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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. Yes, we know that spot.

    Not the new one, closest to Sukhumvit. Not the one south of Soi 6 on the west side of the street.

    Yes, the "music one." The one that shuts down at two but has pool tables and flags scattered about.

    The reason I ask is because I am inquiring the name of the "in-house" band that plays. They sing popular music, the lead singer looks to be a good looking Filipino gal who speaks very good English. I would suffice to say that I think the whole band is composed of Filipinos who speak very good English and do covers of all the most popular of covers, and they do a very good job of covering Eminem's 8 Mile soundtrack.

    They also moonlight at Club Climax on Soi 11.

    Straight to the point: You know the name of that band? Do they got a playlist available?

    Let me know, gents! If I rattled your cages, I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

  2. I was there and you were not.

    The fact of the matter is that I wanted to tell the forum about an interesting incident that occurred, yet a few members who have latent ideas about ladyboys continue to put in their two cents about something that they were not involved in.

    If they are about five feet tall, with natural looking bodies and arms, I know what sex they are (such was the case of these would-be robbers).

    If they are skinny as a rail, with knobby shoulders and ridiculous make-up, I can take a stab at what they are, too...

    Besides, the deaf street vendor who sells counterfeit goods close to Soi 6 and Sukhumvit can back me up in my tale of woe.

    OK, OK.... so you can tell the boys from the girls, big deal.

    But the real big boys don't play connect-4, even the pished up ones.

    You mean the deaf-mute street vendor would testify on your behalf? That will be something to watch... literaly.

    Nothing is wrong with Connect Four at five in the morning with a nice glass of hard liquor.

  3. There is a gang of four lady boys (and credible ones) operating under the footbridges - normally near Soi 25 catching farangs walking towards Soi 27 / 22 the tactics are exactly as described. They are quite dangerous and have knives (as I was later to be told).

    I have seen them in action twice - once on me when walking back to Soi27 where I lived as bangkok newbie. I intercepted the wrist of one of them who had miraculously grabbed a small bill wad and a credit card out of my pocket. I was very lucky to get away with the recovered bills using sort a twisting move ending on the road ( I was relatively new to Bangkok at the time and have learned to avoid wallets and using back pockets).

    The second time I was following someone (who turned out to be a tipsy English guy who was walking from Cowboy the opposite way to his hotel along Sukhumvit) at virtually the same location I has been done) and saw them in action exactly as you describe - I yelled the guy - who really did not know what was going on - but they were too quick and got away with his wallet. The lead offending lady boy was wearing a distinctive red dress net net - The Boys in Brown in less than 40 minutes had rounded up no less than 4 red dressed lady boys - in time for myself as witness and The young English boy to be making statements at Tong Lor Police Station... The police were taking great delight in making them all strip off to the undies - with the usual crime reporting TV cameras filming everything. Each of the 4 denied any involvement vehemently (of which 3 had just reason). But ended up in a supposed impasse of the BIB not knowing which one dunnit and they were about to release them all.....but the English Boy however was wearing vital evidence as to which one did it on his upper arm in the form of smudged Blue glitter... which lady boy # 3 was also wearing and had partially missing on one side of her shoulder. The culprit or was that culpritess then buckled and told the police where the discarded wallet might have been.

    The biys wallet was recovered near Soi 18. (less money) - but with other important stuff in tact (namely the phone number of a hottie he had met that night). I was just amazed at how quickly the BIB had acted - but quite embarrassed to see my face in Channel 3 News round up in the morning along with the English Boy and line up of 4 red partially dressed ladyboys in the police station.. as there was no real detailed explanation those at work assumed I had been involved in something that was a little walk on the debaucherous wild side..

    I was there and you were not.

    The fact of the matter is that I wanted to tell the forum about an interesting incident that occurred, yet a few members who have latent ideas about ladyboys continue to put in their two cents about something that they were not involved in.

    If they are about five feet tall, with natural looking bodies and arms, I know what sex they are (such was the case of these would-be robbers).

    If they are skinny as a rail, with knobby shoulders and ridiculous make-up, I can take a stab at what they are, too...

