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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. "I'm very happy to see that the people support me and are calling on me to return home," he said.

    "I was moved to see men crying and telling me to go back home … the people love and have mercy for me a lot."


    He doesn't see much farther than past his left elbow, does he?

    "the people"??? What, the trivial ones who were set up by your cronies to make up numbers that pretend a lot? giggle.gif

    And here was me thinking that by now you were highly experienced, Mr T. passifier.gif


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  2. #12

    Thank you rubl.

    Thats exactly what this is about.

    So it's not all about Thaksin, it's about the truth of the numbers of ordinary people who attend rallies in a completely different country having paid their own way to get there?

    Ordinary people who attend rallies?

    Did you read about how many actually turned up in Laos? Under 1,000, and most of them were his haunchmen and families in tow. The reality is that of the Esan red-shirts NOBODY could be even bothered to go.

    Now Thais much love Laos compared to going to Cambodia. FACT!

    So the number quoted by the newsman of closer to 10K, as opposed to the lubricated figure of 30K is probably even exagerrated itself. We all know it was already deemed and set for circa 5K security personnel set in Cambodia, and God only knows why cos nobody could even be bothered to assassinate this sad loser..... he aint worth the effort!

    So take them out, then take out the Cambodians give a few Baht to up the numbers, like 4,000, and then take away his entourage of cronies, and what you got?

    Nobody is interested in the cretinous loser, and he just isn't going to get the message that he isn't welcome anymore. He is so self-delusional that his narcissism is helplessly out of control. He really does still think he is a messiah in this land, but can't see that nobody gives two hoots about him. He's deserate to return because he is penniless, disregarding all the acrimonious reports of him still having wealth - they've all been frozen. He's a desperate man, desperate to get his stolen money back. Well he isn't going to. Fat chance in your or my or his life-time will he make it back without serving time, and then, even then, he will have no possibility of political play in any kind of role.... apart from swinging sister. But she swings anyway, nothing new there.

    PhiPhi, you have to accept that your loser of an icon is not an icon. He has more holes all over and in him than, forget sieve but say an amateur's dart-board. ;)


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  3. I notice that they mention relations between Lanna and Lan Xang. For those of you who haven't studied the history of the region here is a map showing Lan Xang, Lanna & Ayutthaya in 1400:


    You might notice that about 1/3 of Lan Xang is what we now call Issan. Issan was taken over by the Siamese after a Siamese-Lao war in 1829, although the border wasn't formalized until 1909.

    Lanna was a tributary kingdom to Siam from 1775 to 1885, after which it was formally annexed and the Kings of Chiang Mai lost all real power. BTW, Thaksin and Yingluck are descended from the Kings of Lanna through their paternal grandmother, Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai.

    There is a theory that through DNA we can all be traced back to a common descendant. Another theory suggests that the more successful humans tend to show psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies, ignoring the feelings of others in the rush to self advancement.

    In light of such, I am quite happy to announce no royal lineage that I am aware of. Even more so when I look at Thaksin.

    I notice that they mention relations between Lanna and Lan Xang. For those of you who haven't studied the history of the region here is a map showing Lan Xang, Lanna & Ayutthaya in 1400:


    You might notice that about 1/3 of Lan Xang is what we now call Issan. Issan was taken over by the Siamese after a Siamese-Lao war in 1829, although the border wasn't formalized until 1909.

    Lanna was a tributary kingdom to Siam from 1775 to 1885, after which it was formally annexed and the Kings of Chiang Mai lost all real power. BTW, Thaksin and Yingluck are descended from the Kings of Lanna through their paternal grandmother, Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai.

    There is a theory that through DNA we can all be traced back to a common descendant. Another theory suggests that the more successful humans tend to show psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies, ignoring the feelings of others in the rush to self advancement.

    In light of such, I am quite happy to announce no royal lineage that I am aware of. Even more so when I look at Thaksin.

    Oh come on Mick! Announce your lineage. I'm sure it's much better than that of Mr T. His lineage, if pursued in depth and short history, would surely take him to a load of flies; he being the object of their excited flying rotation, waiting for him to cool down in the hot sun before they could indulge in landing. ;)


  4. Yingluk said that she is unaware of that, hasn't been informed, and doubts sincerely that it has occurred. BIG smile.

    When reminded that there is a cabinet meeting to discuss the issue, she noted that she will be in Chiang Mai at the opening of the Prada store, and won't be able to attend as her helicopter lacks night-vision radar.


