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Posts posted by cgphuket

  1. Your kids might have a slight chance if you're extremely wealthy. For example: if your kid would like to start as a "small" police, you will have to pay THB. 250.000.-;

    if your kid would like to become a teacher, you will have to pay at least THB. 500.000.- (if absolutely not competent it could raise upto 1.000.000.-); if your kid graduates as a lawyer, it would cost you at least THB. 1.000.000.- to start. Of course all these payments are "under the table".

    Now you might figure out an idea about the cost to become a "prime minister"...Good Luck!

    P.S. This has been tested and is real!...And it all comes with the "Amazing Smile"...

    500,000 baht to become a teacher and male 11.000 a month? Is there a lot of tea money in teaching? I guess i will ask my teacher friends who make dick and didnt pay a dime for their job.

    • Like 1
  2. Did Phuket to BKK last year on my CBR 250. No problems, Took 2 days and chose the route that ran along the Burma border. Great trip til after Hua Hin, where it is all sucidal highways. Could be done straight through in a pinch, but 2-3 days is more relaxing.

  3. Compared to Thai people, ex-pats in Thailand are much more self-absorbed, selfish and assume the world revolves around them. I used to find it strange that expats lacked all common courtesy and consideration that foreigners in my home country had, then I realized, either selfish people come here, or Thailand turns them selfish. Perhaps one of the reasons expats have trouble re-assimilating when they return home. My perception anyway, your may be different.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi, just a basic question. Do the energy compnaies that operate around here use any real HR people? The reason I ask is that I have seen 2-3 companies positng on Thai based job boards for experienced HR / Trainers /ETC. I have applied to these jobs several times (I have experience in HR and a Masters degree, as well as living in Thailand several years). I have never gotten so much as a reply, even when they send my an e-mail asking me to apply, they never follow through. These jobs are often marked "urgent" and the same jobs are posted every 2-3 weeks for the last several years. I guess I am asking, are these real jobs or some kind of scam? Sorry for the ignorance, just find it strange.

  5. No it's not my first experience, I guess it's just easier to pump away rather than look at the gauge, bless them!!

    Maybe because over inflated tires wear out twice (if not more) as fast? Requiring purchase of new tires more often. But then, I doubt thats the reason.....

  6. I thought using the general forum to advertise your business was forbidden?  Last time I did got a nasty message from a "moderater"  Just saying...  Not interested in owning a HD in a 3rd world country (kind of like bringing a steak dinner to a soup kitchen...just tacky).  But hope it works out for those who want one. 

  7. I have always wondered why a farang in Thailand would get into the nightmare of being with a farang women? In a country full of beautiful, graceful, and passionate women, hooking up with a sweatpants wearing, loud talking, ebay junky (wait, that sounds like my farang ex-wife) has logic that escapre me. And personally. I have known more men burned by there farang women than by Thai women. But thats just mt experience.

  8. Oh, the number of times I have seen a picture of smiling Thais pointing at a dead farang and never heard an apology. I guess it all depends on whose ox is getting gored.


    How many times, exactly? Is it a number between zero and one?

    I've been here a long time and have never seen such a photo. I'm not saying that such a thing couldn't exist, but if it does exist, how many have you actually seen?

    It's best not to use hyperbole - or outright fiction - when maligning an entire people.

    Then you don't get out much. I too have seen lots of pics of smiling Thais pointing at bodies. Maybe you are right and we are all lying...

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand will also make sure there are the very poor. This makes the rich Thais feel better about their wealth. But seriously, I dare any reader to tell me the last time they saw a "legitimate" charity that wasn't founded by a foreigner or the last time a rich Thai actually spent any of their own money to help the poor. Come on, I dare ya.

  10. Just a local waiter or local jobsworth that wanted/needed to upset the (bigshot) farang, so he could feel good in himself.

    Looks like he succeeded. He'll sleep well in his 500b a month room tonight.

    While he dreams about you going into alcohol withdrawal from missing your 3pm Leo beer. Seriously, count your blessings if this is a tragedy for you. Oh, yeah...Phuket retiree. Never mind.

  11. What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

    farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png alt=laugh.png width=20 height=20>

    As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

    you consider dark skinned thai girls ugly??


    but the one that farang are dating are indeed ugly less desirable...thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

    Wow, in one sentence just proved your intelligence and lost any credibility for your post. I think the Thai girls are lucky your not on the market.

    • Like 1
  12. I am "tone death" and cannot hear how to pronounce the words correctly. Just ask a Thai to translate this into Thai and you will instantly see what I mean: New wood doesn't burn does it? The only thing that I hear is mai.

    I think you meant "tone deaf". Tone death sounds a bit extreme.

  13. Those who talk the most, do the least. All the tattoos, steroids, stories, gold, LV bag...can't say I've ever seen a more insecure person.

    Typical "mommy died and left me some money, so I went to the 3rd world and tried to life like a bigshot.". Has fun until he accidentally falls off his hotel balcony. Only surprise here is that he is not Russian.

    • Like 1
  14. The reason wannabe pimps do not do well in Thailand, is that Thai girls are not keen to part with their money. I 4 years in Thailand, and having met around 1000 working girls, never met one yet that had what we would consider a "pimp". Whatever....

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