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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. On 5/10/2021 at 4:18 AM, RichardColeman said:

    Batch of Sinovac ? Nuff said.



    Yes, it was a batch of Sinovac. However, could it be that Thailand is not administering the vaccine properly? In China there is a list of conditions that prohibit you from getting the Sinovac jab. However, in Thailand a lot of the same conditions are listed as either "not prohibitive" or in some cases suggested as reasons for getting preferential treatment for getting the vaccine. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Complete and total scripting and fabrication on the back of ‘politicians breaking rules’ follows by ‘stop pestering our politicians’...  some halfwit who everyone thinks is sharp figured it would be a great idea to present the PM as ‘one of us’......  Wow, even the PM is not beyond the law !! this guy is amazing, what hero he can be fined like the rest of us... 


    .... juvenile mindless....



    And the latest set of rules highlight the juvenile and idiotic mindset - masks in private cars. 

    My Wife’s friend is a news reader and just told my Wife that they will have to wear a mask when reading the news !!! - just dumbflookery at its heights... 





    In another place, I would agree with you. However, knowing Prayuth's personality, the culture of Thailand, and the fact that the photo was removed makes me think this wasn't a PR stunt. 

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    • Haha 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    It will probably include this list.


    South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana and Tanzania.


    The Ministry of Public Health says they’ll update the list every 2 weeks.




    So what happens if you hold a passport from one of those countries, but have not been in that country for an extended period of time?


    Logic would suggest that they mean arrivals that departed from those countries rather than citizens of those countries, but I seem to remember something about Italians(?) being denied entry  at some point last year even if they had not been in Italy in years.


    • Like 1
  4. "When confronted by reporters Mr Ronnathep admitted looking at them – but made a bizarre excuse.

    He claimed to have received the messages unsolicited on the app Line, from a girl who was apparently ‘asking for help’.

    Mr Ronnathep told local media he had to view the pictures in detail because he needed to check the background to figure out if the girl was in danger.

    He said he wanted to ‘observe the environment surrounding the girl in the picture’ as he feared she was ‘being harassed by gangsters who had forced her to take the pictures’."


    Source: https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/17/mp-caught-looking-at-porn-on-his-phone-in-thai-parliament-13284203/amp/

    • Haha 2
  5. 9 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

    The US needs new leadership with fresh new ideas. We cannot go back to the old stale direction of Trump and America First. We need someone who understands the pain of systemic racism. What it means to be white in America and can empathize with the blacks. 

    I always feel uncomfortable when I read people say things like "the blacks". It reminds me of Chappelle and the "wh0res uniform" joke - Now I'm definitely not saying you're a racist. But I digress...


    Honest question: What do you say to the millions of people of color that support Donald Trump (Hell, over a million of "the blacks" alone voted for him in the last election and more might this time round)? Do you empathize with them?

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/1/2020 at 6:48 PM, snoop1130 said:

    "We don't respond to coercion or heavy handed threats wherever they come from," Frydenberg said in an email to Reuters' request for comment.

    So I've had a long week and might be reading this wrong, but it seems like the Australian government is trying to force Facebook to pay for information shared on FACEBOOK'S platform, and then when Facebook says "Ok, fine, we won't share that sort of information then since we're a company and can do whatever the hell we want with OUR platform" the Australian government calls it coercion? ????

  7. 21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    A common characteristic of the TVF Trump sympathizers is that they favour insults and exaggerated claims, often intended to disparage people.

    Followed by... 


    21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    An example of the  low class gutter  style comments used by  Trump supporters. They have nothing of value to offer


    21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Another example of the  typical trump supporter's disrespect for democracy, political representation and the US Constitution. 


    21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The  Trump  teams counters with hate and despair.

    You sound like your own definition of a Trump supporter. Pot/Kettle and all that... 

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not a forensic scientist (just an average person with some grey between the ears), but isn't it possible to look at the footage of the CCTV, then identify physical markers in the frame and measure the distance between those markers on site. Using this information you then look at the timecode and/or how many frames (depending on the framerate of the camera you know the time) it takes the car to pass those markers and then use the extremely complicated formula of s = d / t to calculate the car's speed? ????

  9. On 7/27/2020 at 2:16 PM, spidermike007 said:

    Absolutely correct. The man has not had a clean bill of health since he was a kid. When I lived in NYC, and was doing commercial real estate, in the 1980's, the first hand stories I would hear about his criminal activity and business tactics would cause anyone to take pause. When he got elected, I already knew who, and what he was. Many did not. You have had the opportunity to find out now. If you still have faith, so be it. 

    So I'm guessing the 1980's wasn't the period when the USA had the "moral barometer" you claim it once possessed. When did it have this barometer? Also, I'm assuming that you reported the criminal activity that you heard about. What happened to your reports? Were they investigated? I'm wondering how far back the police incompetence in the US goes...

  10. 13 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    "the only option we have is to stop buying the sugary products that his family produces" 


    It won't hurt them very much, I think. 

    On the other hand, if they stop sponsering sport events, I am afraid it would be dramatic for many. 

    They sponsor sports events in order to advertise their sugary drinks: the sports events won't boycott RB because without RB they don't exist. However, without customers RB has no money to sponsor sports events with. 

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