    -mel. clap2.gif

  5. But things will not change unless there is bad international press about a holiday that kills so many people.

    it is not the holliday that kills,they kill themselfs ....every day of the year !

    Hopefully the drunk drivers are killed at their first accident ,so they can not kill innocent people in their

    following accidents !

    Yes, I agree with you Lucjoker. The more drunk drivers that are killed, the better, these potential murderers deserve to die and hopefully during their first "accident", the more drunk drivers that die, the less innocent people will die. A quick death also to those who throw water at moving vehicles, especially motorbikes.

    Sorry, but that's a bit harsh!

    It's usually the drunk drivers in their big 4x4s who hit and cause death to others, but are so drunkenly relaxed themselves that they walk away with a bruised foot from the throttle kick-back!

    Can't say I've seen motorbikes throwing water at moving vehicles either. :(


  6. PM Chalerm Yoobamrung has been very quiet. He must be up to something.

    Sobering up? Trying to slip out of his loafers without help?

    He's got flu! :( ... Needs to take some flu tablets. :(

    A few million to be precise, very quickly into hiding, before his sl/neeze is poured into public knowledge that he is matey's with a few hospital directors, and his sons have regular flu medication intakes too! ;)


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  7. I also think there's a rather bigger point being missed. That of Crystal Meth!

    It's all ok to say reduce alocohol sales, or even stop them. Do the police have drug breathalysers yet, like the west? Nope, they do not.

    Get a high out of the sky bike rider, on his way to mars and back, doing a quick shoot down the road on his little bikey, and they cannot do anything about it if he tests negative for alcohol.

    Esan is renowned for meth usage, but with little traceability little will be done with this aspect of wreckless driving too.

    However, good news included. I drove back from Amphawa, Samut Songkram, this morning home to Lak-si, and the traffic was fresh, little sign of anybody drink-driving, everybody keeping to 100Km/h with safe distance for stoppage, and not even a close incident, or spotted accident on either side. There was the odd Lexus or 4x4 doing 140-150 on the inside slow lane as usual in trying to get to B like tomorrow doesn't exist, but generally everybody was respecting each other and the possibility of accidents. Took only 1 hour from Amphawa to Lak-si. Odd moments we did shift up to 120Km/h as usual driving permits, but the congestion kept it to 100 generally. No incidents to report from that way. Yesterday went from Amphawa to Doi Hai Loi, mud flats and fish/crap/goong shopping, and not a single note of disregard for safety or drunk driving. That way at least seems to have respected the season, and even cars were chosen as being local to give a soaking to. All cars, including mine, with a BKK reg plate were clean and un-whitened! That I do like... ;)


  8. I notice that they mention relations between Lanna and Lan Xang. For those of you who haven't studied the history of the region here is a map showing Lan Xang, Lanna & Ayutthaya in 1400:


    You might notice that about 1/3 of Lan Xang is what we now call Issan. Issan was taken over by the Siamese after a Siamese-Lao war in 1829, although the border wasn't formalized until 1909.

    Lanna was a tributary kingdom to Siam from 1775 to 1885, after which it was formally annexed and the Kings of Chiang Mai lost all real power. BTW, Thaksin and Yingluck are descended from the Kings of Lanna through their paternal grandmother, Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai.

    I'm descended from a 16th Century Spanish Prince, but that doesn't make me wealthy or entitled to leadership or sovereignty in Spain. In fact, I am nobody nowadays... same as Mr Thaksin. giggle.gifwai.gif

    -mel. ;)

  9. His luck has been exposed already!

    A mere minion of the huge projection of attendees to this wonderous return to celebrate Song Kran with his millions of supporters, has resulted in complete failure and embarassment.

    It's becoming clear that he isn't, nor are the red-shrits, as well-liked as he/they perceive they are. In fact quite the opposite!

    It's almost laughable - this great return that tantamounted to little or nothing. Obviously the Esan and northerners have better things to do with family, than support this pathetic dinosaur who thoroughly believes he is as still loved as he always was. Thailand, obviously, including the north, is doing absolutely fine without this greedy cretin of a loser.

    It's palletable that his sister does nothing, but unpalletable that any interference he is affecting, or believes he is, Thai status quo as is.

    It is also predominantly obvious that if he really does try to step foot in this land then he, along with many others, will be lynched by a majority of haters who are currently quiet but ready to take on the venomosity of he and his cronies.

