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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. "Pathetic" in regards to a substantial amount of money. That $56,000 is a rather paltry amount.

    This pathetic excuse of a human being--Jason Derek Brown--needs to pay for his crimes. So if you see him in the watering hole, drop a dime on him and collect that reward. He certainly can not have legitimate paper to stay lawfully in the Kingdom.

    Another FBI Top Ten Fugitive, Eric Franklin Rosser, was busted in Bangkok years ago. They booted him out and he is currently doing hard time in the States. So, too, should this murderous scumbag.

  2. Just looking out for a struggling falang in Bangkok who may need a little bit of a reward.

    Rumor has it that this fugitive from USA may be walking the streets of BKK with impunity.

    He's notorious in the States and certainly does not deserve to be sharing the corner of Club Climax with a freelancer when he should be back in the States for committing a pathetic crime that netted him a whopping $56,000 USD.

    Here's his poster, gents....Forgive me for somewhat of a rant...



    Thanks for looking out....Okay, back to your Chang beers and a lonely, wholesome saunter down Soi 6 toward BTS Nana...But again, look around, gents.

  3. ^^^^^^^

    Too much time and effort on your hands if you are involved in this occupation...

    The fraternity / competition days of drinking are well over, despite my relative youth. I prefer a glass of whiskey on the rocks from Hillary Bar on Soi 4 (the one closest to the tobacco farm--not the billiards one, though that one is fine, too--considering the fact that they do stay open later and allow patrons to mingle about until the wee hours) rather standing around with a few blokes trying to see who drinks best, fastest, etc...

  4. ^^^^^^^^^

    Whatever our cultural differences are, I had no problem with no monetary morning transactions in BKK. Save face, don't cause a scene, etc....That is their business. Not mine.

    With all due respect, I did my time in Thailand and was quite pleased with the results. Were they angels? Please...

    So please, leave your lecture for somebody else. I was merely trying to get insider information on travel destinations that suit my tastes.

    The irony is that since you are such an "expert" in this area, you still had to ask this question, so I will answer:

    "What parts of Bangkok / clubs were you getting one night stands from?" TheSpade

    Obviously the ones you didn't go to, the ones you didn't know about, or the ones you had to pay FOR to get to.

  5. ^^^^^^^^

    Good feedback....Though I do have to wonder why my research has revealed that PP / Siam Riep looks about as lively as the height of Ramadan in Indonesia....Any explanation for the lack of street traffic, blasting stereos, and other evidence of nightlife???

    That said, it would appear to be a notch or two above a few corners of the globe, but this international gent will need a bit more twisting of the arm... :)

    It does, however, provide great relief that the police do NOT discriminate against the beer-toting individuals who happen to enjoy South East Asian culture. What wholesome entertainment, indeed...

  6. And....here is the million dollar question regarding Cambodia:

    CAN YOU DRINK YOUR BEER IN PUBLIC without being accosted by the police?

    One of my favorite features of both Thailand and Indonesia is that this is seen as an innocent occupation and is regarded in the same manner as a jogger with a bottle of fresh water.

    And....here is the TWO million dollar question:

    Are the women who frequent the nightlife scene mostly FREELANCERS and / or PROSTITUTES?

    I enjoyed the fact that in Bali, you could meet a girl and not have to pay for special attention. This happened a few times in Bangkok, too, though I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised and even relieved when we would part company the next morning and she would NOT ask me to pay for special attention...

  7. You sound as if you are almost ready for Pattaya............................

    Agree ,he's a seasoned sex tourist, so will luv it in Pattaya & Phuket.

    I am no sex tourist.

    I am in my thirties and not desperate. I stayed in Pattaya and got rather bored of seeing the hard-core, tattooed chicks with platform shoes standing around Walking Street and calling out to every falang they saw...

    Phuket is too small for my tastes. Probably very similar to Bali.

    That said, any other locations that you suggest other than Cambodia?

