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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. My dad was a doper, so I never was attracted to it.

    However, my reckless little bro got into it about thirty minutes before I did, and then I figured, I won't do dope, but I will dabble plenty with tobacco, alcohol, and (when lucky ;p) as many members of the opposite sex as possible.

    Granted I do better in some categories than others, but I manage to smoke two cigarettes a year and am not shy of snuggling up with two of my other vices.

  2. I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women.

    In your college days (if you went to college), where would you prefer to go: the local bar with all the idiot males, or the college bar where the clientele were members of the opposite sex?

    There should be no shame in aiming for a place for good looking women. There is a reason why I will stand in a longer line at a grocery store to chat with a pretty cashier than go in the shorter line with the short, squat hag ringing me up.

    • Like 1
  3. Hard to answer someone who has made up everyones mind for them based on your own reasons for going.

    Sorry to ruin your day / week / life.

    seems to me the man who goes thousands of km's to get laid days/weeks/lifes in ruins.

    Depends. I see it as expanding one's horizons and aspiring to be more of a Roger Moore 007 than a Dirty Harry.

  4. It's best to contact the schools before coming to Thailand. I know a lot of international school teachers who live in my complex and my daughter also attends an international school. The vast majority of international school hiring's are done by contacting the schools when overseas, in many cases not only will you get a higher rate of pay, but return airfare and other perks as well.

    Almost all international schools have their own HR departments and list job and career openings on their websites, you can find links to most international schools from the ISAT website: http://www.isat.or.th/ Look for links to jobs or careers on each school's website, most all of them recruit teachers from their websites.

    Most international school years run from late August to June, although not all. The rate of pay is around 100,000 Baht per month and up at the better schools, and typically 80-85,000 Baht or so at some of the less prestigious schools. If she is well qualified with experience, she should have no problem getting a job at an international school here, the turnover rate is high, even at the better schools.

    You mention a salary of 80,000 to 100,000 baht per month if hired at an international school.

    Is this before or after taxes?

    Depends on the school. My net salary is well in excess of 100k per month, and I have a yearly bonus on top.

  5. It's best to contact the schools before coming to Thailand. I know a lot of international school teachers who live in my complex and my daughter also attends an international school. The vast majority of international school hiring's are done by contacting the schools when overseas, in many cases not only will you get a higher rate of pay, but return airfare and other perks as well.

    Almost all international schools have their own HR departments and list job and career openings on their websites, you can find links to most international schools from the ISAT website: http://www.isat.or.th/ Look for links to jobs or careers on each school's website, most all of them recruit teachers from their websites.

    Most international school years run from late August to June, although not all. The rate of pay is around 100,000 Baht per month and up at the better schools, and typically 80-85,000 Baht or so at some of the less prestigious schools. If she is well qualified with experience, she should have no problem getting a job at an international school here, the turnover rate is high, even at the better schools.

    You mention a salary of 80,000 to 100,000 baht per month if hired at an international school.

    Is this before or after taxes?

  6. If you're not the boss, then you've got issues.

    ESPECIALLY IN LOS, do what you want, when you want to, how you want to. No matter what her reaction is, you could still get another one in less than a week.

    Again, if you're asking her for permission, then you might as well come over to my house and clean the place up. Thanks! Wimp.

    • Like 1
  7. This reminds me of a time when got into a cab headed to Khao San Road. We made a few turns, then the cabbie exited the cab, pissed in a bush, then came back over and was ready to continue to my destination. Very professional.

    Another time, I wanted to go from BKK to Pattaya. I hailed a cabbie on Sukhumvit and asked him how much for the trip.

    His response: "One baht."

    I concluded that the second cabbie must be on something...

  8. I remember my first time taking the taxi to MBK. As I was sitting at a red light on Sukhumvit, there was a slight tap on the bumper as the car behind us ran into us. Then, the back seat started to lift up as he squeezed his way into the next lane.

    The cabbie got out, looked at the damage, and started making a fuss with the other guy, who kept his eyes fixed ahead and ignored the cabbie. He simply kept his window rolled up.

    When the light turned green and the guy took off without talking to the cabbie, I was not surprised in the least bit.

    Another time, I took a cab from Pattaya back to Bangkok. The cabbie, a proud Cambodian, was driving at least 150 - 170 km / hr, all the while as he looked over his shoulder and showed me pictures of Cambodia that he had in his wallet.

    Any colorful stories to share?

  9. Name them....What do you got?

    I am amused when I walk into certain retail establishments and the clerk is sleeping at the counter.

    Some falangs probably spend hours ramming the difference between the letters B and D to school children, only to complain that things are tougher than they seem.

    That said....Your input???

  10. Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

    I certainly hope that kids are not reading some of the threads in these forums. Especially one devoted to the pubs and nightlife in LOS.

  11. What is the scam the lucky man is onto? He's tried it with me twice and i've ignored him. Where does it lead if you stop and ask him why you're lucky?

    You mean that you were able to resist his strangely orange eyes, his eye shadow, and his hand wrapped around yours WITHOUT stopping?

    Was he wearing the traditional Indian garments with facial piercings and dot on his forehead, or had he adopted his more western Hawaiian shirt, slacks, and lots of jewelry when he accosted you?

  12. Scratch card time share touts.

    Mr Lucky Man.

    Cheap Charlie farangs wandering round with their 7-11 bought large Chang sipping it through a straw.

    Farangs wearing black socks with their flip flops.

    Fake Boy Scouts and monks.

    Anyone from the African continent offering you drugs.

    Middle aged women with beer guts and tattoos prancing around in schoolgirl outfits.

    I loathe Mr. Lucky Man.

  13. Im 32" waist and much dandier than a few blokes.

    Much better looking than all.

    That said my maid is attempting to blackmail me. Not a problem.i must make good on my word and rendeavous with her younger sister. Tell the bib i will be on the way to hua hin. If not steer the bib from pattaya

    And if in fact this is unexusable, save it for the judge. Live and let live

  14. I'd be fine with a big bottle of Chang and a leisurely stroll down Sukhumvit, in my humble opinion.

    Looks like you really know how to have a good time.

    Crivvens. man its 400 kilometres long; ye'll need more than one bottle, probably.

    Don't look too hard. I'll be between Soi 6, Nana BTS, and concealing a hefty bottle of Chang.

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