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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. Getting the data back will really depend on whether the files have been overwritten or not. There are some useful tools available. Do you know if the file system was Fat or NTFS ? Has the disk been re-formatted ?

    In order to have any chance of recovering data do not install any recovery software onto the harddrive which holds the data. Normally better to physically remove the harddrive and then using external usb harddrive connections connect it to a second computer, then if you do find data you want to recover you will be able to save it to a different physical drive (c:/) reducing the chance of overwriting any further data.

  2. Quote

    "Millions still using 98? I very much doubt that... no really, i do"

    It is very difficult to estimate true numbers of any operating system in use. The latest estimates (world wide) are that 4.5 -5.0 % of people are still using windows 98/98se. These are the figures released by google for Feb 2005 for what people were using at their site google.com

    Microsoft estimates the figures in Asia are higher (about 10% in 2004).

  3. Malcolm

    You don't give a particular model for your Tecra, but assuming it is the A3 then it might be that your friendly technician turned the bluetooth switch on. This should be located on the front of your computer and an small orange light will come on/off as the device is activated/de-activated. (By default Toshiba ship with the device switched off).

    Just a thought....

  4. For those of you who are concerned about this it might be worth noting that this only applies to those who are running Auto-update and have previously downloaded and applied the patch from Microsoft. This will not effect people who are using manual updates.

    To check if you have the patch you need to go into your registry (Click "Start",Click "Run", Type "regedit") and look for the following:

    Q. What registry key is being used for this purpose?

    A. HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate (Note.HKLM =HKey_Local_Machine)

    Q. What is the key value name and what are the value options?

    A. The key value name is "DoNotAllowXPSP2"

    If you do not have this Registry Key and value then your system will run as before.

  5. Sounds very much as though your homepage has been hi-jacked.

    The reason that you cannot get into MSN on your home computer is that the site you are visiting on start-up is NOT MSN but a fake site. Everytime you visit they have all your log -In details and then re-direct you to a porn site (They earn money for each visit). You may have to run both Adaware and Spybot in "Safe-Mode" in order to clean it up.

    As Previous posters have suggested, go to an Internet cafe, Log-On and change details, although expect quite a bit more spam now as they have a valid email address they can sell.

    You can find out more about Browser Hi-Jacking at:


  6. Sounds more like a hardware than software problem, you may have a problem with the telephone cable. Could be a bad connection to a Jack (loose wire or dry joint ) could be a damaged cable (Door, rodent..).

    I would check the physical connections first before trying a software approach such as an anti-virus program.

    Normally by pluging in a phone and listening for crackling can tell if the problem is before or at the modem. Turning the sound up on the modem and listening to the connection/handshake (control panel/modem) can discern if it is the modem itself.

  7. Jaundice within Thailand is usually associated with Hepatitus A. Which frequently leaves a patient with fever, headaches, tiredness etc as well as Jaundice.

    More info, precautions (NO PARACETAMOL) and treatment can be found at:


    If this is the case and your friend decides to travel then it will be important that he takes plenty of water with him/her on the plane as air travel causes dehydration. Avoid all alcohol.

  8. Whilst Spybot and Adaware will usually get rid of this spyware/adware it is possible that you have still got one of the companies products on your computer. If so then everytime you go on the internet it will download an update,and you are back to square one.

    Gain/Gator are distributed by Claria Products so it may be worth while checking if you still have any of their software running.

    Products are:

    Screen Scenes

    Web secure alert



    Gator ewallet

    Date Manager

    Precision time

    If you are using any of these, then using Add/Remove delete them from your computer and re-run adaware/Spybot to remove any lingering traces

    If you are comfortable looking through the registry then you could also manually check using the information supplied by:


  9. Hi Horse

    "I am interested in the legalities of having copy software on your machine though.

    Can they easily check that is it a copy version, or does it involve an expert?"

    Legalities of using software depends upon the licence agreement the software company has chosen. Some software is freeware, some shareware some open source others proprietry. Some software is free for personnel use but not for commercial use (eg Zonealarm).

    When you buy software what you are actually purchasing is a licence to use it, so it is possible to have a legal version of copy software providing you purchase a licence from the software company. An example of this would be Windows OEM version. Some smaller computer companies have used the same details for a number of computers and have paid Microsoft a smaller amount than they should have. Anyone with this (multiple used) software is technically using pirated software (even though they maybe unaware of it). For a fee, Microsoft will give these users a legit serial number, thereby making the pirated software legal.

    As to checking, customs in all countries have no way of verifying whether software is legal or pirated, as there are far too many software companies and the details change on an hourly basis. In fact even the software companies themselves may find it difficult or impossible unless the serial numbers are known to be multiple use. or a known crack has been used. So if a keygenerator was supplied with the software, it would be a unique number and would never show up on a multiple use/ pirated list.

    Knowingly using pirated software is a crime, unfortunetly there is no crime involved in selling badly written,bloated,unstable or insecure software.

  10. Just a small word of caution..

    World stocks of Tamiflu are pretty much exhausted, most if not all new batches are already spoken for, the majority by governments and world health authorities.

    Because this medication has received world wide coverage recently, and is relatively expensive, there are high probabilities that counterfeit products will be on the market. Remember that Tamiflu like all medications will have suitable storage conditions,shelf life and cautions on who should and who shouldn't take the medication.

    Roche has a website regarding this product at:


    Where further information can be obtained.

  11. Problem is because the IDN look-up has been disabled in your up-dated version.

    Reason is:


    "However, we also have a duty to protect our users. So, in the mean time, the enableIDN preference will be set to "false" in Firefox 1.0.1 and Mozilla 1.8 beta, including all official localisations. An XPI will be made available to turn it on again; this XPI will make the risks of doing so clear. This means that by default, links to IDN domains which use the Unicode rather than the punycode form for the href will fail, and the browser will display any IDN domain visited in its raw form."

    Full URL for reason is:


    Fix is found at:


  12. Flew with them last year.

    Flight to London was fine.

    Very old ex KLM 747

    Had an open return ticket. Trying to get a flight back to Thailand was a nightmare as not one travel agent had their number.

    Flight back left approx on time and arrived about on schedule. Main memory of the flight was the amount of water flooding into the aircraft from the air-conditioning, fusing many of the overhead lights.Crew just used tape and polythene to keep it off the passengers, which worked until the quantity of water forced the tape off, drenching many people (myself included) Was extremely pleased to arrive in Bangkok in one piece.

    Not on my list for any future trips.

  13. BrissyBoy

    Yes electrolysis is available in Bangkok.

    However, expect to have electrolysis for a period of between 3 months and 1 Year at approx 1 hour each session. You pay per session, expect an average of 80 sessions. With a very heavy beard this may well be over 100 sessions, all of which carry the possibility of infection and scarring.

    Maybe shaving doesn't sound so bad after all....

    Would agree with some of the other posters that in a warmer climate having a "Wet" shave with something like a mach3 is probably the best solution, as electric shavers can cause rashes for some people, and razor blades do give a far longer lasting shave.

    Whilst the cost of replacement blades can be high it will be considerably cheaper than electrolysis.

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