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Posts posted by slimdog

  1. Firstly you need to plug your laptop into an external monitor and confirm that it is an actual hardware fault as opposed to just settings.

    If it is hardware, then as a previous poster mentioned it is most likely the dc/ac converter to the backlight. These cost around US$45 plus any costs.

    Possibly better to go for a cheap 2nd hand monitor if the cost is an issue.

  2. Kat

    Being overstay can be very serious regardless of whether it is days,weeks or months. If you are actually at a border control or immigration then you will be O.K, but until you get there you are treated as an illegal alien, which if the police ask for your passport results in a stay at the immigration cells, and court..

    There have been cases in Thailand where immigration officers have gone to pick up points for visa runs and checked passports, all found to be overstay were then arrested.

    Once you have cleared immigration and have the overstay stamp in your passport,then some Embassy's can use this as grounds for refusing additional visa's (notably Singapore, but there maybe more)

  3. Toastwars

    Just a quick note for you.

    Do not use the computer where the lost files are located to download anything, also do not install any new programs onto your computer as you have a very good chance of overwriting the files you wish to recover.Any recovery software should be run from a floppy or external storage device. Unfortunetly the majority of recovery programs require that the software is on the same harddrive as the files you wish to recover, which is fine if you have it already installed, but useless otherwise.

    Obviously no defrags, scandisks or backup's as these will all write to your harddrive and may overwrite the data.

    If your harddrive is partitioned then it is possible to to write to the partition which does not have the data you wish to recover.

    If you are still unable to recover your photo's post again and I will see what programs I can dig up for you which can do the job.

  4. From TAT:


    1. Foreign tourists may freely bring In foreign banknotes or other types of foreign exchange. Upon leaving Thailand, a foreign tourist may freely take out foreign means of payment in any amount.

    2. For travellers leaving Thailand, the maximum amount permitted to take out without prior authorization is Baht (banknotes) 50,000 per person.

    3. Foreign visitors may bring in personal effects and other goods which are not prohibited by current customs regulation. Other than personal effects. departing visitors are also allowed to take out merchandise bought from duty free shops, precious stones, gold and platinum ornaments.

    4. Foreign visitors are welcome to open foreign currency accounts with authorized banks in Thailand

    As a special gesture to nonresidents, no restrictions are imposed on the maintenance of and withdrawal from the account as long as the funds originate from abroad.

    For additional information, concerning foreign exchange change regulations, please contact any authorized banks

  5. Quote:

    "Very interesting indeed. Many years ago my boss (I was just a junior software engineer) got hold of a really expensive "Project Manager" software package, and he wanted to copy it so we all could use it on our PCs. (When you installed it, it would write something back to the floppy disk to stop you installing it again). The only bit of software he could find to copy the original disk was on sale in ....... Canada."

    I hope this is an ex company RDN....

    Any company which tries to circumvate a software package is possibly not worth working for.

    Any company which employ's software engineer's, who cannot circumvate a software package is definately not worth working for.

  6. Just my understanding.. (and I am happy to be corrected if wrong)

    Leases are contracts under civil law not criminal. Therefore unless a court order has been issued, the police will not want to be involved. Even the courts will not want to be involved until the leasee is actually in deficit, meaning the 2 months deposit and 1 month advance has been exhausted.

    Generally if a landlord wished to remove a tennant from their property because they have failed to make payment(s),then the only action open to them (other then strong arm tactics) is termination of the electric supply, which only the property owner can get re-connected.

  7. Well spotted Speleo..

    Correct info should have read

    Magnitude 6.5 (SULAWESI, INDONESIA)


    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 00:04:44 (UTC)

    = Coordinated Universal Time

    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 8:04:44 AM

    = local time at epicenter (Sulawesi, Bali, south & east Kalimantan,

    Nusa Tenggara)

    Local time is +1 hour from Bangkok



    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 14:04:41 (UTC)

    = Coordinated Universal Time

    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 9:04:41 PM

    = local time at epicenter (Java, Sumatra, west & central Kalimantan)

    Local time is same as Bangkok

    Information provided by USGC has been revised since the post:

    Magnitude 5.5 (SULAWESI, INDONESIA)


    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 00:09:11 (UTC)

    = Coordinated Universal Time

    Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 8:09:11 AM

    = local time at epicenter

  8. Quote

    "If you have "A" then you don't need "B" however if you REALLY want "B" then you must have "A" first."

