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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Putting aside legal matters of compensation etc, why is Sweden not releasing their findings? If they have proof of Russia’s involvement, then this would strengthen any legal case that they might have. Any unbiased observer would reasonably conclude that the national security concerns are because the findings are not in the west’s favour.
  2. I’m not factoring environmental matters in my purchase. That’s a different debate entirely. Having said that, I do hate following a diesel belching pickup here in Thailand, especially if I have my windows down. You really think that EVs will consume so much electricity that it will move the price of electricity? Brush the dust off your calculator. And I don’t heat my home here in Thailand.
  3. There are about 11-12 hydrogen fill up points in the UK at the moment. Talk about range anxiety ????.
  4. As electricity rates rise, the case for solar gets stronger and stronger. Petrol prices will also rise, given the current situation in the world today. A very fuel efficient ICE (20km/l) costs 175 baht per 100 km. An EV/PHEV will cost only 50 baht (TOU) or FOC if you have excess solar. As a bean counter, this makes economic sense to me. Re: hydrogen, it costs about US$80 for 6 kgs, almost 3 times the price of petrol in the US for the same distance covered. P/s: I’m giving courses in business administration and cost and financial accounting, in case anyone’s interested.
  5. I’m surprised that until now, you still can’t get it into your head that no one installs solar energy just to charge up their cars. I installed solar power in order to reduce my electricity costs. And like you said, electric rates are starting to rise which makes solar energy even more of a no brainer and will improve my ROI. My only regret is that I waited a few years before installing my system. During the day, I am producing more than I’m using. So instead of just losing it, I can use the excess to charge. Sort of like regenerative braking, get it?
  6. Yen is the currency of Japan. The Chinese currency is the Yuan (or Renminbi).
  7. Hydrogen may be the future in 10-20 yrs. But I can’t wait that long so in the meantime, I will happily settle for free solar energy to power my car.
  8. I think it reflects more on Biden than Sunak. Fancy not knowing the name of your top ally.
  9. The fact that the investigators are not releasing their findings confirms what the world already knows. I predicted something similar to this in an earlier post.
  10. It depends on your perspective and priorities. In the eyes of the CPC, the overriding priority is the welfare of the citizens. They made the decision that life is worth more than money. We can agree or disagree with that sentiment but it’s not our right to judge.
  11. Communism and Xi has been very good for China over the past 4 decades. No reason for them to change course.
  12. Where is the line between freedom of speech and whatever it was that he said?
  13. Maybe not US involvement but another European country?
  14. Very true. But why won’t they tell the world who did it? Isn’t that important for the world to know?
  15. So, according to your reasoning, they will not disclose their conclusion (assuming they determined that Russia bombed their own pipeline) to prevent Russia covering their tracks, in case it decides to bomb another pipeline? How does that prevent Russia from bombing, say, the Turkstream?
  16. The nuclear drills are a simulation for a retaliation, a clear message to Ukraine’s planned use of a dirty bomb. Apparently, it has been successful with all missiles striking intended targets. I hope this serves a strong message to those planning the dirty bomb strike. The world is a safer place thanks to these drills.
  17. I don’t know. I would imagine that that would be an option if there were contractual breaches. Of course, many contracts have act of war exclusions.
  18. If the information uncovered by Sweden (and others) pointed to Russia’s involvement, then I’m sure the information would have been shared worldwide. Fact that Sweden said it’s too confidential to be shared can only point to US involvement. No two ways about it and confirms what many already believe.
  19. https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/safeguards-inspectors-to-visit-two-nuclear-locations-in-ukraine-iaeas-grossi-says-after-receiving-request-from-ukraine “The IAEA inspected one of these locations one month ago and all our findings were consistent with Ukraine’s safeguards declarations,” said Director General Grossi. “No undeclared nuclear activities or material were found there.” The IAEA is preparing to visit the locations in the coming days. The purpose of the safeguards visits is to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities and material. The collective west has already rubbished Russia’s claim. And yet, the IAEA will still visit the 2 locations. Wonder why. Rhetorical question. I’m sure the results of the visits will be as expected, much like Nordstream.
  20. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2022/10/11/as-europe-falls-into-recession-russia-climbs-out
  21. On sunny days (of which there’s a lot in Thailand), I run 2-3 aircons downstairs just for the heck of it as it’s free solar power. With a PHEV in the garage soon, I will throttle back and just run the main aircon in my living room if I need to charge up the car ????
  22. I was careful to use the Volvo example which is a claimed 90 km NEDC as the H6 claim of 201 km is also NEDC. I watched numerous reviews of the H6, GWM did a blitz a few weeks back with about 10 cars over a few days for different reviewers. Day 01 was a convoy to Nakhon Nayok, day 02 to Saraburi. Practically all reviewers confirmed a real world range of 150-160 km driving at 100-120 kph. As I tended to drive between 80-100 kph recently due to the high cost of fuel, I’m sure I will get 160-180 km easily. But I might resume my previous speeds of 120-140 since electricity is much cheaper lol.
  23. If it’s a male FIT, then almost certainly a sex tourist as well. If family, then mostly food consumption and shopping.
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