    Besides, the deaf street vendor who sells counterfeit goods close to Soi 6 and Sukhumvit can back me up in my tale of woe.

    • Like 1
  4. Was walking back from club insomnia toward soi 4 and sukhumvit at about 4:30 am and was preparing to have some hard liquor and playing connect four at the bar cart before calling it a night...

    As i crossed soi 8, before nana bts, 4 pirahna free lancers / bar girls started rubbing on me and giving me some undivided attention in the lonely hour. At one point, one clearly thought she would capitalize on a "drunken falang" wallet, but lo! I had it concealed in my front pocket!

    I gave said robber a roger moore style shove, told them to back off, and proceeded to the game of connect four at the bar cart...

    It gave me some resolve that the deaf street vendor selling counterfeit goods gave me a solemn nod of the head, a thumbs up, and in general, seemed to approve of my assertive position as the not-that-drunk falang.

    That said: do you carry your wallet in your front pocket in Sukhumvit? If so, why? If not, explain!

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks, thai bound for the input...

    I prefer to drink beer and mix my own drinks anyways, so I should be good.

    I plan on staying for approximately two months. I do plan on probably taking a trip or two to Jakarta, and probably do at least a week in good old Bangkok for the heck of it, but my boots will be on the ground primarily in the Kuta area.

    Your thoughts/opinions on the Kuta nightlife/women/party situation?


  6. Obviously, this is not related to Thailand, but I wanted to hopefully gain some insight from those living in South-East Asia (and other parts of the globe) who may perhaps have intimate knowledge of Bali, Indonesia.

    Some of the things I like most about Thailand is the nightlife, access to women, and availability of relatively cheap alcohol. Though some will argue that Bangkok is no longer cheap, I find it to be very reasonable and within my budget. It does not hurt that the laws are rather loose, too. I am wondering if any of you have traveled to Bali and could tell of your experiences there?

    I am thinking of spending a few months in that part of the globe. I am a white American, in my thirties, and my main pursuits with my downtime are pursuing women, drinking, and going out on a nightly basis.

    That said, what are your thoughts on spending time in Bali? For those of you who have been to that region, did you enjoy your time there? How does it compare to Bangkok?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you for reading.

  7. Bamboo Bar on Soi 3 just north of Sukhumvit. I've been there on many occasions, and though I admit my intoxication may contribute to the quality of the music, you can no doubt hear some good songs and dance with some women.

    I also enjoyed the Hillary Bar on Soi 4 (the one on the east side of the street, south of Morning Night Bar and north of the Hillary Bar on the west side of the street). I saw an Eminem cover band there (I know that may not be your style, but still, it was interesting to note) that did a darn good job. Of course, you can request the songs that may more suitable to your tastes.

  8. Ok, ok, ok...

    So can I book a one-way ticket, land in LOS with my credentials, knock on a few doors and get a better-than-average teaching gig?

    This is not completely unreasonable, as others have suggested. I was expelled from China...not even allowed to collect my belongings and had to leave there immediately. I came to Bangkok and was able to get a decent position in a few months without any prior planning on my part. So, if you want to just 'take the leap' it is doable but you'll need to support yourself until you start working. You could time your leap to coincide with 'hiring season' here to give yourself better odds. But, if you are experienced and educated as you say, you should not have any problems finding a job here.

    Regardless of the time of year?

  9. Is there really somewhere in that area where one can watch football starting at 3am?

    When I lived there, in those situations I went to a nightclub. Climax showed some matches late, as did Shock 39.

    Thank you. I'll find out where those places are. I'm guessing not walking distance from that end of Sukhumvit.

    So now I realise what a novice I am. No idea how to get around Bangkok in the small hours of the evening. Back of a motorbike? Taxi? How to avoid getting ripped off? Can I just get in a taxi and usually expect then to go by the meter?

    Club Climax is on Soi 11, north of Sukhumvit, on the right hand side. You will walk though a parking structure, then off to your right is the entrance to the club.

    As for being a novice, you sure come across as one regarding transportation. I don't know your location, but probably the back of a motorcycle taxi would be the best way to get there if you are relatively far from Soi 11. I would say that if you are between Soi 4 and Soi 19, you could very easily walk there.

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