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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Please keep posting, as I know this matter is going to re-arise probably over this weekend.

    I appreciate the words I have read so far, olde world wife, new frontiers, possible police intervention or just go and kick off his knee caps..... the latter would likely end me in trouble - so logicals would be advisable.

    Can more of you speak to your wives please?..... get better views of when or when not to interfere in this kind of continued event.

    Threats to myself I care not about.... I care about a battered woman, and dog - despite my jokes in the eating dog general.

    Should I just go and <deleted> this bastard, next time he threatens me?


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  2. So he came back last night, at 3 am. Usually, of course, I am in bed but only hear it awaken me.

    It was my mam n dad's diamond wedding anniversary last night, or the earlier hours of this morning, big party in Liverpool, and I was invited to skype on a big screen as a surprise. Job done, logged out of skype, and decided a quick e-mail check before hitting the sack.

    I was awake during his return, through his gates - yes, town house, but nevertheless there is never a squeak no boo hoo after 10pm here.

    Neighbours gossip about him, but nothing is 'SAID' 555.

    Through the gate, 3am, slammed his wife's head against the wall. Thud, that thud, was enough to get my adrenalin going.

    Bamboo stick, puppy dog, he hit so hard the poor little guy was whimpering all night afterwards.


    Well I did the wrong thing, didn't I?.... I got off my chair and stood up, and he leered at me. I am sure he was more than pissed, like Yaba or more encrystaled.......

    I shouted, "Mia dai, mai dee, khun mai sa mad." - "Niab, krap".

    He went fkn nuts, threatened me with his stick, told me he hates farang, and lifted his dog (which likes me, cos I feed it), by one hand by the neck and said, "get you".

    Then he, after KICKING his wife thru the door, glared at me thru the fence, picked up his phone and said, " --- my home number, address, come shoot, kill ---"

    Then in English, he said , "good luck!"

    and off he went to bed, with a dog whailing with a broken leg all night, and more bumps and shunts from their bedroom and squeals of pain from his wife, which were not sexual.

    I WAITED.... an air of expectancy, with my Galaxy cam, beside my laptop cam, all running and recording for 50 mins........ my cams covering the road, lights that were available and my home gates.

    Nothing came - he was full of shit with regard to his threat with me being shot, and his threat of being hard...... his words were empty.

    His actions to his wife are not though. He is a wife batterer. She rarely goes out, and when I see her hanging clothes out, she sure has facial bruises and swellings.


    My wife said to me I did wrong. I cannot tell a neighbour to stop hitting his wife, as this is Thailand.

    OK, I understand to some degree of not invading another's place, but when he smacked her head - because he felt empowered by his whatever usage, I felt I had to stand up, and I did.

    My wife went nuts - saying I have now caused war between us forever. In Thailand you cannot interfere, even if a woman is being killed by a neighbour - it's not your business!


    Well sorry, but where I come from, if a woman is being mistreated I will for sure ensure she is safe.

    So can somebody please 'really' explain to me this Thai culture thing of it's ok to batter your wife, as nobody else will say a word.

    God forbid Calling the Police - that is an apparent price on your head by the abuser's families.

    What is this shit please........ I've been here 7 years now, and still can't get my little head around this don't interfere shit.

    This next door neighbour was gushing from her forehead after his impression act, and his dog has a broken leg.... tell me what I did wrong please......... please.

    I really want answers from those who can tolerate and ignore this situation I experienced last night, and have lived here for 15 years or longer, as for would you still ignore this kind of situ? If you do, then you know why. Enlighten me, and many readers please.


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  3. .

    The state of the Yingluck government..... a blacklisted Mugabe enabler and an alleged terrorist under indictment and free on bail....


    Positioned there personally by her because

    that minister nominations and appointments were up to the prime minister

    68 million Thais and these are types that she selects?


    There's only 2 million in Thailand, and that's half the population of the entire world. You did know this, didn't you? ;)


  4. MEL Did all this start with the grand parents ?? or is it only the parents who have no control ??? so the kids are ---free style-anarchy. Curb the brats with the law...whooops, there are more brats that are in control here, whoooops and they are like a franchise, who do not take orders from the government, whooops here is another example of corrupt lawlessness

    I thoroughly understand what you relate to, but what you alluded to is that there is, in fact, no control.

    The guys at the top are, of course, no example in this dire situation in a land that is otherwise calm and collected ( giggle.gif ) usually.

    However, I alluded to other countries just to inspire comparisons, but it now appears, "Hey, it's ok. It's not as bad as USA, or knife crimes in UK, or badminton in Malaysia...."

    My bone of contention is that this kind of unique shooting incident is becoming far far too daily that most don't even hit the headlines.

    Not that they all do abroad either, but Thailand in the shooting world is falling rapidly. So much for the incentive for tourists to visit "Amazing Thailand". :(

    There is no mention from the government, and neither has there ever been, to make attempts to curb or make pay for this intolerant behavior.

    Ooops, my apologies, I used tolerant in the Western dogma, and not the Thai one. ;)

    But seriously, students shooting students on buses because they come from a different learning school?? w00t.gif

    That is far worse than the division between Detroit 8 mile, and the likes, and the blatant racism that once occured.

    This is my school vs your school to the death.

    It might just wake up the parent who was a copper though. I wonder if any slugs came from a gun of his?


  5. Hold exactly those who call for tougher measure liable, the parents. The parents of those who brawled. When I brawled during my highschool or university days (which I never did, because I was an angel) and my parents would have learned about it, I would have faced severe repercussions. Parenthood is not a blessing, it's a vocation and a duty. If you raise brats, curb them.

    But many parents are brats so how do you account for that scenario?

    -mel. wink.png

    • Like 1
  6. ......start how you mean to go on.......

