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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Ah yes, I remember it well. Those were the days when it was a wholly owned British company. They sure know something about building cars in those days.
  2. And there we have it. The perfect example of a brainwashed, propagandised westerner, who won’t buy a cheaper but undoubtedly superior product, just because he can’t let go of his bias and prejudices. But he posts in a thread that is for all intents and purposes, a thread about Chinese made cars. What a laugh.
  3. Looks like a hybrid. I think I see a tailpipe. There has been quite a few reports of BYD hybrids catching fire. Notice also the fire starting in the engine compartment rather than battery pack which would have been located on the bottom of the car.
  4. I think we need to report this post to the mods as I suspect this account has been hacked. I suspect @JBChiangRai as I believe he’s an IT guy…
  5. +1. Conflicts in the South China Sea is a regional matter. Pretty much all affected countries have territorial disputes. China, PH, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam. But of course it suits the western narrative that it’s only China that is the aggressor. I remember a time when France, UK, Ireland and a few other countries were also having disputes with regards to the fishing waters. These disputes are best solved with diplomacy, not military conflict as espoused by the greatest war monger of them all.
  6. Coming back on topic, I doubt any ASEAN country with the possible exception of PH would want NATO here. PH is probably the most corrupt country in SEA. The current president is the son of the second most politician the world has ever seen. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and undoubtedly, the US has all sorts of unsavoury information on him. Japan might want NATO to protect it from China. China will never invade but Japan will always fear that China might take revenge for all the unspeakable evils that Japan has committed against China over the past few centuries. This is a country that will never feel peace until they acknowledge and apologise for their crimes against humanity. Korea might want NATO as protection against that unstable man to their North. I can understand that but if one believes in miracles, then a reunification will bring peace to the peninsula. Australia is just being dense. Due to its geographical location, it is pretty much un-invadable (if there’s such a word). All that Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi and Vegemite has irreversibly reduced their collective IQ 9just joking). As for the US, of course they want it. Conflict and instability is what the country thrives on and for the real masters, the MIC, this is just good business.
  7. You have really embraced all the western propaganda and washed it down with tonnes of kool aid. If ever there’s such a thing as a paid shill, you are it. All your arguments are straight out of the playbooks of the NED, RWB/RSF, USAID etc. To you, it’s ok for the US and it’s puppets to surround China and Russia with military bases but … Munro Doctrine ring any bells? To you, China and Russia are aggressors and bullies but which country has over 800 military bases around the world and which countries have been involved in more wars in the last few decades than China and Russia (and probably many other countries) combined? I of course know your response to that so you can save yourself some energy and no need to answer. Is Taiwan part of China? There is an uninformed poster who states that the Taiwanese don’t consider themselves part of China. There’s a clue in its name; Republic of China. The global majority sees very clearly what the US is trying to do. Cling onto its declining hegemony but still caught up in its hubris and ignorance. It’s only a matter time before the new world order and multipolarity and the peace that it hopefully brings will come to fruition.
  8. China still has a long way to go before it can compete with the US as to number of vassal states under its command.
  9. And I’m the one influenced by propaganda? Lol. With the exception of a few irrelevant island states, the whole world, including the US recognises Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic of China. Tell me, how can you violate your own airspace? The losing Kuomintang army under CKS retreated to Taiwan. If Taiwan was a sovereign state, then that would mean that the KMT invaded another country, won’t it?
  10. My neighbour, retired senior border police officer, just complained yesterday about how expensive his Ford Everest is to run, in terms of fuel consumption. Mind you, he mostly uses it to just take his grandchildren to and from school. Of course, I know exactly when he leaves and when he returns. Unlike tran, I still hear pretty good lol.
  11. The fact that you didn’t even realise that Hkg is part of China and merely leased to Britain for 99 years renders the rest of your post as nonsense.
  12. I can’t agree with you. Putin actually wanted to join NATO when Clinton was POTUS but he was rejected. This would have sent a very clear message to him that he was not welcome and would actually gotten rid of the need for NATO altogether, something that the generals absolutely do not want. Much like what the US is trying to do to China at the moment, they have provoked Russia into taking military action to defend against what they see, rightly or wrongly, as an existential threat. The same thing will happen if, on top of the special forces placed on the Kinmen and Pengshu islands, the US starts to put more men and weapons there. China will then have no choice but to take military action. Sadly, I think that might happen soon as the US government also has no choice as it is the MIC that will decide.
  13. You are really losing the plot. EVs are quiet, both inside and out. An ICEV may be quiet on the inside but still much noisier than an EV on the outside. I don’t see how you can possibly argue with that.
  14. I know you’re not that dumb. No one can be. Or can they? But yes. If you’re in the market for a new car, you can definitely save money by buying an EV over an ICEV depending on your circumstances
  15. Correct me if I’m wrong but NATO was created to contain the Soviet Union. Soviet Union is no more so NATO’s raison d’etre is also no more. However the generals are greedy to continue the grift for obvious reasons.
  16. Actually, the post I replied to was the one about the capacity of the fuel tank: In the jungle stated that he could travel 1,000 km on 76 litres of fuel. 76 litres of fuel at current prices (30.44 baht per litre I believe) would cost Thb 2,313.44, I generously reduced this to Thb 2,300. I then merely expressed my amazement at how much it costs to travel 1,000 km in a fuel efficient ICEV. I did not mention anything about range. Your interpretation of my implications are wrong as is your assertion that I expressly tried to provide false information. To the best my knowledge, I have not made any false or misleading claims about EVs. If you can provide any such instances, I would gladly issue an apology and retraction 😇
  17. Sorry to disappoint but I do have better other things to do with my time.
  18. That’s right. Spend billions to defend your trade with China against… China.
  19. Of course. Doesn’t yours? Oh I forgot, you don’t own a car.
  20. I use my car for business as well. I just don’t have to drive more than a couple of hundred kilometres a day. Let’s see. 1,000 kms a day for work at Thb 2,300 a pop. 25 working days a month. 25 x Thb 2,300 = Thb 57,500 per month. And that’s only the fuel cost. But it’s of little consequence to your business. Wow, congratulations on your multi million baht business, using just your diesel pickup. You’re my hero.
  21. You really should get with the times. BYD uses a lithium ion 12 volt battery, not lead acid.
  22. As @JBChiangRai said, some anti-EV folks read what they want. Neither of us claimed that we travelled 1,000 km without stopping. But you are right. I lied. I have done 5,378 kms so far on fresh air and sunshine, not 1,000.
  23. Is that so? Strange, I put my nose next to my non-existent tailpipe and can’t smell anything. Put yours next to your diesel tailpipe and tell me which floral fragrance it emits.
  24. Wish I could contribute more to this topic but I just haven’t needed to visit a CS in months. What I can say though is that the PTT app signs you out if you don’t use it for a while.
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