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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Minister for Defecation.

    Oh! Come on.... sad.png .... his surname includes porn..... he's allowed a bit of blood? The quincy, uincyiest bit?

    He is well qualified for the job. The job of PTP is to bully, buy votes, sh*t on others who don't agree with you, kill oppressives, and get as much as you can.....

    He is the PERFECT PTP MP candidate, no matter where he has jumped from gun to gun for the last five years??? A delightful candiate for bringing Thaksin home...... a Dubai vote couldn't come at a better time. wink.png


  2. Well, at least, TV coverage would give some indications of who is present and who is not; who is clocking in with who else's electronic voting card, who is receiving mobile phone calls with regard to voting for who; and if the PM actually manages to clock in herself, or if she is having a suave time meeting landowners, business owners, and pay-out victims in cheap hotels (with a self-liner of a huge bin-bag for returned favours); and, finally, if Chalerm is selectively deaf, thru ear-infection again, or if he is cantankerous as ever and aiming to topple Thaksin himself.

    TV coverage would be a great spectacle for all, even if Dubai camera interference had some moments of fuzziness. ;)


  3. I wonder if they will use their men in black again to force the government into doing what they want,

    Never mind the legalities of it.

    They are red shirts above the law.

    Are you talking about the school kids now? ;)

    Somebody mentioned the wrong education earlier. I think 'some kind' of education would help. Every school has bullying, and it is by the 'rich kids'. "My dad is more powerful than yours, so give me your lunch money." It starts there!

    I was bullied at school, cos I was fat. The rich kids would steal my dinner money and go and buy a bike!

    I was called 'porky', and that wasn't cos I was caught doing something disgusting to a pig... I married her! cheesy.gif

    But seriously, bullying is taught by the bully parents, the majors, the MPs all for the love of teaching their kids how to be abusive and get their way. That's why these bullies at Suvarnabhumi think they should get their way... their up-line pay receivers have taught them they will......


    • Like 1
  4. Obviously! TOEFL 98% scorers. Educated not in Thailand, or if they were then from rich families who afforded 'private' tutoring in both English and Business Studies. I agree that Thammasat is becoming a target for Thai Business Studies students, but what about elsewhere; and what other Unis?

    It's a great result. I take nothing away from it, but next year?? The year after?? Will we see a repetition? I seriously doubt it. :(


  5. Khao San lost it's "charm" long time ago. Now it's full of drunk=stupid farangs who think they are "cool" because they wear dirty clothes are obnoxious, nd full of weird/ rich thais who think they own the world, and as thsi is their country they are the lasters. And anybody who have been long enough in thailand knows that Thais are not just smily people. They love to kick farang asses,and they are brutal in every case. Seen Thais jumping on my friends head while was down unconscious.

    If that's really your picture, then it would explain your words above... ;)


  6. Maybe the empty headed policeman was transferred because it is very easy to arrest children with one pill in their pocket, throwing them in jail and ruining their lives for ever. It is not about arresting thousands of people. Arresting thousands of people means that his subordinates can collect millions a week in bribes, but it is about the big fish. Robert McNamara from the US counted his blessings in Vietnam too by counting body bags still he lost.

    Considering who transfered him it's more likely because the alleged millions in bribes were non-existant, and so didn't come back up the chain of command as expected.

    Or more likely, the good guys were getting too close to home for Chalerm's liking !!!


  7. Good luck, nob head!

    Achieve that, and Thailand will be the first country in the world to do so.

    Then again, Thailand is the first county to have MPs that drink alcohol, watch porn, vote on behalf of absent members, and has a PM who never goes to work, all in the honour of the House; so I guess anything is possible with regard to Chalerm stoppin the use of drug taking in the House of Parliament, by MPs. wink.png


    • Like 2
  8. ~ snip

    Porsche F1 cycle at 18,000 RPM........ and that technology is applied to production cars, but not to the same extent. Where do you think ABS came from, a Honda Civic? tongue.png


    Got to take u up on this one. Porsche F1?

    For previous poster saying the car would explode at 7000rpm


    For yourself: http://www.formula1....005/7/3327.html

    Porsche supplied the McClaren engine.... ( However, my comment was about rpm, and that F1 cars can go to 18,000; and a Porche 911 can go way above 7,000.... wink.png )


    Why don't you post the correct model to verify your claim Mel? The GT3 is an entirely different motor altogether from the crashed car. I have owned two of them.

    The crashed car is a GT2 2002 - 2004 model.

    Sorry! blink.png So Sorry...... I couldn't make out the model from what was left, just as you couldn't even see an engine component. I bet you could also identify the make of the <Snip!> seat he was cut out of?? giggle.gif


  9. ~ snip

    Porsche F1 cycle at 18,000 RPM........ and that technology is applied to production cars, but not to the same extent. Where do you think ABS came from, a Honda Civic? tongue.png


    Got to take u up on this one. Porsche F1?

    For previous poster saying the car would explode at 7000rpm


    For yourself: http://www.formula1.com/news/features/2005/7/3327.html

    Porsche supplied the McClaren engine.... ( However, my comment was about rpm, and that F1 cars can go to 18,000; and a Porche 911 can go way above 7,000.... ;) )


  10. "In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


    Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

    I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

    So the car, from

    front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

    As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

    But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


    What are you talking about? Engine air filter? Ventilation system air filter? Engine slicing in half? I can't see the engine anywhere in this photo. What have side air bags got to do with an ultra high speed frontal collision? It is pretty obvious it is the RHF wheel. I think you're imagining way too much.

    It looks to me that the roof has been cut off by the Emergency Services in attendance. Same as all the comments regarding 280 KPH. Utter rubbish at this stage. Rev counter at 7,800? That motor won't do it.

    Sorry? :o What did I write about the ventilation system or rev counter? Seems you are mis-quoting me, rather a lot.

    The side air-bag firing was a laughing comment, as the guy was obviously not wearing a seat belt and had no chance of side air-bags helping him any way, thank God! :P

    If you can't see any part of an engine in this pic then stop talking out of your ass and calling me out as a utter rubbish comment addition.

    The components of the, what's left of it, are clearly visible, even if there are only half of them visible. Have you designed cars?

    As for a Porsche not being able to do 7,800 revs...... your comment is idiotic...... A 911 can cycle at upto 9,000 rpm......

    Porsche F1 cycle at 18,000 RPM........ and that technology is applied to production cars, but not to the same extent. Where do you think ABS came from, a Honda Civic? :P

    grow up, and don't call my words rubbish!


  11. "In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


    Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

    I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

    So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

    As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

    But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


    Sniggering and clapping sick man

    Na! Just somebody who's lived here longer than you have, obviously. Sports car rich kid freaks, who get given corrupt money from mummy and daddy, should know better. Why? Cos it's impossible for them to do so!! Daddies don't drive like freaks, as they all have a black Volkswagon Van to run them about; but to show of prowess they buy their kids toys. Unfortunately, cars are not toys but killing machines in the wrong hands, and considering these kids have been driving at 200Km/h plus, on their i-pods for years........ well..... I have nothing further to add.

    As for sniggering, I have a right. As for clapping I have a right.

    If you don't like it then report my post as abusive!


  12. "In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


    Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

    I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

    So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

    As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

    But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


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