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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Seen the price of a visitor visa for a Thai to visit Bahrain? :o

    Bahrain is one of the most expensive places for anybody to visit, so all this talk about Mutual Tourism is complete nonsense as your average Thai couldn't even contemplate a visit.

    Then we've got the "to strengthen ties at all level and promote good cooperation in all dimensions."

    What ties? What dimensions? Thailand and Bahrain have about as much in common as Laurel & Hardy and Baywatch!

    So in essence she's going there not only to Sheikh Ya-Money, but to prepare for future jobs for Thai nurses and doctors when they are out-qualified and out-priced as ASEAN steps into motion.


    (Oh! And a quickie land investment scheme from big Bro, as usual) :(

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  2. Sure she did. He was helping her out financially, and she had the temerity to disrespect him in the worst way because she was clearly greedy for more men which meant more money. I actually feel sorry for you if you don't think that's enough to condemn her.

    Probably you created a fake account just so you can spew your hate, still I'll answer.

    You think this guy came to Thailand so he could help girls out of the kindness of his heart? hahaha.. then it is you I really feel sorry for.

    Farangs hook up with girls every day leveraging what they have (money) to get what they want (sex, relationship), these same men are outraged when the tables are turned.

    "helping girls financially".. doesn't come without a little treat does it? Anyway, thanks for the laughs.


  3. I wonder if there would have been so many reactional posts if the headline was "Thai stabs girlfriend 17 times"?

    As opposed to "German stabs........"?

    Is there hysteria because a farang, who looks like he was on the verge anyway, did this?

    There are nutters in all parts of the little blue planet.

    Thai nutters, English nutters (yet, I've to meet one that is severely nuts bah.gif), Swedish nutters, German nutters, American, Lao, Chinese blah blah......

    I do think if this headline read "Thai bf stabs gf to death" the reaction wouldn't quite be the same.....???


  4. I suppose finding that your girlfriend has been dating a Frog must to some, seem like the ultimate insult!

    AGREED !

    And I thought one had to be of AT LEAST a mental age of 18+ to be a MEMBER here...... Oh! You are clearly a member now.

    Well Done! Pat yourself on the back for the 'frog' comment. You're not racist, surely? If you are, why are you here in Thailand......??

    Go get yourself a pair of jugs, turn the water into wine, and sup up and be gone with yer.....

  5. I have seen too many guys get fleeced out of there life savings to feel sorry for these girls anymore, this one paid for it with her life.


    That is because as Rainmon poster said: "But what this girl was doing is common place in Thailand and they think nothing of it because Farang are stupid, same same dog..."

    Yes , many farangs are just plain stupid. They think with their small head, not the big head, that should have a brain.

    That's a very strong and ignorant comment, saying that many farangs are stupid.

    It's not that they're stupid, it's just that so many people from Isaan have the integrity of a chimpanzee and when uninitiated foreigners in Thailand give these people the benefit of the doubt, they get taken advantage of in ways they'd never thought imaginable, because they just never thought any people anywhere in the world were capable of such constant, hurtful and selfish mendacity.

    That's also a very strong and ignorant comment about Esan people in general, including being hurtful to the families who suffered their loss today.

    -mel. sad.png

  6. "The ruling Puea Thai party, linked to former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra, promised to issue free handheld computers to a million students as part of a raft of pledges that helped it to an election victory last year.

    "The first batch of 400,000 tablets, costing $32.8 million, will be delivered within 60 days," he said in statement, adding that a repeat order would not exceed one million machines."


    but there just aren't that many students in governmental positions, such as PM, MPs and so forth, are there?


  7. Too trivial for you to remember?

    Followed by a drunken Thai wife?

    As I said earlier, it sure depends upon who you pick and your own reactions. Even 'non-reactions' can be even more insulting, pending your own behaviour of course. I'm sure you were an angelic husband to both, as you never harmed or threatened. However, what you did, or didn't do, led to causes of irregularity, don't you think? Or are you just a statistic of unluckiness, like previous posters?

    I've come to think of the incidents as fairly 'common place' (rightly or wrongly) in ones lifetime, and suspect many men have suffered similar attacks in silence.

    Unlike you, I am not prepared to explain away acts of violence with any excuses.

    Violence is wrong and has no excuse, no matter what provocation (or lack of it) there was.