    This may sound silly to you (It certainly did to me when the British Embassy informed me), however the Actual reading should be:

    "If you have "A" then you don't need "B" however if you REALLY want "B" then you must have EITHER "A" or "B" first."

    From Embassy website:


    How do I prove that I have the right of abode?

    You must produce either:

    a United Kingdom passport describing you as a British citizen or as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who has the right of abode,


    a certificate of entitlement showing that you have the right of abode

  9. You are 100% correct, having both a valid British Passport and a Right of abode certificate is unneccessary. However,in order to get a Right of Abode certificate, a valid British passport is required as proof of this right.

    The reason we decided on getting the certificates were:

    1. We don't have to keep getting two sets of passports every 5 years for each child.

    2. Should laws change where dual nationality kids can no longer have 2 passports, or travel regulations change, then we/they have some options.

  10. Both of my children are dual nationality kids (Thai-English). A few years ago when we were looking into getting Right of Abode certificates for the kids I telephoned the Liverpool office and asked if I could get the certificates put into their Thai passports when we came over for a holiday.At the time I was advised NOT to do this in the U.K. The reasons were:

    1. Getting a right of abode certificate in the home country (Thailand) would be a simple procedure allbeit more expensive providing the kids had valid U.K. passports (which they did).

    2. Getting a right of abode certificate in the U.K whilst cheaper would raise many questions, namely

    If the childs Thai passport had a tourist visa in it, it would be questioned as to why a tourist was wanting permanent right of abode in the U.K

    If the child entered on a British passport, it would be questioned why the Thai Passport which was presented for the certificate had no immigration status

    If the mother was going to be in the U.K with the kids (which she was), it would be questioned as to whether she was trying to remain in the U.K. based on the childrens right of abode.

    The officer I spoke to was very good, and understood exactly what I was doing and why (Saving money..) but advised against getting the certificates in the U.K.

    In the end I got them done in Bangkok, and as I was told, it was a simple formality.

  11. Hi Jockstar

    As the person who recommended cleaning up your harddisk prior to selling it, I thought I had better respond.

    Just for the record: What I recommend will NOT protect you from the NSA,CIA,KGB or any other governmental organisation from recovering data from your harddisk.

    As someone who is not totally familiar with computer systems I feel that doing a re-format and reload of the o/s may cause you more problems than it is worth, so I would suggest either of the following after having saved any important files you wish to keep

    1. For about 500 baht you could ask one of the many shops in Panthip to do a Reformt and re-load for you.

    2. If you want to just clean up your system and not leave anything too obvious for the new owner to find then, a couple of days prior to selling the system do the following:

    Open Internet explorer and delete all favourites

    Open Windows explorer and delete everything from My documents, My Photo's etc

    Open Control Panel go to Add/remove Programs and remove all games, photo suites, office suites etc

    DeFrag your C Drive

    Go to the following web site:


    Click on the "Try it for free" button


    This will clean up the empty space on your hard drive and also delete internet history activities, cookies, temp files etc

    Run the program

    DeFrag your C Drive again

    If you are paranoid after reading all the above posts

    Run Windows washer again

    Using Add/Remove Programs delete windows Washer

    Sell your old computer

    Get your new comuter


  12. The problem you have described seems to be more resource related than driver related, and could also be related with either your video/sound card. Basically you are trying to run more operations than your computer can cope with, one extra, be it autosave in Word, screensaver or virus scan is sending it over the top. I am sure you will have the same problem with defrag or copying large files from one location to another.

    It's a particular problem with xp which singularly is using virtually all of your resources. 256mb is the minimum requirement for xp. And that is without running any anti-virus software, applications, office suites or games.

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