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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. "Meanwhile, integrated projects to stop flooding in the rainy season in the northern province of Phitsanulok are 70-per-cent complete, and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is scheduled to visit next week to follow up on the progress of these.

    She said three temporary water gates that would help release water in Nonthaburi would be finished by the end of July.

    Urgent moves to be implemented were lowering dam levels, raising earth embankments, repairing water gates and installing pumps."


    To follow up on the progress? What's wrong with a video conf call, and a few piccies, just to make sure she doesn't have to read about them in the papers?

    Urgent moves to be implemented?? :o

    I thought these were all nicely in progress since mid-December, from the approved 300MillionTrillionBillion flood prevention program? ermm.gif



  2. The Thai Parliament sound a real blast. You can get a drunk as you wish and some MP's even flash pics of scantily clad women on the screens. No wonder she wanted to pop in for a while.

    Oh! :o ... My wife's a 'piece' now? Piece of 'what' exactly BKRick?

    Nice of you to be so complimentary.... bah.gif

    Back to the old rubbish now..... for you? ;)

    -mel. coffee1.gif ..... Laters....

  3. Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed,

    I meet real human beings in the real world wink.png

    The real world can be tedious, so that's why the PM visits Parliament for a bit of escapism. wink.png

    Job done! Just for you BBKR........ Before I take away the prevailing....... can I have a blue bikini please... tongue.png

    -mel. wink.png

  4. Well I am not one of the great Tvisa mind readers so unfortunately I cannot tell you with precision why the electorate adore her,

    And just how is it that without those mind reading abilities you speak of, you know that the electorate "adore" her?

    She is quite Adorable, but not for her PM capabilities.

    If you like ugly as sin, I guess so. Each to their own.

    I prefer women without a mouth resembling a harmonica in full spittle and black sound holes, however.

    Are you ageing lonesome, or requiring a trip to Topcharoen? giggle.gif

    -mel. ;)

  5. You want to spend 25,000 on a fridge/freezer? Would this be a double doored walk in module?

    Who's recommending that price? You, or your wife?

    Have you encountered the cost of a real oven yet, or is that not currently on the agenda?


  6. Do a google search for Thai Labor Law. There is a pdf English version you can download. Contract or not the employee is entitled to severance.

    Not if the company went into receivership is he/she entitled to severance, nor if it was declared bankrupt as another option.

    However, seeing as their boss can't write English well, if I were they I'd be tightening the wrench around the boss's balls rapidly. giggle.gif


  7. While be escorted by all her personal security and armed soldiers,

    I wonder if she took a moment to reflect on what a mess her and her

    family members are making of Thailand. Did she reflect how sad it is

    that she needs such a large protection detail?

    I hope she realizes this is probably going to be the way she has to

    travel for the rest of her days.

    I can just imagine how large the protection detail will be when the guy

    from dubuy returns, protection detail will be so large, there will be no

    room for other government officials in the house

    I hope the are happy with what they have created

    That's what I meant by 'losing her way'.... ;)

    -mel. :)

  8. There is a lack of professionalism in the system. Funny that she has to address her people on a way like this. She knows that she is surrounded by incompetent staff.

    I wonder what she is going to find when doing follow ups on the flood prevention projects.

    Sorry! :o

    She KNOWS that she is surrounded by incompetent staff? Kid yerself not. She thinks they are all experts, as nominated so by the backred-benchers, and Bro, so all that they do can only be possible good, same as a Co-Director - as she knows from her past positions, such as 'I am Director, but daddy-boy-bro says it's ok - so it must be!

    She has supposedly been following up on flood prevention projects since December, with her emergency teams and 300 Billion spent on flood prevention. She made an announcement. Yeah she did make 1, honest, in January, saying her team had it all under control.

    What, exactly, I do wonder she had in control? A few guys by the <deleted>, to spread the good news...... dosh for the spending team at the ready? The dosh is gone, and now she doesn't want to read the headlines, bless her.

    My ass bless her. About time she suffered the consequences of doing nothing but being a dim whit!


  9. "BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra spoke to provincial governors via video conferencing yesterday to tell them that they needed to ensure efficient water management, come up proper solutions and deliver help.

    "You are based in the provinces you are working for, and you should know have a proper idea of the problems," Yingluck said, adding that the governors should not give people a chance to break the law.

