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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 18 hours ago, saakura said:

    Shame on him and his parents, for not guiding him to do the right, by confessing his guilt instead of helping him escape, and now trying to whitewash it. If he had confessed, repented and spent a few years behind bars, he could have come out a better person and become a role model to society. Now everyone only curses them. And if he was not guilty at all to start with, they could have hired the best team of lawyers and defended him.


    Unfortunately he/they probably don't have the slightest intention of doing as you suggest. That would be deemed a loss of face. Such things are for common people not the super rich elites whose actions, whatever they might be, are considered beyond accountability, reproach and the law.


    The Western notions of justice, right from wrong, etc don't apply. Face, position, and social hierarchy is what counts. And no way will a hiso elite very wealthy family permit one of it's key heirs to be dragged through a trial. 


    This pantomime will drag on but go absolutely no where but round and round. 


    Look at the number of cases over the last few years involving wealthy elites, celebrities, etc and how they've got away with things or received slaps on the wrist, after appealing and appealing. And none were as wealthy as this scion. 



  2. 18 minutes ago, mickymouse1 said:

    I have always heard the office boys in London saying we will go 2 BANG-KOK in Thigh-land. Why the thai are bemused as this is known since late 70s 


    Yeah right - all those dirty wife beater khaki short sandal and sock wearing fat, unshaven drunken slobs leching over bar girls and speaking with poncy cockney accents are really London Office boys!



  3. 1 hour ago, CM Dad said:

    For more than thirty years I always prepared all of my own documents for Thai Immigration.  This year, for the first time, I used an agent.  The entire process was so quick and so smooth that I would never even consider dealing with Immigration any other way from now on.  We arrived at a pre-booked time, went to a side entrance, entered an office in the rear of the building, presented all documents and my passport, had my information entered into the computer, took a photo, had the passport stamped, received a smile, and was done in less than ten minutes.  The agent handled the financial transaction.  Afterwards, the agent took me back home.  It was the briefest and most pleasant time I have had at any government office anywhere in the world.


    Very nice. Oh, and if we may inquire, how much did this extension and pleasant experience cost you?

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/5/2020 at 7:42 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    For once I agree with you.

    But do you know what is worse than Trump? The tens of millions Americans who still support him.

    And the GOP politicians who are willing to support him to be president for another 4 years.


    Idiots exist all over the world but in most countries they are not elected to be president.


    It seems a growing world trait! Elect the least worst idiot from the appalling choices offered.


    Trump got elected because people saw through corrupt Hilary. But he's shown what a clown he really is. Now they have to choose between 4 more years of him or dopey sleepy corrupt old Joe and his possible successor VP choice, "a woman of color" (isn't white a color? But that would only please the feminists not the racists).  Poor Americans, what a choice!


    Boris got elected because few liked the far left, terrorist loving, unpatriotic, inadequate Corbyn; and the LibDems weren't even in it! So the UK got Boris the buffoon and the sinister puppet master Cummings. What's worse, the opposition still flounder and will likely field another numpty against Boris.


    France had to choose between the far right Marine, who wanted out the EU, or the little emperor, former banker, and EU federalist Marcron. His lack of popularity, the yellow vest protests, and other industrial protest actions says it all about his regime. But he is good at spending on Presidential baubles. Corvid 19 actually helped him! 


    Spain - a <deleted>'s muddle. Italy, all over the place. Australia controversial. 


    Still, better than China, Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia and banana republics where there's no real choice.


    Where have all the real class, skillful, leaders gone? Now being exposed as corrupt, inept, ineffective, self interested and a liar aren't barriers to a career in politics. It's almost accepted as par for the course!



    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, UnkleMoooose said:

    Lived in India for four years. The most backward, corrupt hell hole I've encountered. I'm indifferent to these people dying, it's just how it is with this group. I'm just praying for it to all kick off between India and China along the Kashmir border. It would do the world a huge favor.


    I lived in India for two years. Certainly riddled with corruption, inept officials including the police, bureaucratic to the point of ridicule and highly bigoted and social class divided.


    I was involved with the state police on coaching rugby football. Recruits were selected based on size and fitness, IQ wasn't important. Doing as they're told by seniors was. Indian police officers are usually stout, supported by their free rice allocations to build them up. 


    Having said that, the total lack of respect for laws, rules, and mob mentality also helps shape police attitudes. 


    The article is right when it says India has massive social problems. 

  6. 16 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    That must help thinning out the applications then.


    I know the winner. She's a sports scholarship student (golf) at a US university. Last academic year her GPA was 4.0. She's also a top golfer in the collegiate golf matches. She previously won numerous competitions.

    She's multi-lingual and an extremely nice, pleasant and polite young lady.


    But as usual, the neersayer bar stool bridging "sexperts" on TVF will be commenting on how they know better qualified bar girls, coyote dancers and 7/11 girls! W-anchors!


    Of course, for this role, someone has to be selected on several criteria. You don't need to be Einstein to work that out.



  7. On 8/3/2020 at 11:04 PM, Surelynot said:

    The declaration of a major incident in Greater Manchester should jolt a “complacent white middle class” into realising that Covid-19 is not just spreading in ethnic minority households, one of the region’s health chiefs has said.

    Eleanor Roaf, the director of public health in Trafford, said 80% of its infections in the last week were in the white community, and she urged the region’s 2.8 million residents to concentrate “much harder on what we can do to stop the wider spread”.


    Sure, it's all the white middle class who've been working in sweatshops and ignoring staying at home, living in massively overcrowded residences, attending funerals in massive numbers, and visiting one another's houses in large gatherings. 


    Bit like saying not all the pedophile rape gangs operating in several UK cities weren't mostly Pakistani / Bangladeshi Muslim males. In the interests of racial harmony,


    Facts are so inconvenient.


    • Confused 1
  8. On 8/3/2020 at 2:10 PM, evadgib said:

    1. Why is it not possible to renew British passports online in Thailand when it is perfectly possible to do so from all surrounding countries? A Thai driving licence is more than adequate photo ID to satisfy the 'must-carry-ID-at-all-times' assumption which has been constantly 'body-swerved' by UK authorities whenever legal clarification has been sought (via FoI etc). Strictly speaking this isn't entirely a consular affair (Passports being primarily a HO responsibility) but anything that streamlines HMG's workload is surely better than 2x 12 hr expensive and completely unnecessary round trips to Bkk; especially if elderly or disabled?


    2. What can be done for Brits currently separated from their families as a result of the virus or for any that will join them if they have to return to UK for any reason and cannot get back? What can HMG do for any rendered homeless by such action ('Right to family life' plus the additional hardship inflicted upon any dual national dependents left behind)?


    Note: Not all Brits in Thailand have homes or relatives in UK & I shudder to think how much this has cost any that might have been stuck there since March.


    You DID ask! ????


    Good questions. But just to note that Consuls and Consular services are actually Home Office not Foreign Office. The Home Office manage passports including the outsourcing of consular services for visa applications and passport renewal.

  9. 59 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    In my opinion, the UK has had it's chips. Ever since the Suez canal debacle, the country has been in decline. Now it has got serious financial issues, an awful government,  a population and government still divided over Brexit, divided royal family harbouring a possible pedo, race riots as a result of uncontrolled immigration, home-grown terrorism, eye-watering property prices caused by unchecked foreign investment, increasing poverty and inequality and rapidly rising homelessness and drug addiction.


    When you consider the cost of living it makes you wonder why people don't leave. Oh, hang on, they are:




    And which Success Story Utopia do you hail from?

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