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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. My brother met a gal in Thailand. She was from Isaan. Good looking. No Pam Anderson, but that is not the point.

    First time I went there, I speculated that I would be shot in the back of the head. A roll of toilet paper was on the "dining room" table. A female roommate was passed out.

    Two days later he and her had a verbal argument about where to eat on Suk / Soi 3 @ 3 am.

    I went to Hillary Bar.

    Whats the point? TIT. No lecture. No point. No sense.

    But I will be back. Sooner. Not later. Sooner.

  2. Takes us almost exactly the same time either way. We do this trip all the time. Sorry, but impossible to do it in 30 minutes...either way.

    Where is your departure point in Bangkok?


    Perhaps the interesting conversation between the gal and the cabbie makes time fly...

    The bottle of Chang helps, too.

  3. When I Go to Pattaya, I Tell Others I am Going to Hua Hin...

    Yes, a euphimism....

    Your thoughts / opinions / feedback?


    1. That's not how you spell euphemism.

    2. Telling people you are going one place instead of where you're actually going is not so much employing a euphemism as it is an attempt at obfuscation. Either way, I doubt the "others" much care ... assuming they exist outside your imagination.

    3. When you get your photo in the local newspaper under the heading of "ladyboy hiding under the bed tricks farang," your cover will be blown anyway.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I don't know what you are being but I would guess to say that yes, you are being judgemental. Therefore you could never be my friend.

    Let's use some of your own logic, I have known about Pattaya and the sex industry here probably about the same time you were walking in diapers and saying "Poop-poop Momma". I have in fact lived here many years, where judging from your post you did not. But I cannot remember the last time I have been in a Bar let alone with a Bar Girl. But then to me, most of them are very nice people who I feel no shame being with and always had fun.

    I have been to Paris and I have seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Also Amsterdam and the Red Light District while I was there one time. My Friends did not assume I was in a coffee house doing drugs, as they know me well enough to know I don't do drugs. But yes, while their, I did see this. I have seen the Colosseum in Rome. The Pyramids in Egypt. London Bridge. And this list goes on and on. But on a recent trip I also went to Cambodia with my wife, just to see some of that country as it is close to Thailand.

    Whether you know this or not, Cambodia is also famous for being a Child Sex Tourist Destination. I Love Kids and would never even dream of hurting anyone of them in such a sick way. But according to you, and perhaps this poster, I should lie about this fact and tell my friends I am going someplace else, just in case they will think of me later as being a Child Molester.

    If that is the case then like I said all along Mate, "Time to get New Friends!"

    Oh Ya! If I went to Nepal My Friends would not think that I was going Mountain Climbing or Hiking! They know me well enough that I would hate that. At my age and health most guy do! Golf is as high a hill I want to climb now. So they would be more worried that I am going crazy and losing it by going their, then seeing me climb a mountain. That is unless...someone was paying me to do this....which we all understand.

    Don't you find it a tad hypocritical that you are passing judgment on my passing judgment (and I wasn't being judgmental, I simply pointed out the deductive logic)? LOL

    Yes, let's continue to use my logic . . .

    Of all the single (not unmarried but unaccompanied) male foreigners who live in Pattaya and come to Pattaya on holiday, what percentage have *never* been in a bar or with a bar girl (why do you think both of those words need capitalized?)? 10%? 20%? So, basically, the overwhelming majority of people who live or holiday in Pattaya do or have engaged in sex tourism. It doesn't need to be recently. I wouldn't expect that someone who lives in Paris go to the Louvre every day but it's a pretty safe bet that they've been at least once.

    So, Pattaya's reputation for sex tourism seems to be well deserved.

    On the other hand, of all of the single male foreigners who travel to or live in Cambodia, what percentage go there to molest children? 10%? Even 10% would seem seem absurdly high (the actual number is probably lower than 1% despite what the NGOs say).

    So, Cambodia's reputation seems to be entirely situational and underserved.

    Or, to put it another way, ask 100 people the first thing that comes to mind if you tell them you're going to Cambodia. The vast majority will say Angkor Wat, the Killing Fields, Snookyville, etc. You might get one or two people who say child prostitution. Ask the same thing about Pattaya and over 80% (probably close to 100%) will say Walking Street and-or beer bars.

    But, probably the best piece of logic to throw at you is the fact that while OP never said why he was lying to his friends, you knew exactly why. :-)

    Okay! Lets just make this simple logic and I am sure one you and probably everyone else, which I hope I am not being too judgemental by saying so, will understand. It came from my Mom, which your mom probably told you the exact same thing when you were a child. It goes like this:

    "If you have to lie about what you are doing, then you are probably doing something wrong that you shouldn't be doing"


    Actually, I am not doing something wrong. Just going to Pattaya.

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