    "You have to explain the situation to the protesters and create a better understanding," she said. "Solve the problems. Don't leave them unsolved for me to read about them in the newspapers."


    Now, as PM, shouldn't she be on TV explaining the situ, and not video conferencing in the mirror of her brother's necessity because he isn't here?

    If matters got so out of hand, then why wouldn't she be stepping up matters on an emergency scale, dealing with them as her responsibility and actually doing her job? As opposed to a very weak response of, "Don't leave them unsolved for me to read about in the newspapers"?

    Did you ever hear such weak-led management from a primeminister? She just gets worserer and worserer... giggle.gif

    -mel. bah.gif

    This time, as amongst many other previous times, she cuts the biscuit appalingly.

  10. @mel

    Your over analysing, I know victims, and I have met guys boasting about it in CM bars. I know what I know, and I know these guys are scum.

    I wonder if your initial responses would have been exactly the same if the headline had read, "Indonesian ex-chef scammed out of savings and commits suicide" ???

    I very very very much doubt it! ermm.gif ,,, in fact I doubt you would have even mentioned half the content you have, nor your initial response.


    • Like 1
  11. I can't see the relevance of mentioning the alledged victims former occupation other that to make the Military appear gullable.

    The relevance is he was a soldier, therefore he gave a lot more than the average punter to keep people's freedoms, etc.. Therefore someone more entitled to a comfortable retirement but it was stolen from him.

    You get the spiel; the same media spin as in all firemen being hero's because of their losses on 9/11. Personally, I reckon anyone that choses a career with the likelihood of being shot or entails regularly running into burning buildings as a bit suss.

    "as a bit suss" - you mean till you need someone to protect your country and freedoms for you; or rescue you from a fire or other danger.

    Or a teacher to teach you what you know, or a nurse to deal with your burn, or a doctor to make a life decision for you, or a policeman to protect your wife in danger, or cleaner to clean your shit off the bog seat?

    Get real!


  12. I do not disagree with the above comments as to how low these individuals are on the evolutionary scale, but come on!!! People get into these scams because they want to make easy money NOW. They let their own greed dupe them into believing the scammer. It is a shame that someone had to lose his life as a result of this scam, but sooner or later one has to believe what we have always been told: "If it sounds too good to be true, it is".

    You are correct in respect to some scams. Unfortunately, you are very wrong in respect to the ones that target the elderly. Keep in mind that typically the older victims are not as sharp as they once were. They can be suffering from age related illnesses that can impact their cognitive abilities. Or, they are alone and vulnerable. Long term solitude can do a number on a person. The scams can be quite sophisticated in respect to referencing relatives, or invoices or bank accounts and claiming there is an error or other problem. Often the requests are not for large sums, but are continuous harassments. We wouldn't blame a mentally disabled younger person if he or she was conned would we? Why then, should we be so quick to blame the elderly who are vulnerable?

    many die of hypothermia in the winter, whilst all sorts of immigrants are welcomed house and paid benefits. Rivers of blood!

    Many die of what? :o ... in Thailand? <deleted>? cheesy.gif

    Piece of advice for the olde pensioners; Don't go to live at the top of a mountain in Chiang Rai in Jan/Feb! sad.png


  13. Sad to here of soldiers demise.This happens more often than you may think across a complete spectrum of society....from single moms ,the elderly to directors,Have a look at trade2win and type in boiler rooms and you will see many falling prey.The industry preys on Greed and quick gains that are to good to be true.

    never send money to a stranger over the phone..use your common sense..and just hang up.

    Stay Safe

    *Quoted post which has deleted removed from quote*

    No mention of protecting anyone mate..just pointing to a source where one can wise up to the scam..A person died an i simply passed my respects do you have a problem with that.. MEL

    Nope, not at all.

    -mel. smile.png

  14. http://www.dailynews...th/crime/118535

    A picture of a couple of them on the above link.

    Google translate of the story:

    The call center services coordinator for the gang.

    Thursday, June 7, 2555 at 15:59 am

    Junction 5 of the police force and police Kk.ss.bk.n. Kk.ss.bk.n. 2, and pine. Lo. Raids a home at 138/9 Soi 39, Sukhumvit Rd, Wattana, after receiving the cooperation of the British Embassy said. The group accused the foreign country is on the phone to trick foreigners. , Which mainly is a native of Europe since joined: investment in the affairs gold oil, jewelry. Activities and exchanges that do not exist. The yield is 20 percent believe that there are multiple victims. British military officials, one of which is the one that retires to be deceived as to be suicidal. The results can arrest the accused foreigners of all of the 10 cases with multiple reportedly offered to them.