    I look forward to his attempted venture at returning, and the final outcome which will level this land once and for all to where it is intended to end up - with true democracy. ;)


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  10. The responsibility for the safe passage of this important piece of policy lies directly at the feet of Yingluck. She must be in Parliament. If she is unable to be there, then passage should be delayed by a few days to allow her to go to this summit and return to preside over the debate. Or she should send Chalerm or a deputy to the summit to represent Thailand and she stays.

    Yingluck 'the absent PM' . Her absence acknowledges her inherent weakness in her skills to successfully tackle to Democrats head on. This reminds me of those truck / van drivers that have an accident and then run away so they don't have to face the music.

    What would she say that cannot be said by other ministers?

    Well you hit the nail on the head there. She's never in Parliament because she has absolutely nothing to say worth hearing or that contains content.

    That is the reality of how deeply inept she is!

    However, even if she can't do her job with any proficiency she should still attend. If anybody else doesn't attend work the upshot is that they get fired!


  11. "I've done it last 4 years, but not this year!! Last year was too close for comfort, and if my car didn't have ABS we'd be dead due to thick brained imbeciles who think 4x4s are tanks. Good luck to them! I have no sympathy what so ever for the asses who crash and die. I do have sympathy for and if they hit innocents head on - which is usually the case!"

    One will assume you mean the drivers who split the lanes to pass EXTREMELY SLOW traffic. You perhaps are one of those drivers that drive 20kph below the speed limit and are afraid to pass, change lanes, turn a corner, etc. and are unable to do any of them without slowing down substantially and then thinking about it for many many many kilometers. So those of us who know how to control our vehicles pass idiots of the like that I just described so that we can get to our destination in a reasonable amount of time. I traveled once with a friend of mine to his girlfriends, he was driving and it took two hours longer than when I made the same trip a few months earlier. No reason for it, he was just unwilling to pass anything unless he had several kilometers of clear road to pass in.

    So while I will be staying at home for other reasons I am thankful that people like you are staying off the roads. Wish you would do it permanently.

    Who said I am staying off the roads? I wish you would button up your pathetic insinuations permanently. Go do one!

    Hope next time I happen across you you are bollocking past me and I swerve, to send my caravan into the side of you and swipe you off the road........ nerd.


    If you can't take it,,,,,,,,,, don't give it! :P

  12. Not quite sure how to respond to your post but I'll give it a go anyway.

    Zero deaths campaign - a ridiculous, nonsensical and totally unachievable goal.

    Driving to Isaan - I do it on average once a month, sometimes more. In fact, we have just driven here, my wife in the car and me on a bike. Got here safely. If you needed to use ABS driving on Thai roads, that means that either you are driving too fast for the conditions or that you are not planning far enough ahead. In 30 years of driving from Australia to Asia to Europe and the US, I've never once had to engage my ABS.

    As to PayBoy's remark, I still maintain that it's a cheap, petty shot, trying to pander to like minded people.

    You don't engage abs your braking system does it automatically and just because it works does not mean you are driving excessively fast. Abs can work even if it detects wheel lockup at slow speed and suppose someone swerves into your lane making you brake heavily does that mean you were driving too fast?

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Yes, when you step hard enough on the brakes, the braking system will detect if the wheels will lock up and then "engage" (for lack of a better word) the ABS system to prevent lock ups. This will allow you to steer out of danger. Generally very useful in icy and aquaplaning conditions. Hardly ever necessary in otherwise normal dry driving conditions.

    I've had many cars / bikes / pedestrians swerve / cut / walk out in front of me but never ever needed to brake hard enough for the ABS system to kick in. Maybe it's because I'm constantly aware of my surroundings when driving and able to anticipate dangers and hazards on the road.

    Like some 4x4 cutting in ahead of 10 cars in front of you, who all have to brake brake brake because of the prat?

    You may say you are a safe driver, but it sound the opposite to me, if in Thailand you have never engaged your ABS. Sounds like you are the old fuddy duddy doing 60 more like! You've never had a pedestrian just walk infront of you for no reason 5 metres ahead of you, of a motorcyle cut you in half, that unless you braked hard you'd have hit?

    Pull the other one.

    You know little about my driving, nor expertise and advanced licences in it. Small talk from you, making ungrounded assumptions that you know little about.

    ABS is not only for steering out of trouble, it is for straight line intense braking, without the need for skidding. Never had a Thai lorry pull infront of you for no reason, as you approach it? I don't think you drive daily on Thai roads much at all, to be honest.