  8. I went to Bangkok in 2011 and 2012 for my summer holiday....Loved 90% of everything around me. Make that 93% of everything around me. I accepted everything: pollution, feral dogs, portraits of Saddam Hussein next to JFK on Soi 3, Connect Four at the bar carts, the possibility of being mugged while taking a leak on Soi 6 at five o'clock in the morning, Mr. Lucky Man...the whole nine yards in Sukhumvit.

    Enjoyed Thong Lor, Phrom Pong, Pattaya, and everything that that entails. That said, two years in a row, and it was time to branch out.

    My interests are basic: party, women, nightlife, cheap beer.

    Spent 60 days in Bali, Indonesia this year and felt it was comparable to Thailand, but I would give Bali a B+ to Thailand's A -. Pros of Bali: Less working girls, better beaches, not so many degenerates. Pros of Thailand: cheaper, better nightlife, more variety, and excellent public transportation. Cons of Bali: relatively expensive beer, limited and extremely concentrated nightlife (Legian / Kuta / Seminyak), and dependence on taxis day in and day out. Cons of Thailand: many working girls. Period. I can accept the corrupt cops and the man rolling down the street with one leg, sitting on a skateboard, no arms, and using his left foot as adeptly as you and I smoke a cigarette or drink a coffee. I also don't mind sloshing down the sois barefoot after a typhoon not knowing what the hell could be in that ink black water. No problem with Nigerian drug dealers, Indian tailors, child beggars, and all sorts of folk with various disabilities coexisting amongst traffic-clogged streets.

    That said, I am at a quandary as to where to go next summer. Your suggestions, mates?

    From a personal standpoint, I would love to have the privilege of coming back to Thailand, but I would enjoy some place new altogether. I flogged the dead horse with Indonesia, so I would appreciate your insight and / or wisdom to this situation?

    Again, let me reiterate my thesis: party, women, nightlife, cheap beer.

    Your suggestions, mates?

    Thanks for the read.

    • Like 1
  9. I watched this movie last night. Still undecided if it is a masterpiece that i just don't get or it is a load of crappy stereotyped ,but arty, Bangkok scenes strung together . A lot of continuity problems - what happened to Gordon who set up the hit on the BIB? Why did julien also plunge the sword into his mother. What exactly was the relationship between him and his mother? So many questions, so few answers.

    Not an enjoyable movie at all and it was a test of endurance to watch it all to the final credits. Would watching Drive help to understand this movie or will it still remain as a gory, confusing piece of crap. Has it been released on the Thai movie circuit in Thai language ?

    I agree, If this was a masterpiece I guess I just don't get the new "style " of film making and is it to much to ask for a little dialogue in a movie, I don't think Ryan Gosling's character said more than 5 words in the whole movie. Just a continuation of Drive without the entertainment. IMO

    Like I said earlier, this screenplay was definitely under ten pages... :P

  10. Terrible, terrible film.....Forty minutes into it, I wondered when it was going to start....Then twenty minutes later, I was ecstatic that it had actually ended! How long was the screenplay? Four pages? Six pages?

    And was that not the quietest you ever saw Bangkok? No traffic, pedestrians, beggars, taxis, Sky Train, Arabs, women in burkas, pictures of Saddam Hussein on Soi 3 and Sukhumvit, feral dogs, derelicts, savages, and all sorts of other miscreants that call the streets of BKK home?

    Perhaps the lack of Bangkok life was intended to add to that surreal atmosphere. I must admit there were not many places i recognised except for a couple of scenes in Sukhumvit.But now i also know what the Emporium suites look like inside..

    Was that the Emporium?

    Call me a Cheap Charlie, but I was under the impression that that was the Conrad Hotel.....Oh well....Back to Soi 6 with a bottle of Chang....

  11. If there's beer available, I am fine with hanging out in a squalid alleyway in any third world country.

    you wouldn't be "fine" just hanging out in just some bar in alleyway in manila

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Oooooo! Scary! I better avoid Manila!

    Have fun eating hot dogs and drinking Pepsi at Disneyland. That is right up your alley, "tough guy."

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