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Everything posted by SABloke

  1. Indeed they will. Just looked at one offer which excluded "any infection caused as the direct result of a laceration". So they'll pay for me to get stitched up but not for any medicine that might actually save my life 555
  2. Yeah, I think the repatriation factor might be what makes the biggest difference in costs since medical repatriation is so expensive. Since that's not a worry for me, domestic might be all I need (if I'm seriously effed up I'll just stay at my home in Thailand anyway)
  3. Hi, this is probably a dumb question, but I've never dealt with it before. This is the first year my company does not provide comprehensive worldwide international medical cover, so when I travel back to Thailand I need to purchase insurance. Looking at my 2 week trip I'm getting "international insurance" quotes for around 2,500 - 4,000 THB. However, if I look at local domestic options, they run from 400 - 1000 THB. So what is the difference? Besides not being repatriated to my work country (don't care) it's not clear how the policies differ. Medical costs are about the same. My one thought was that the domestic "Travel" literally means that - when you are physically travelling in a vehicle whereas the international option will cover anything that happens during holiday (barring drunk driving, extreme sports etc.) Thanks in advanve for any input.
  4. This article would have been a lot better if it had started off with explaining WHAT the amnesty bill was. Nothing worse than journalism that assumes you've read another article that would explain the headline to the reader. Sloppy.
  5. They can still sell buds just not "dried buds" or buds for smoking. As always, plently of loopholes left in the bill. Watch shops now start selling "fresh" buds for tea.
  6. Interestingly though, she never refuted that she owed 27,850 THB. So, I suggest she just pays the company and not air her financial mismanagement on public forums.
  7. Why lie about "6 days" though? The most half-assed explanation/apology attempt ever. It's literally been almost double that, but George pulls in with a 6 day apology. WTF
  8. Why lie about "6 days" though? The most half-assed explanation/apology attempt ever. It's literally been almost double that, but George pulls in with a 6 day apology. WTF
  9. Why lie about "6 days" though? The most half-assed explanation/apology attempt ever. It's literally been almost double that, but George pulls in with a 6 day apology. WTF
  10. Well, as far as I can tell, she didn't pay 7,000 - she was just "shocked". So perhaps, just perhaps, there was a typo as the clerk typed in 7000 instead of 700 on the POS machine. Or perhaps there was some other credible mistake that occurred. Normally when a shop is responsible in these stories there's some form of argument reported etc. This seems like a nothing story to me.
  11. As always these bans demonstrate the Thai bureacratic need to be seen to "do" something. If abstaining from alcohol is the point, then surely banning the consumption of alcohol would be the law. However, they know they can't actually enforce anything, so they ban sales.
  12. On a macro scale, it has no need, and of course it will cost the country in the long run. However, for a poor person that lives day to day, a little "cash" injection might not be a bad thing - it might alleave some hardship and/or inspire some to want to have more access to funds i.e. be more productive or work harder cause they've had a taste of the "good life". I just don't buy all the doom and gloom about generational debt etc. Poor people are effed regardless - at least in this scheme they get something (unlike submarine purchases, head of state protection costs etc.)
  13. Never mind that. I wonder how much the "reveal" ceremony cost - look at all that red carpet and the special pedestals ????
  14. I would sell my digital wallet for 8k if possible - if no ID is required at POS then should be easy for others to use it (maybe just pin/password which I'd give them) Also, if I was an authorized local business, I would offer people the option to exchange their wallets for cash e.g. buy 10k "goods" from my store and I'll give you 8k cash instead.
  15. Well, computer games are relatively modern. So if they had any effect, we would have noticed it by now. However, most stats point to the developed world as a whole becoming less violent. If violent games were to blame today, were books containing violence blamed before that, and what before that?
  16. There was also the case of some famous/powerful guy abusing his girlfriend, but she faced more jailtime for coming forwars with the information than he would for the physical assault, so she withdrew her statement (if I remember correctly)
  17. Could it also not have stemmed from the fact that the Chinese national holiday week (2nd biggest holiday in China) ended last Friday)?
  18. How does one prove when the money was earned? For example, if I have an account that has held X amount of money over the years plus some income and then transfer a percentage of that money into Thailand, how do they know whether it's money from 5 years ago that the bank is transferring or money from this year?
  19. Since it is impossible to rise up in the ranks of the force without "Tea Money" he has spent most of his career involved directly with corruption - what on earth makes you think he is genuine about stopping corruption?
  20. That, or the actual "creator" of this universe doesn't give a flying f about us. Either way, these stories never bode well for the religious ones cause the spin needed to justify an all-powerful, all-seeing loving god watching a 2 year old get murdered is always interesting to watch.
  21. Home country DL expired years ago and is a pain in the ass to renew. Also, I spend more time in Thailand than home country.
  22. Thanks! Do you think a Non-O will count as long stay even if I don't extend the 90days?
  23. I have a 5 year license that will expire next year. However, I no longer live full-time in Thailand and usually use visa-exempt when I visit (1/2 times per year). Will I be able to renew my license on Visa exempt, or should I get a non-o visa instead before applying? I plan to use a yellow book as proof of residence since I don't have a Work Permit (that's what I used last time for proof of address) Thanks in advance for any input
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