    I'm not condoning a woman's abuse to a man. I am simply stating that as a general rule of thumb that some form of provocation usually exists for a woman to become perpretator of abuse. That could be prior, and within the family unit itself, to a Thai female meeting a farang.

    However, it is still the choice of the man to live with, and abide with if he chooses, so called abuse - if he perceives it to be, especially as a farang.

    Man is able to move away, work and find independence. If abuse at home from a female is ever present then why would he not move away?


    .... a very operative word in symptoms of male's perceived abuse, as he actually chooses to be present for the physical and sexual gain from the partner.


  8. Please give me an example of when a woman has battered her husband for the fun of it. When a woman has taunted and abused her husband, for the fun of it? Who abused first, in most cases (99%)?

    I can give two examples.

    When I was married to a lady in the UK (30 years ago), during an argument (too trivial for me to remember) my wife threw a kettle of boiling water over me, I suffered severe burns on my back (she threw it when my back was turned) I had to visit hospital several times, I was too ashamed to tell anyone what happened.

    In Thailand (two years ago) my wife, in a drunken rage, attacked me with a machete, luckily she was too drunk to catch me (I still don't know what brought on the attack).

    I never harmed or threatened either of the ladies (or any other woman), before or after the events.

    I am in contact with two other men in Thailand that have been battered by their Thai ladies, I have recorded photographic evidence of the attacks. I have never seen either man display any signs of rage, but have seen extreme behaviour from the women involved.

    Too trivial for you to remember?

    Followed by a drunken Thai wife?

    As I said earlier, it sure depends upon who you pick and your own reactions. Even 'non-reactions' can be even more insulting, pending your own behaviour of course. I'm sure you were an angelic husband to both, as you never harmed or threatened. However, what you did, or didn't do, led to causes of irregularity, don't you think? Or are you just a statistic of unluckiness, like previous posters?


  9. They must not go ahead with this. Abortion should only be legal if the woman has been raped or the fetus has some medical condition that will cause much suffering once he/she is born.

    And what if 85% of rapes in Thailand occur within the family realms? What then?

    Rape within the family, in most cases - a huge amount -, is not reported within this country because of family comeback threats.

    Usually, the youngest daughter is responsible for sibling care, and care for the elders. If it becomes her duty to be forced into sexual obligations, to satisfy demands, is she likely to report it or wait for the house and land, as the last remnant of care and obliged earning?

    Let's keep religion out of this too! Buddhism is a philosophy. I'm sure you know the Pali scripture quotes about rape?


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  10. Pretty sad when a western man can't be in a decent relationship in a country like Thailand where there are countless single women that do to a lack of opportunity (especially in the recent past) put having a man who can provide them with security as their priority in what they look for in a man. Not like in much of the west were women can much more easily be financially independent and likely do not come from a poor upbringing where higher education was out of the question. Even though women in the west are still attracted to successful men who can provide for them and their off spring, it was a much bigger attraction decades ago in the west when women there also had less opportunity.

    But very sad indeed that men come here and still cannot look in the mirror to find the cause of why they have relationship problems. And more sick and disgusting is that a women was violently murdered and the topic, for some posters, has turned into a thread about verbally bashing women and determining when it is alright to beat a women.


    For the other opinion holders:

    So what's next for a hurt dicky farang to adopt, because of his unzipped flies?

    Acid in the face, and follow India........ or grow up and be a man who gets up after a fall?

    She dishonoured him? You're having a larff aren't you? I bet 1M baht he was dipping his penis elsewhere also!

    She 'must' pay for it - what? :o with life?


  11. german%20stabbs.jpeg

    Let's look again, shall we?

    Your normal looking, run about at the mill farang?

    Or 'I'm tanned, I'm krout, I IZ cool, I am da best, You does what I say 'bitch', and I iz JUST so good man.........'

    Me thinks his eyes indicate quite a lot.

    I truly hope he serves time.... deserved time..... for MURDER 1.


    And, by God, is he ugly or what? 555+

    Maybe he thinks he's Steven Seagal or similar??

  12. ... the World Health Organization reported last year that Thailand rated #2 in the world for teenage pregnancy rates (age 15-19).

    ... another WHO report from a year or so ago projects that by 2015 more than 50% of all Thai children will be raised in households by someone other than their parent.