    Enough said. Enjoy your happy overtaking and please, don't come a cropper of stats in the regardless drivers list who <deleted> by everybody else cos B just aint coming fast enough - please. ;)

  13. Day 01: 30 deaths & 375 injuries in 343 road accidents 7 Dangerous Days #Songkran /via @191Thailand

    So much for dear lady's zero death campaign. sad.png

    Have you nothing better to do than sit in front of your PC and make petty childish unconstructive criticisms? Worse than a kindergarten kid.

    What's childish and petty about Payboy's remarks, when - quote, "Transport Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan presided over the event to promote the road safety campaign “Zero Deaths for the Songkran Holiday” at the Bangkok bus terminal in Chatuchak District." - unquote, and there are already 30 deaths on day 1. I bet you by the end of tomorrow there are over 100 deaths. A zero death campaign has failed on its first day - observing it and making comments is neither petty nor childish. It is matter of fact!

    How many times have you driven to Ubon, or Udon or to Esan land during Song Kran and nearly been killed by lunatic 4x4 drivers who just can't sit with dignity, but need to fly by in the opposition of oncoming traffic nearly killing all and sundry in their midst?

    I've done it last 4 years, but not this year!! Last year was too close for comfort, and if my car didn't have ABS we'd be dead due to thick brained imbeciles who think 4x4s are tanks. Good luck to them! I have no sympathy what so ever for the asses who crash and die. I do have sympathy for and if they hit innocents head on - which is usually the case!

    Making observations about statistics is not childish, but your response was. It's song kran. Get a beer or two down your throat, relax, and stop being so pedantic. If you drive your 4x4 good luck to you, also. :o


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  14. The guy has near zero credibility as a source for anything other than bullshit.

    and HIV contaminated blood


    Beautiful photographic example of a Thai Government MP going about his daily business on a highly professional level ! Sad bstd!

    Look at the hatred in his eyes! I've never seen an MP look with such disdainful vehement as this unqualified nobhead.

    Yeah I did write that. This man is pure evil, and the sooner he disappears from walking life the better for all - including your croonie lot CalgaryII !

    I can't believe he hasn't even been knee-capped yet, but then I'm sure there's a few waiting to take him out completely at the given oppo.


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  15. The only people who really believed there was going to be pay hikes were the people who voted this bunch in...

    It's never mentioned, and I don't know why, but the rice farmers were promised a 50Kg bag would increase from resale price of 500Bt to 600Bt prior to Mr T raking in his cronies' votes. I have been told this by many a family in Ubon, and they are actually quite dismayed with Mr T at this moment. They aren't sure if they are actually red-shirts anymore, but they don't know where else to turn as the other lots don't encroach the red leaders in those districts for fear of safety.

    Anybody else here experienced the same said promise of rice prices? (As it could be rural gossip, of course)


  16. "Thailand and the other nine Asean members have jointly drafted a four-year plan to impose IP-enforcement measures from this year to 2015.

    Under the plan, it will establish an Asean IPR Enforcement Coordination Centre"


    We shall all enforce our tea-money intakes, shared equally between our counterfeit goods manufacturers and ourselves, and enforce fair distribution from border to border at equal rates. This will be coordinated from our IPR (I'm Personally Rich) enforcement centre, to ensure ASEAN equality in copyright violations, and by the way, sod the west! Adidaz shoes, inverted Nike swoosh, Reebouk shoes are not infringements, but just look similar to something people think of. Chanel bags made of plastic are not copyright infringements, as any Hi-So knows how to smell leather, so there. We are ASEAN.


  17. The proposed blanket pay raise to a standard Bt15,000 salary for civil servants with a bachelor's degree cannot be paid immediately, a government spokesperson said yesterday.

    Such a pay hike in one stage would require Bt50 billion annually

    Funny that none of the costs or conditions were considered or listed when they made their promise.

    Perhaps none of the university-educated Pheu Thai MP's knew there are around 400,000 new university graduates every year before releasing their confabulated dishonesty.


    Peau Thai Promises: Minimum Wage for Graduates

    Oh well, another lie to stack like cord wood on top of their other lies.


    What lie? No dates on the poster to say when.

    Oh! :o ... So they meant in 2070, but forgot to mention it in the run up? Khun kit baa!

  18. You can bet your bottom dollar that the ones you saw were Made in China. Many Thai instruments of low quality are now imported from China, believe it or not. Go with the above post, because only if there are real quality expensive instruments then you know you are in the genuine resale area of Thai made.


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