For me AIDS is something I live with, I take the medications, I eat as well as I can, I get as much rest as I need, but most importantly, I do so with the full support and encouragement of my family. For the first few months, it was difficult to come to terms with, but as time passed, and I saw myself getting stronger and healthier, I started to think about it less and less. I may have tested positive for hiv, but my wife tested positive for love. Thanks Darling...

  7. I was checking www.pantipprice.com for prices on Windows XP Professional. There is an OEM version for b7,800 and 'box' version for b26,400. Is the OEM version 'legitimate' to install on a new, built-to-order PC?

    An oem Licence would be legitimate, providing that the new, built-to-order Pc came pre-installed. OEM version software is tied into a single computer, or more accurately the motherboard. So you would not be able to upgrade the motherboard, or even change it unless it was covered by a warantee. The box version has far more flexability, hence the higher price.

  8. Firstly my condolenses to the family.

    I can't help but feel sorry for Khun Whan. In less than 24 hours after her husband has been killed, she has been accused of:

    Murdering her husband

    Drinking tea at home whilst her husband loses his fight for life

    Being a bigamist

    Not informing the Police

    All of this from a 5 paragraph report.

  9. Chownah

    Just a suggestion:

    Open ACDSee, go into Options, and click on Miscellaneous. You will see an option for "Disable GIF Animation". Ensure this has not been checked.

    Also when you save a picture from the internet a box should appear giving you the choice of Save as "File type" It sounds s though yours has a default of .bmp, simply saving a picture as .jpg should change that. Also ensure that you use the .gif when it is a graphics file you want to save. You normally have at least 2 options in File Type, GIF/BMP, JPG/BMP etc depending on the original file.

    Hope this helps


  10. I believe that the MFA the good Dr is refering to is:

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    As for using two passports, I have been doing this for the past 20 years, actually had 3 once when a full passport was replaced but not cancelled, just a stamp in the new one stating that Holder previously travelled under passport No ### which holds valid visa's.

    My company keeps a file with signed visa forms in the office so that should I be out of the country they can get visa's put in my 2nd passport. Of course this only works when I remember to drop the passport off :o

  11. Does the Log file actually exist in the directory ?

    C:\Windows\Internet Logs\ZALog.txt

    It might be worth checking to see if this file exists on your computer, but is in a different place. Another thing you could try is to create the file by opening wordpad and saving the empty text file as ZALog in C:\Windows\Internet Logs\ and see what happens.

    Also with zoneAlarm you will need to go into preferences and ensure that the option "Archive log text files every .. days" is enabled. Without this option, VisualZone will not be able to see any current alerts.

    I am a bit suprised that the program works with Blackice, as I was under the impression that it was a visual program designed exclusively for Zone Alarm.

    Hope this helps

  12. lopburiguy

    You say that you have changed your firewall, are you still currently using either Zone alarm or zonealarm pro ? Because if not then VisualZone won't work. If you have upgraded from Zonealarm to Zoneaarm pro then you should be able to import the log files by clicking on "File" (Top left) and then "Import zonealarm log file" or simply by pressing F5

    Hope this helps

  13. Generally airlines have two discounts for children

    Less than 24months - Can be upto 90% discount + any tax's

    Less than 12 Years - Can be upto 50% discount + any tax's

    In the first case, the child will not be allocated a seat, and will be expected to share a seat with an adult. Also generally the child will not be given any baggage allowance, although the airlines will allow extra carry-on baggage for the mother.

    Hope this helps

  14. From reading the OP, it sounds as though Kalaminsa is asking whether his daughter needs a visa to continue to stay in Thailand. If I remember correctly, providing your daughter hasn't left the country since her birth, then Thailand does allow the child to remain in Thailand without a visa for a certain period of time, AFAIK this is 2 years, but it maybe longer.

    Should you take the child out of the country, then the situation changes. Technically ALL foreigners regardless of age need a valid visa to enter and remain in Thailand. However as other posters have pointed out, children under a certain age are not subject to an overstay fine.

  15. The biggest problem in pricing 2nd handlap tops is that what was a top of the range model 2 years ago had the same features as a mid range computer 12 months ago, which today are found in entry level machines, on top of which you have wear and tear,shortened battery life and no (or reduced) warantee.

    There is a market for cheap laptops B6000 - B15000, anything over this range and people generally think them expensive compared to new entry level machines, regardless of their original asking price.

  16. Whilst I never have a problem communicating with my wife, I find my kids never seem to understand me when the subject is clean you room, have a shower, go to bed, is your homework finished etc, it doesn't matter how careful I am with my pronounciation, or whether I speak Thai or English.

    Of course when I say "I have repaired your computer(again), and you can now play Sims2 they never seem to have a problem regardless of how badly I say it.

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