    ... there's a resounding indictment of Thai cultural values ... I want to hear no more BS about Thai's strong family values.

    Strong family values? From where to where? There is a variance.

    However, it does appear that sexual indulgence, usually perpretated by daddy, uncle or brothers also varies from place to place.

    It has little to do with sex education...... it has to do with what is perceived as abuse, and what is not, education.

    Let's start that subject for a kick-off, shall we? What's half-time score going to be? All in with family, or half-out with female child? :o:(


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  13. I really can't believe this stuff!

    I don't care if she is pure white as the driven snow or a seasoned Nana pole dancer, whether she's scammed millions of dollars from idiot farangs, whether she was cheating on this guy or not, none of that has anything to with anything.

    He murdered her. Maybe insane, maybe a crime of passion, who cares that's not what everyone's speculating about anyway!

    She's dead and no matter what she did or didn't do, was or wasn't she didn't deserve that.

    Just take a moment of silence and wish her departed soul well wherever she may be headed, and also spare a thought for what he must have, is and will be going through.

    It's just sad and that's the end of it.

    Like a <deleted>' kindergarten in here!

    It isn't the end of it, that simply, though, is it?

    For the angry, abused are now shouting against their own errors, and being unfair, in total, to those of us who have chosen wisely and not got caught by unzipped fly-fronts.....

    Yes, it's was sad. Yes, it will be sad for the psycho who killed her in his moment of immature envy, despite his inability to obviously self-control on a normal basis. Yet, for others to have no sympathy for the target of attack is just bizarre. Why would one blame others for one's own reactions, one's own self-discipline, and one's own created circumstances? Now THAT is bizarre!


  14. That said, someone who violently attacks a woman just over her words,

    or his honor or a broken heart is morally in a waste land.

    'Self Defense' does not include because of a battered ego or broken heart.

    I have no sympathy at all for this moron from the OP.

    Right, I see what you mean that if it is not an ordinary woman but a Ninja Woman who is actually doing skykicks at you and whirling katanas around her head and stuff, you should defend yourself. I meant in the context of a normal domestic situation, or a love rival etc. not in deadly killer ninja women. I can't possibly comment on the bite situation as I was not there. My original point stands for all normal domestic relationships. Most violence towards women is not remotely self-defense and is most commonly a drunken male using the girl as a punchbag because he is angry.

    in most cases the woman is weaker than the man and is not somersaulting around with razorsharp scimitars etc. If she burns the dinner and you hit her, you are a pig and should be in jail. If she sleeps with another man & you hit her, you are a pig and should be in jail. These are the common domestic violence triggers, percieved failures on the wifes part or percieved infidelity on the wifes part. In both cases the man has no right to raise his hand against her.

    Marriage and relationships are not ownership. You did not buy a person. They do not belong to you. If they go and fall in love with somebody else that is too bad for you. If she can't cook very well etc. At no point do you have the right to beat her for any of those reasons. The defending yourself circumstance is a given, I didn't mention it in my first post because it is obvious. I was talking about 99.9% of cases where the man is larger and stronger than the woman and he *can* get in his car and leave forever instead of battering her.

    I will also throw in the quote ; "wife beating without alcohol is like a circus without lions". The fact is that most men who beat their partners habitually, are either alcoholic or heavy drinkers, and that is established sociological fact in the UK from decades of research into domestic violence. Its not the trigger but it does provide the red mist.

    His friend (girl) sure didn't sound like a ninja to me. Women are emotional and can be extremely emotional especially also when alcohol is involved.

    What if your situation above was the other way around and the woman was attacking the man because she found out he cheated on her? Is violence the other way ok? Of course not, but it is 'tolerated' for some bizarre reason. Your stats may be correct, but domestic violence in the reverse (violence against men) occurs much more frequently than most would think and even more frequently it goes unreported (in most cases). What male wants to admit their wife/girlfriend is abusing them. What about emotional abuse, the master manipulators being women. All this occurs so frequently, but it's all just accepted as 'women.'. Neither are ok in my books. Clearly you have never been around or seen an emotionally charged woman and the damage she can inflict.

    What she can inflict is your response to her, and it is that simple!

    Emotionally charged female, or not, it is your response to anon that causes your belief of manipulation...... unless you are a complete moron, of course?

