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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Sad news, unless he was drunk and speeding.
  2. On the question of, is Ukraine winning, this is an interesting overview of the situation No speculations, no propaganda, no falsehoods. All confirmed positions supported by geo-locations. Ukraine better hopes that the promised munitions arrive soon. However, that leaves the unresolved issue of manpower. Unless NATO sends in troops…
  3. So you think the phrase is Alla Akhbar? Ignorant doesn’t even begin to describe you…🤭
  4. Who’s the dolt now? Of course Ukraine is not in NATO, else Article 5 would have been invoked. I mistakenly said “not join NATO’” when I meant “not wanting to join NATO”. This would be clear to anyone that’s not a dolt (whatever that means).
  5. Did you misspell Allahu on purpose? Or are you just that ignorant?
  6. Not my home country and I like it just fine here. You could also move back to your home country, unless it’s not good anymore? Or maybe Ukraine. I heard they are looking for suckers to fight America’s war. You can also join brain brian to Ukraine. The both of you can bore the Russian soldiers into surrender…
  7. Britain’s a democracy right? And in a democracy, the people get to choose what they want at the polls, right? Problem solved. Vote for the party that has immigration policies acceptable to the majority of the population. If such a simple matter cannot be resolved through this most highly desired political system, then maybe it doesn’t work that well… I vote for communism, since trannie already thinks I’m one. No immigration problem in China, the greatest Communist country on earth, lol.
  8. Why do you refer to it as Russian propaganda points? This implies that they are not valid. This shows me also what your personal view is. Anyhow, you could have saved yourself time and effort as over 90% will feel he is an aggressor and criminal.
  9. Hmm.. you edited your post before I had the opportunity to respond. See my post above which responds to your edited post.
  10. Not really. Ukraine could have decided to remain neutral and not join NATO. 2/3 rds of Ukrainians during Yanukovych’s time in office was against joining NATO. This went against US’s desires thus the overthrow of his government, the Maidan uprising. If Zelensky had gone ahead with the deal brokered in Antalya, hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive, the 4 Eastern oblasts would still be part of Ukraine, Europa would still be enjoying cheap, reliable energy from Russia and Russia would be weaker than it is today. My personal opinion of course. I have no personal experience of living under Russian rule so I can’t really give you a satisfactory answer. All the times I’ve been there, primarily Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, the impression I have is that it’s a typical old European country. The architecture, the cuisine, all similar to other parts of Europe. People are prosperous, happy and very much more welcoming than western Europeans. Supermarkets are well stocked, restaurants super high class and the cities felt much safer than London, Paris or Rome. I hope I have answered your question sufficiently. Don’t hesitate to ask more questions or request for more clarification. I will do my best to respond appropriately.
  11. Your extremely thoughtful and profound responses are a fitting testament to your university professors. Kudos to them.
  12. The sun is slowly but surely setting on the western empire and they have no one to blame but themselves. The world rejects the idea of a unipolar liberal hegemony. The west has the choice of either embracing this shift and being part of it which will keep them a powerful force or to fight it which will result in their inevitable decline. Idiots like Borrell and von der lying are too full of themselves so the latter scenario is the most likely one.
  13. One wonders why Ukraine would get into an extended conflict with their much more powerful neighbour when they don’t have the resources (financial and military) to compete. Having to depend on the US and NATO is proving very costly (remember what they say about having America as a friend?). Allegedly is the right word. For both sides’ claims…
  14. I am compelled to reply as we can debate sensibly as adults. I won’t say that there are to be a lot of cases that makes an EV unsuitable. In most cases, EVs are suitable for most people. Yes, there are a couple of circumstances that makes it less than ideal, main one being the need to make frequent long distance trips. The main downside is the time it takes to charge. For EV owners, they work around this by having their meals or other driving breaks when they need to charge. Having done it myself, it’s not as inconvenient as it might first appear. The charging network in Thailand is pretty good for most EV owners. Of course there are exceptions. Places like Pai and MHS naturally have less charging stations than Chiang Mai. The same goes for petrol stations. It’s a bit more challenging for condo dwellers, especially if the condo doesn’t provide charging facilities. Realistically though, one only needs to go to a PTT or Bangchak or PT only once a week to top up. Not very much different from filling an ICEV other than having to get out of the car and have a coffee or a bowl of noodles. As for reliability etc, we are talking about major multibillion dollar companies like BYD, SAIC, Geely… Not some small startup so I’m quite comfortable with relying on these companies. The driving experience is fantastic, instant power on tap if needed, quiet and smooth and comfortable. The savings are fantastic as well, in terms of petrol and no need for regular servicing of,oil, filters etc.
  15. For your reading pleasure. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/10/26/josep-borrells-jungle-trope-was-no-slip-of-the-tongue/
  16. One thing the west wins in is the great sounding names attached to their weapons; Leopard, Challenger, Abrams etc
  17. Let me guess. You are from the AUS (American United States). I’ve noticed that AUS folks often refer to a non-existent organisation in China, the CCP. Guess they’re not educated enough to realise that the proper acronym is CPC. Or they are just bad in spelling.
  18. This,is what you wrote: EVs in China are in serious crisis, price wars rage, cars aren't selling, Price wars rage, that’s true. But EVs in China are in crisis? Cars aren’t selling? I believe these two statements to be blatantly false.
  19. I don’t recall reading anywhere that Putin said the SMO was supposed to last only 3 days. I believe this is the usual western propaganda. I could be wrong and will admit as much if you can show me a credible link to Putin saying this. Else, you are just making this up, something your buddies are fond of accusing others of doing. I do believe that this conflict has lasted longer than Putin wanted. He calculated correctly that that clown Zelensky would quickly go to the negotiating table which he did. What Putin didn’t anticipate was that the US and the UK would scupper the deal by over promising Zelensky of their strength and support. The rest is history in the making. Controlling 20% of the opponent’s territory, de-militarising it to the extent that they hardly have any more artillery to fire, Ukraine about to engage in forceful repatriation of its citizens in other countries to fight on the frontline… A cock-up? It seems,that you know less about warfare than you know about modern day cars. I’m sure there’s loads of articles in the western media about Putin’s military failures. After all, the west has to keep the grift going, doesn’t it? And let me guess, all these think tank experts are westerners? Completely impartial, I’m sure, lol. Just look at the facts. Who controlled Eastern Ukraine before the conflict and who controls it now? Who is having a shortage of weapons, ammunition and men? Surely one doesn’t need to be a genius to add 2 and 2. The real,experts know the answer but are unfortunately censored here, there and everywhere…
  20. When the conflict started 2 years ago, I stated that the it could be easily stopped by stopping supplies to Ukraine. It took some time for this moron to come to the same conclusion so my post was perfectly in context of what I was saying, 2 years ago. Maybe you missed what he said as well. . It has never been easy, but we have the moral responsibility of contributing to it because we are part of the problem. We created this problem one way or another, and we have a strong responsibility in trying to solve it. This sentence was just before the quote I posted. To me, he was clearly referring to the expansion of NATO eastwards towards Russia, although many here will try to argue differently as they naively believe what they read in western media that this was an unprovoked conflict. In any case, this idiot is a classic example of the hubris of the west. Remember this? Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build – the three things together," Borrell said during the event. "The rest of the world," he went on, "is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden."
  21. Except for the deniers on here, everyone knows this war is not just a Russia and Ukraine. It’s about weakening Russia first before taking on China.
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