    Progress is (7. Jun) Pol.Capt. Nikon glass angel person (Level 1) Thong Lor police station after the arrest of a lawsuit that accused the group of 10 people to care. Lo prosecuted since the evening (6. Jun), a preliminary inquiry on the alleged offender is found that 6 men 4 women were naturalized Filipino citizen 2 and 6 and 2 men, all British passport does not show in any way. </span>All the accused pleaded guilty, but just to get it. I work for a company. (Flash Point Media Science), with the only contact with customers. In this afternoon. The interface to the interpreter. The embassy of the interrogation, the accused all three countries to participate more in again. All the accused to be detained in jail at the Criminal Court of Southern Bangkok. The next day at 10.00 am.</span>

    That's useful. ;)


  15. There are lots of vulnerable farangs in Thailand I know of a friend who has been fleeced by loan sharks for 12 million baht due to his thai business partner taking out huge bank loan and then walking it happens all the time.

    I hope the scumbags mentioned in this article get put away for a very long time but there again money talks even at the highest level

    Please tell me how he was "VULNERABLE" when he invested 12M with a Thai business-partner?

    If he didn't know the ins and outs he wasn't 'vulnerable' at all, he was plain dumb!!!

    -mel. sick.gif

  16. I do not disagree with the above comments as to how low these individuals are on the evolutionary scale, but come on!!! People get into these scams because they want to make easy money NOW. They let their own greed dupe them into believing the scammer. It is a shame that someone had to lose his life as a result of this scam, but sooner or later one has to believe what we have always been told: "If it sounds too good to be true, it is".

    True for some, not for all. Please don't be offended however your attitude is part of the problem, you are not recognizing the scale and sophistication of this scourge.

    Anyone that's interested, google SAS Fire and Security Services, this company was exposed in Scotland, convicted in England. They took £18 million in 3 years using the techniques that the boiler room scum use.

    £18 million in 3 years.

    They bullied, lied, intimidated, harassed and used up to 29 techniques that are banned by the Office of Fair Trading.

    The boiler room boys are in Thailand because of it's lax attitude to this type of scam. Go on youtube and search for boiler room calls. Your blood will run cold the next time you see this scum when you really understand what they do for a living.

    The victims truly are victims, don't give this scum the time of day.

    There is a saying that you can't con an honest man, only a greedy one, but most of these scummers prey on the vulnerable.

    That's their modus operandi, they churn through thousands of calls every week being rightly told to eff off by we switched on individuals. Then they snare the vulnerable, the defenceless.

    Anyone that takes the EASY and IGNORANT attitude that anyone that gets taken in by these scumbags deserves it is making it EASIER FOR THEM TO OPERATE.

    Do not be complicit through ignorance, our older TV members will no doubt confirm that old age does not come alone. It is very common for older people to lose their self confidence and to become vulnerable for various reasons.

    If this thread does nothing else but have some people reconsider their ill thought out attitude to this issue then it's worth it.

    If we cannot help protect the weak then what kind of men are we?

    I'm not with you on this one Blether, nor GKid..... for various reasons.

    For a start, your last comment about 'if we cannot protect the weak.....' - what's next? Are you going out to feed Thailand, and then Laos, and then.... ..... .....?

    You talk about the weak and vulnerable, well don't you think people hold a great deal of responsibility for the way they are, or have become?

    OK, these guys may be professional scammers, just like the Nigerian most laughed at for scamming the Thai woman, referring to her needing to learn a lesson we have all had to learn, as farang!

    I'm not exactly young, and I have had my fair number of approaches from what I would term 'obvious scammers', no matter how professional they are. I could see through them from a mile, especially when they force or try to force a deal. Alarm bells ring, and adrenalin kicks in to say f off. It aint sso difficult to defend one's assets if one isn't out to make an easy buck, or out to make anything at all, as in my case.

    You seem to have taken this news so personally, as has GKid that it makes me wonder if you have been duped.

    There is much more serious stuff going on aside from the scamming world, and I hold small pittance for those who fall into the trap. As for they all being weak, vulnerable, on medication or mentally slow - sorry, but give the evidence, please, to reference such proof.

    -mel ermm.gif

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