    Please don't try to manipulate your words into your own abuse now, because if you were abused then you should have got out of it.

    I've heard enough sob stories to write ten books....... and most of the time (99.8%) it was the farang dipping his stick elsewhere in the first place.


  15. Very sorry to whomsover I might offend, but having been stupid enough to be duped into coming here under the misguided impression that such a devout Buddhist could not possibly be so dishonest because supposedly it goes against the "preaching" and then be subjected to almost identical circumstances, no matter of the blokes appearance and alleged "stupidity" I can sympathize. Had he taken the more civilized approach and when angry simply walked away, then he gets subjected to ridicule. The definition of getting yourself wrappedup between a rock and a hard place.

    Like everything else on Thai visa, lets all sit back and be arm-chair critcs.

    However, some of us are not simply arm-chair critics, as you put it. Some of have been very careful, taken our time, and chosen wisely, as we would in the west also!!

    My wife would never call me a water-buffalo or a walking bank...... as a previous poster commented. My comments, and remarks, are from experience....... and never have my wife and me had dull nor very argumentative moments. We have been happily married for many a year, and each year it gets better....... so think about that, please.

    There is no rock nor a hard place in our relationship, and ne'r has there been.

    So if he walked away then you say he would be 'subjected' to ridicule. May I ask who from?

    Isn't it twice a man who accepts gossip and walks happily away from it? To freak and stab a female 17 times is no recompense for totally abnormal behaviour. Sounds to me like he was a ticking time-bomb anyway!

    I recall it was Rudyard Kipling who said:

    " If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools..." You'll be a man, my son!

    So much for Herr Mikhael being a man, and accepting his losses for the benefit of his 'peculiar small brain' needs......

    No excuse at all for stabbing her to death....... none whatsoever!


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  16. A real man should never raise his hand against a woman, for any reason or to any extent.

    probably comes from someone who never had a psychotic woman before who did all the wrong things to you even though you were good for her.

    i have never hit my gf but ive been close to, to me the term a man should never hit a woman is just bullshit, so if a woman hits you multiple times when you didnt deserve it? and cheats on you? and has psychotic behavior worse than in psychotic drama movies.

    you probably never been in a situation when your woman made you so crazy that you almost went psycho because of her continoues idiotic and crazy behavior (because she had a few screws loose)

    well i had such a girlfriend once, and it made me crazy.

    now this is just a reply to you, doesnt have anything to do with the topic, offcourse the german is wrong, hes a murderer and an idiot for even dating a thai woman from a beer bar.

    but about just (hitting one time) it totally depends on the situation imo.

    ive been in numerous psychotic crazy situations with my ex in which she did so much crazy shit to me just because she was in a bad mood, and in arguements she acted like a total prycho.

    you probably dont really know what im talking about, sure arguements are normal in a relationship but this was just crazy, worse than in extreme relationship trouble movies, she humiliated me so many times in her psychotic moods, i felt close to hitting her, she did so many things to me you have no idea.

    but i didnt, and left eventually.

    but im VERY sure other men would have smacked her face.

    You chose her! Lay the blame on the psycho? :o


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  17. I thought Thailand had a patent on Jasmine rice. unsure.png

    I think they have the right to call it "Hom Mali" not an exclusive right on Jasmine rice.

    Just found this article from the Nation...Jasmine rice is finally our national treasure....here


    From looking at the article it appears Thai jasmine rice has been patented to Thailand, it also looks as though it is also grown in ten other countries, I would guess that any country wishing to grow Thai jasmine rice would first ask permission from Thailand and possibly pay royalties to Thailand, however I could not see the total royalty payments coming into Thailand coming anywhere near the amount that is going to be lost through direct sale of Thai jasmine rice to other countries, and the amount in royalties paid by any country that wanted to grow Thai jasmine rice would be minimal compared to any profit that country would earn from the cultivation and sale both domestically and internationally.

    Would this be same type of patent or copyright applying to foreign films and gaming rights?

    Thailand might just learn a lesson from the seriousness of copyright and patent abuse over this malarky.... for once? I doubt it!

    Shame, really, because Thai Jasmine is the best rice. However, and as previously stated, if infringements of copyrights and patents are not taken seriously in all areas of Thai copying..... then, alas, Thailand also loses the rice-rights it may or may not carry. :(


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