    Funny how you never see a poor policeman, a bit like London cabbies.

    The bigger picture though is how many applicants in the past took this route, passed the exam and are now in the police force. A complete farce

    Or have moved on even further up the corruption tree...?

    Did you know a good, hard working London Cabbie can earn 1/4 MILLION quid a year?

    And that's legitimately too! ....


  7. "A suspect, Tuenjai Phongphan, is a teacher at a high school in Si Sa Ket, while the other suspects were identified as Thanakorn and Sataphorn Wiset, Panyasak Nilphet, Somchai Kaewthong, and Siraphob Thongrabkaew, who sat the exam in place of an applicant.

    A total of 150 applicants claim they paid the five suspects to help them pass the test. Many who failed the test were given their money back."

    It's a darned shame when your own police teacher, who sits in your place of your application, fails the test.

    But then again, if it was a general pass for the proper legal applicants who apply and want to follow the law by rule, nobody would pass.

    So it's tea money serving tea money - how much lower can you get?

    The saddest part though, is that the 'real' police officers, who represented the potential candidates, actually failed.

    What do they really know about the law, asks me?

    Sweet FA, and that's why they do Sweet FA, apart from pick the odd helmetless poor git who has to fork out 240Bht to the officer when the officer's lecky bill or water bill or rent bill or unifrom bill or boot cleaning bill, or laundry bill, or Tesco Lotus food bill comes in, and a few missing.

    That's the perk of buying the job. You can get a Benz within 5 years of fining, after you bought one for your superior's superior.

    Pure shame the superiors can't pass the exam, cos in the math department they could do much better than they presently do, and do it unnoticed too!

    So thick they are that they can't even con their own developed system of conning. :(


  8. Kondratyuk Ksienia, manager of Primoravtotrans based in Moscow, said the biggest problem her clients faced was the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country.

    The last thing the rest of the country needs are swarms of pushy 8ft tall hotpant wearing men with bad haircuts. At least TAT is doing one thing right.

    Lack of Russian language? Have they been to pattaya or phuket? All the signs are in thai and russian now instead of thai and english....give me a breakwhistling.gif

    Bruce, read the next line where it says the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country. New places Bruce, new ones. Now I don't know about you Bruce but I dont see many Russian signs in Mae Sot.

    And let's hope it stays that way. Keep 'em in Pattaya and let them rule, but as for the rest of Thailand they can sod off!


  9. "A flood damage estimate in Ranong alone reached Bt200 million, said provincial governor Pheerasak Hinmuangkao, who added that more than 23,000 people in more than 4,900 households had been affected. The floods have destroyed or damaged 88 roads, 27 bridges and 70 roadside drains. A total of 693 fishing trawlers were damaged and 2,219 farmers affected."

    So despite the water not reaching Ayutthaya or BKK even, the government has already failed. FACT!

    It said no flooding in Thailand this year. The photograph is enough evidence to prove failure, and there's more to come.

    The government failed with school tablets, the minimum pay rate and now flooding.

    Is there anything this government won't fail to deliver as promised?

    Complete shambles, and they should all be forced to resign for lack of duty and failing to deliver what they promised the people.

    There is a word of hope though! If they have failed so much at everything they've attemped then it reasons that they will fail to get TS back! wai.gif

    -mel. :)

  10. I really wonder what has been done since the last flooding. A lot was promised but i haven't heard much about things that were really done. I did hear some stuff about the industrial complexes but that was probably paid by them and not the government.

    I was flooded for a long time last year and if it happens again im moving. I might buy a pair of good quality wading pants.

    But i find it hard to believe they will make the same mistakes again this year. If it happens twice in a row it would show incompetence of the highest order.

    What has been done? At least money has been spent, there seems to be no doubt about that.

    Aye, lots of money has been spent. In which areas of homelihood quite a lot ponder about. Extensions to houses, new Benz, Central card payment credits boosted, a sudden shortage in Burberry you name it, and large land masses passing hands?

    No doubt about it! ;)


  11. Crabs in Burberry, blue whales, green mambas, revolting red shirts, big bags, little bags, FROC, crocodiles, expensive boats, gifts from Thaksin......

    Here we go again

    I'm all ready, with my Burberry boots and my Heinz snake and croc spice bags at the ready! I was considering Campbell's soup mixes with croc, but it just wouldn't carry the same flavour if I have to resort to rat. Don't forget to get some supplies of lemon grass, before it is washed away, as snake and frog without lemon is rather bland.

    Happy floods.... biggrin.png


    Whats wrong with Mama?cheesy.gif

    Too darned expensive for me. The smaller younger packets are better value for money! whistling.gif


  12. Crabs in Burberry, blue whales, green mambas, revolting red shirts, big bags, little bags, FROC, crocodiles, expensive boats, gifts from Thaksin......

    Here we go again

    I'm all ready, with my Burberry boots and my Heinz snake and croc spice bags at the ready! I was considering Campbell's soup mixes with croc, but it just wouldn't carry the same flavour if I have to resort to rat. Don't forget to get some supplies of lemon grass, before it is washed away, as snake and frog without lemon is rather bland.

    Happy floods.... :D


  13. 30183814-01_big.jpg

    I wouldn't eat this scrot if you paid me 500K ! It'd just be like trying to suck on a chicken's foot! bah.gif


    I would eat that dog for 400,000 baht.

    Yeah! But you'd eat anything for 400K..... FOODLOVER cheesy.gif

    I remember eating dog, in HongKong, and the custom was to spit the bones onto the rotating table once you'd sucked off the meat.

    The table came round to me, and there was huge mound of bones.

    I though, "Shame! sad.png ... Dog would'ha' loved them!!" clap2.gif

    -mel. wink.png

    Edit: Come to think of it, I'd eat that dog for 20k........ anybody any lower?

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