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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. You mean your car infotainment system doesn’t support CarPlay or Android Auto? Else, why would using your phone clog up your windscreen?
  2. He seems to have a problem with a Chinese carmaker taking a down and out British name like MG and restoring it to being one of the leading EV brands in the world.
  3. Don’t forget, if you have solar at home, the cost per kWh reduces further. Couple that with TOU, it’s almost down to nothing. Over the past weekend, the sun was out in full force. I had to be out on both Saturday and Sunday and even with my miserly 3 kWh system, I was able to charge both my Dolphin and Haval up to a good SOC for literally nothing as I also have a TOU meter installed. There was an electrical brownout yesterday evening for around 2 hours just before dinner time. No worries, I plugged in my V2L cable and was able to continue watching YT on my TV with the fan on while the food was being prepared. The electricity hadn’t come back on when we sat down for dinner so it was a rather romantic dinner with battery powered led lights and with the fan still running. And all at a cost of less less than 4 baht per kWh of electricity. The advantages of owning an EV is such that very few EV owners will ever consider purchasing an ICE vehicle again.
  4. Elexa should introduce off peak rates like PTT and PEA. They will then have more customers during off peak hours. PTT needs to add a couple of additional chargers on a first come first charge basis at their stations without the need for reservation and without having to reboot at 55 mins to the hour. PEAS should roll out more 125 kWh chargers rather than the rather slow 50 kWh chargers they currently have.
  5. CNN, Reuters… As I said, western propaganda. I don’t recall a single article in recent years by these biased publications that didn’t have a negative spin on anything China related.
  6. Just imagine what the EU commission is trying to do. They are hoping to impose tariffs on great value for money CH made EVs so that their consumers have to pay more. In a real democracy, these bureaucrats would have been booted out a long time ago. But in an authoritarian regime like the EU, they get to hang onto their cushy, “garden” (as per Borell) jobs with no accountability.
  7. Pray tell, what are these subsidies? Or are you just repeating the propaganda as I suspect you are? Even if true, not MG’s fault that the western governments are too skint to help their manufacturing industry. Yet, they are increasing spending on so called defence, as if Russia or China wants to invade UK or Germany. Laughable really.
  8. I would be willing to bet that the ol’Fortuner will hardly get any use once Pib collects his Atto3. The ride quality is light years ahead, smooth, quiet and refined. All the latest tech gizmos, large infotainment screen, ability to watch YT, TikTok etc. And of course, a fraction of the cost to drive it.
  9. I wonder why is it so hard for some to accept and acknowledge that China is a top manufacturer of many things, on par with if even superior to many western manufacturers. Is it because they are just old foggies, still living in the past century where western imperialism still ruled the world or are they just biased and prejudiced and believing the propaganda of the MSM? China makes things to a price point determined by the market. As a hobbyist woodworker, I would love to own only the best tools. However it makes no sense for me to spend thousands of dollars on a Bosch or Milwaukee or DeWalt or Makita mitre saw when a Pumpkin would suffice for the occasional use and where mm accuracy is not required. China knows who its consumers are and what price is affordable for them. To those that still thinks the west is superior, take a look at the following clip from LBC UK. https://x.com/lbc/status/1701292018037825571?s=61&t=flntOBcQjifaYJBEVPqKWA (X.com seems very close to xvideosdotcom or is that just my imagination?)
  10. Noise at a race track is fine. People go there willingly and also enjoy the noise, a privilege they are willing to pay for. Out on public streets however, it’s only idiots that enjoy the noise that their vehicle makes. For everyone one else, it’s an annoyance and I guarantee there are no positive thoughts about the driver of said vehicle. Most people would actually love to see a solo crash of that vehicle.
  11. Your wife avoids buying Chinese cars… how many cars has she bought in the past few years? Maybe she should just stick to buying Volvos (oops sorry, that’s also a CH made car) or Teslas (oops sorry, CH made too). How about a Toyota BZ3X or whatever.. oh sorry, CH made too. Looks like your wife might have to go without a car if she wants to stick to her principles.
  12. Sometimes, it’s not always all about profit. This is a new industry so getting in first carries a lot of advantages. For all intents and purposes, Tesla was the first and their vehicles were definitely not cheap. However, with major companies like BYD and MG joining the race, Tesla is forced to reduce their prices accordingly in order to not lose market share. The situation now is that those who are late to the party such as the Japanese and German legacy makers are finding high barriers to entry. They just can’t afford to compete on costs which is why they need their governments to help them out. I feel the Chinese automakers can afford to keep going without major profits for much longer in order to crush the competition from other countries carmakers. Such is capitalism.
  13. Additionally. both front seats have electronic controls vs manual. All 4 windows are fully automatic, not sure about the standard range.
  14. You seem to indicate that (lack of) charging stations is one of the main reasons you are not interested in getting an EV at the moment. Tell us, honestly, why sort of mileage do you incur annually and some approximation of the breakdown. Is it 90:10 long journeys vs short journeys? Or 50:50? Or 20:80? I average 500 km per week. Even if there is a CS next door to me, I won’t need to charge there as I can just plug in at the comfort of my own home. Even the UK you say. Is it fair to compare the charging network in Thailand to that of a third world country? Bear in mind also the different (not sure if this is the right word to use) demographics of vehicle owners between the 2 countries. In the UK, a lot of vehicle owners don’t have dedicated off street parking. In Thailand, I would wager that the majority of vehicle owners live in landed properties with a driveway or porch. Less need for public CS.
