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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. What about the victims of electrocution during the floods last year?

    Is there any pay-out for them? Is it immaterial?

    Where there any responsible persons of electrical authorities that didn't give the go ahead for black-out when people escaping through metres of water were killed instantaneously?

    A life is a life, and an eye for a tooth doesn't exist in Pali scripture? It sure does!

    -mel. :(

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  2. Buy a gold certificate, which effectively means you invest in the Thai banks gold, but don't carry around gold bars.

    Gold is sue for an increase, I have on good authority, from 24,000 as it has been for the last year, to above 25,500.

    So for each 100K you buy when gold goes up to 25,500 you'll make circa 6,000 baht or 6%.

    If you invest 800K in a banks gold, and they are all very similar, then you'll make 48,000 Baht when the gold goes up - which is prejected for September this year. That's a much better return, and you can cash in at anytime and get any amount of increase percentage as it happens.

    Gold will not go down, and is projected to reach 27,000 by the time ASEAN occurs......


  3. They'll be about as successful at this crackdown as issuing ipads to Grade 1 and 15K baht to graduate degree holders and, to add to that, success at keeping drugs away from MPs whilst they sleep and watch porn or get mobile updates from drug dealers within their vicinity whilst in-House.

    It all adds up to a total success equalling the Number of road deaths being a positive count for the Songkran period.

    Job well done, lads in PrakT Party. You exemplify Thai culture in politics at its best ever yet. Total non-delivery of anything promised. Thaksin out-witted everybody, didn't she/he? :D


  4. I have a neighbor who has a dog that isn't fixed, and he lets her roam the neighborhood doesn't keep it in his yard. He has bragged about the fact that she has delivered 54 pups to date ! I would bet 90% of them are roaming the streets of Pattaya, as we speak, so I have NO PROBLEM, with shipping some of them to other countries to eat..... I just wish I could ship my neignbor to some other country !! 555555

    How do you say 'sit down, Shep' in Russian? giggle.gif


  5. I think there's a few off the mark on this one, IMHO.

    The likelihood of Thailand suffering a richter 6 is about the same as the UK......... like virtually zero.

    A 3.1/3.2? California has on average 10 a day.

    Even after the huge quake in '04 Thailand suffered little aftershocks of consequence.

    Scaremongering is fine, if it's your port of call, but the likelihood of any kind of tectonic plate restructuring of Thailand is also as likely as Everest collapsing under its own weight..... it's possible, for sure. So is the existence of aliens...........

    I think it's high tide people stopped to think about a richter 6 in Thailand.... oooops high-time I meant.

    LOS has enough high agendae to consider, without all these passive remarks about a richter 6 earthquake becoming a reality.

    Mr T's return would be a richter 10 for a start!! ;)


  6. "he said there were some 2,000-3,000 "Tom Yam Kung" restaurants in Malaysia, owned by Thai people, which hired some 200,000 Thais."

    So each of these restaurants employs in the region of 100 Thais each? I feel my leg being extended.

    Or maybe they do, but their pimps are so successful they own a Lada each. Thais for export, and not just girlie imports too.... works both ways in exchange at the borders, don't forget that. :(


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  7. Good. Dams can be useful, but they fit better for a smaller population world. Similarly, hunting large beasts was useful for our long-ago ancestors, but is not practical now. It's good that the trend of building large dams is passing. The cost in relocated people and in environment destruction is not worth the advantages. Plus, greenhouse gases are released as part of the dynamics of dam construction and their daily operations.

    The county I resided in the USA (in California, the trend setter of the world), had a successful prolonged protest in the 1980's - which stopped a French company from building a dam.

    Next, Thailand needs to try and slow down China's dam building mania - for the sake of the Salween and Mekong rivers, and for the sake of the people and flora and fauna which are barely holding on in their watersheds. The once mighty Mekong: you can now walk across parts of it with the water just above your knees wet. Future projections indicate it will be considerably lower - much of that thanks to China hoarding water in its seven giant dams upstream.

    I didn't know CA was the world's trend setter. Since when?

    Shanghai is more of a trend setter.

    Or are you referring directly to dam trend setters?

    Surely Amsterdam would even rule over that trend of CA, in sea dams and barrages?

    As for China, well (excuse that pun) they can, simple as.

    California is no longer a trend setter, and maybe for one faculty eons ago may has tread water. Nowadays, forget it.

    Plenty more CAs around the world than your excuse for a current trend set which doesn't exist, nor did.


  8. I actually took the delicacy of dog and chips, with HP sauce, in Korat this weekend.

    The counter table was rotatable, and there was a special large plate for spitting out the chewed dog bones onto as a sign of respect before marrowing.

    I enjoyed a good dog thigh cut. It was scrumptious and marinated in Thai lemon, som tam sauce and Chinese 5 spice coincidentally.

    When I saw the rotunda return about, full of bones, I felt remorse. My immediate thought was,

    "dam_n it, the dog would have loved chewing on those bones"! ;)


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  9. Ministry boosts medical workers' quake preparedness


    The quaking being in the boots of pharmacists, of course.


    "The 22 provinces are Phuket, Phang Nga, Krabi, Surat Thani, Chumphon, Songkhla, Ranong, Kanchanaburi, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Tak, Nan, Mae Hong Son, Phrae, Phayao, Lampang, Lamphun, Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan and Samut Sakhon.

    Officials in these provinces have been urged to prepare medical personnel and equipment to provide treatment in case of an earthquake or other emergency."


    Aye, these areas are really likely to suffer from Earthquakes...... NOT, MORE LIKE floods first!


    "Health staff could not transfer patients to other hospitals due to traffic jams, he added."

    ------- Traffic jams due to swift movement of escorted medical supplies?



  10. "Extremists with political racism and hatred have a way of making their noises heard louder than others - but it's time people tried to rein them in with more measured political voices before the only political space left in Thailand is that of hatred and distrust."


    Sure do don't they!

    Did you write this so the likes of Chalerm, Nittinut, Shinawanctra and family may listen, or before the next big noise happens from them, or did you write this for self indulgence? Some reasonable people have been trying to rein them in kindly, with sensical and measured advice for some time, only for those same said to be criticised for being reasonable people who are simultaneously hated and distrusted.


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