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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. Can anyone suggest any good, quality books about LOS?

    FYI, just finished Jake Needham's novel TEA MONEY and I absolutely hated it. From the convoluted plot, weak dialogue, contrived list of characters, loose ends, and other grievances, I will not take suggestions of this magnitude seriously.

    Thanks for the recommendation, Stickman. I don't think.

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    75,000 Thai baht a month? That is pretty good.

    Here's a question I have that is related to this topic:

    I am a qualified teacher with a Bachelor's in English, a State of Hawaii Teaching Certificate, and a Master's in Education.

    I saw an ad for an international school in BKK that was offering 60,000 Thai baht per month. THAT SAID, is that BEFORE taxes, or is that roughly the amount I would walk away with in my pocket per month?

    Please advise.

  3. I know that we are all pretty partial to LOS here on the forum, but it would be interesting to read where others have gone to and what their experiences were while abroad.

    To start off, I haven't been to many places, but I can say that I spent time in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia. Of course, I did some time in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan while in transit to Southeast Asia, but I don't think that really counts....

    So where have you folks traveled to? Any good yarns to tell about your experiences?

  4. This one:


    Parts 2 - 6 can be accessed on the right-hand side of the webpage.

    It's about Jason Derek Brown, a man on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List, who shot an armored car guard five times in the head in order to steal $56K USD in cash.

    Apparently, the Feds, receiving information that Brown is hiding in Thailand, have asked the Thai police for assistance in locating him.

    If you find him first, he is worth $200K in reward money. Look around, gents, stroll through the usual haunts of Bangkok, and you could find yourself with a nice chunk of change.

  5. I am in no way advocating for any type of unlawful activity, but I must beg the question:

    Could you get away with arriving on a tourist or 60-day visa, get a job teaching English, rent an apartment, and overstay months, or even years?

    What would be the ramifications of such a plot? The best and / or worst case results?

    I know there are many people who have overstayed for various lengths and had various results when finally confronted by law enforcement or immigration, but what is the consensus of the forum on this question?

    Could YOU get away with it?

  6. ^^^^^

    What do you care?

    This is practical input. He shot a man 5 times in the head. He is worth $200,000 USD in reward money. He is hanging in the haunts of LOS.

    Why not make his life more difficult and pay for water buffaloes for multiple villages in Isaan and secure dowry payments for generations to come?

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