  15. I find it strange that more often than not, it’s the anti-EV brigade that accuses pro-EV’ers of belonging to a religious cult when in my personal observation, it’s the anti’s that are more fanatical and close minded about their petrol and oh so filthy diesel engines. As an EV owner, I’m fully aware of the shortcomings of EVs. My greatest concern is that of a thermal runaway; although rare, the risk is there and the result would be catastrophic, to say the least. I hope some brainiac could come up with some sort of fireproof car cover that In the event of a fire, it could be contained under the car cover. I’m well aware the temperatures can reach well above that of normal fires which is why it needs someone educated and smart enough to invent this, which basically rules out 99.9% of the AN crowd. The anti’s also inevitably point out the range issue and running out of juice during a journey. In the first instance, if you are too dense and/or idiotic to know the SOC of your vehicle, are you even fit to be piloting a vehicle on public streets? As an ICEV owner, you will need to be on top of simple regular issues like engine oil, tyre pressure, amount of fuel and so on. Every EV owner should know their SOC at any point in time. We know however that there are unfortunately some idiots out there which is why BYD offers 2 free towing sessions in case one runs out of battery charge on the road. Not sure if it’s twice a year or twice in a lifetime (free towing). Another issue brought up is the charging network. For the majority of EV owners, more than 90% of their charging is done at home. So it seems to me that the charging network is an issue only for non EV owners; the irony of it. Finally, the belief of the anti’s that EV crowd is saving the planet. This is a common fallacy among non EV owners. The fact is that EVs are better for health in cities and other built up areas. No one can honestly say they love seeing that diesel truck ahead of them belching out stinking and toxic diesel fumes as it accelerates away from the lights. Coupled with the annoying din that it makes, I just wish the authorities would do more to crack down on these idiots. Therr are pros and cons of owning an EV vs ICE. Most EV owners have previously owned ICE vehicles and can therefore have an objective and impartial view. Most current ICE owners have not owned an EV or driven one so they really don’t have a clue as to the improvements an EV can bring. Smooth, quiet and relaxing journeys that cost less. It’s like refusing a business class seat at the same price as cattle class and then criticising those that are sitting in business class. That sounds very much like a fanatical cult following to me.
  16. Gave an older Ford Ranger to my wife’s uncle so that he could get work all over the country. Gave the Mazda to the daughter of a very dear departed friend so that she would have a better chance in her online business. Bought the PHEV for my frequent long distance drives around Thailand and neighbouring countries. Bought the EV because the wifey needs a runaround for CM and for jobs inspections. Due to mileage traveled, we are saving a ton on fuel. Don’t confuse smart money with thriftiness or extravagance. Smart money means making your dollar go a longer distance.
  17. I wonder why some people have it up their posterior as to whether a brand is a British or German or Chinese brand. To me, the brand doesn’t matter. What matters is the quality. 6 yrs ago, I looked at the MG ZS but wasn’t impressed by the quality so I ended up buying a Mazda. Since then, MG has absolutely upped their game and is now one of the top selling brands worldwide at its price point. I bought the Haval H6 PHEV 9 months ago and it’s one of the better cars I’ve owned (which includes premium brands like MB , Audi and Lexus). I took delivery of the BYD Dolphin a week ago and is very impressed by its ride, features and build quality. Smart money goes to CH made cars at the moment.
  18. Unless one has been to Hong Kong (China), I doubt very much if he would have laid eyes on or sailed in a junk. These are magnificently made sailing ships, long before western civilisation as we know it came about. These vessels ruled the seas, in the days when China and India were the dominant countries in the world.
  19. Anyone know where I can buy waterproof witenuts? For connecting solenoid valves to the controller
  20. If it was a Global South country doing this, it would have been unilaterally sanctioned by the collective west. Everyone should boycott sushi and sashimi immediately so that I can afford to eat more of it. Boycott wagyu beef too.
  21. Both my CH made EV and PHEV have ventilated (air con) front seats for both driver and front passenger. EV costs under 900k and ventilates both bottom and back. As stated many times before, China makes the best value cars in the world today.
  22. Over the last 40 years, I’ve owned a variety of cars. Started with a Daihatsu Charade, Ford Laser, Honda Prelude, Toyota Estima. Lexus 300SL, Audi A6, Merc CLK, Toyota Prius, Ford Ranger, Mazda 2 etc. Generally, when one changes cars, it’s for an upgrade in performance, ride quality, quietness etc. My Haval H6 beats all my previous cars in all categories when driving in EV mode. Interior cabin quiet asa church mouse, acceleration beats most other vehicles and the ride quality is super smooth. Not to mention all other techno stuff like ac remote start, locking and unlocking doors, tailgate, windows, geolocation, OTA upgrades etc. All for less than what you would pay for a less than than equivalent Japanese and European made car. The smart money goes with CH made cars. Biased and prejudiced buyers pay more for less.
  23. China meddling in the affairs of of other countries lol. Some people are so naive.. or just plain ignorant/biased.
  24. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia. Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE has been formally invited to join BRICS. Goodbye petrodollar. Lead block? You mean the USD I guess. Do yourself a favour. If you really want to know what’s happening in the world, don’t just read western MSM propaganda
  25. The majority of Americans know no other form of governance other than US styled democracy. Some end up sleeping on the streets. Are you seriously saying that that’s a better form of governance?
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