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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 20 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Seems like mob rule has taken over in the UK..... police deciding not to intervene..... rule of law broken time and time again.  I'm glad to have left the UK 18 years ago - it's gone to the dogs!


    Been on that slippery slope for many years sadly. Police only allowed to enforce laws selectively. Political correctness more important.


    The local force have said they will investigate this criminal damage. Let's see how far they get. Some very clear photos of those responsible.


    Same in London. Some very clear photos of the violent thugs using this protest as cover for their own political agendas.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    You sure are doing a good job of defending the racists with your posts here.


    So your're a politically correct person whose views and behavior have always been politically correct; never changed as always perfect; never wrong; and has an amazing ability to present false equivalence and sophistry as actual logic.


    Well, bully for you,

  3. 4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    I thought the whole idea of the current protests was to cause people to reflect on their previous bad behaviour and have them change for the better individually, thereby becoming themselves part of a movement for institutional change.


    wahlberg has already admitted to doing wrong in his early years and as far as I can see, has indeed changed. Why then castigate him? He is a role model for what needs to happen with a lot of other people. Admission of intolerant acts and attitudes, coupled with change for the better.


    Muhammad Ali, one of my heroes, once said something along the lines " race hate is wrong. Doesn't matter if it's white people or black people doing the hating; it's simply wrong".


    He was a wise man, as well as one of the GOAT boxers.


    But forgiving and encouraging people to learn and move on isn't politically correct. They must be denounced and persecuted.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    More like hired muscle, cause you know guys like Wahlberg like to kick a guy in the face when he's lying down and being held down firmly by a 6 foot 4 associate.


    They always take on anyone....provided they have back-up from 3 other guys.


    Can you provide evidence of where that has happened, where Mr. Wahlberg has behaved as you state?


    Or just making it up?

  5. 19 hours ago, mr mr said:

    stupid things for sure who hasn't. there are stupid things and then there are things that define who you really are as a person.


    a tad more than stupid wouldn't you say. i mean come on man you have had to at least done some things like this when you were young right ? ????


    an eye for an eye eh funky bunch ? 




    Nearly two years later, on April 8, 1988, Mark decided to turn his hatred towards Asians. Thanh Lam, while carrying two cases of beer from his car to his home, was struck by a large wooden stick wielded by Mark Wahlberg; Mark, at this time, called Thanh a "Vietnam <deleted>--ing sh-t!" The blow knocked the man out.

    Mark and two others left the scene. Mark then ran into another Vietnamese man named Hoa Trinh; at first asking the man for help in hiding from the police, when police came along, Wahlberg punched the man in the eye, knocking him to the ground; Trinh ended up losing that eye.

    While in police custody, Mark continued to refer to "Slant-eyed g--ks" and other such slurs


    So let's see.


    Mark Whahlberg, as a teenager got into trouble for racial abuse. He, as a mature adult now, moved on from that, and more importantly speaks out against racism.

    But you say, no, can't change. His teenage actions defined him as a person.


    George Floyd. As a young man robbed housed at gun point. including deliberately pointing his gun at a pregnant lady's belly; smashing an old lady's skull in with his pistol and served prison time. 

    In later life, he was unlawfully killed by a police officer. And some are trying to turn him into a martyr.


    But I guess you see George Floyd as a criminal armed thief and illegal drug abuser who couldn't have changed because his significant actions as a young person defined him?


    Or are you saying white people can't change but black people can?


    Or just applying double standards?

  6. 19 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    The are by far the laziest set of idiots I have yet to come across. They do nothing to serve the community that pays their wages, or at least the part of their wages that they don't go about extorting from those same people. They are a disgrace to Thailand, but hardly unique among Police Services the World over.   I would treat any Police person, anywhere in the World with extreme caution and suspicion.  


    30 years ago I was a regular business traveler to Thailand and other SEA countries, China, HK, Korea etc.


    I used to reflect on things in the nice comfortable BA Business class flight back to Blighty. One of the things was thinking who lucky we were to have a professional police force.


    That was 30 years ago. How times have changed. We're not much better off now.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Speaks volumes about the trustworthiness of the people in charge !


    If you remember, when PTP were trying to get a 2.2 trillion (ambitious bu$$ers - no pandemic as an excuse either) there were the same cries for scrutiny and transparency; especially as PTP were insisting the spending should be outside of parliament's scrutiny. When challenged the lovely Yingluck commented that this was to "speed up the process, just trust us". 555!


    I bet they're green with envy - pun intended!

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  8. 1 hour ago, from the home of CC said:

    If you're going to do this, put some teeth in it at least. the cops are coming to peoples homes in Canada to check because it's just not for show (which is what is sounds like in the UK according to some other posts). Your proposed system seems to rely upon people being responsible and performing the correct actions and that makes the outcome bleak imo.. 







    Canada has a left wing leadership. They'll love the chance to exert more control on people. The left is all about control and distrusting people. They judge others by their own standards.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Colin Powell fell on his sword and eviscerated his soul when he CHOSE to do the bidding of the immoral powers that shouldn't be when he lied to the world about WMD's in Iraq. He's yet another pathetic order following automoton... And this needs to be re-iterated, voting for the lesser of two evils (the current broken two party duopoly in America) is still voting for evil. The now completely immoral, defunct, evil political system in America is an abomination. 


    Most people with any intelligence can see the point your're making. It's not just the US but many other Western developed nations in which the electorate seem to be faced with choosing the least worst rather than the best.


    Of course some posters here can't. The ones who see only bad on the right and only good on the left.

    • Like 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

    There are a couple  of details that you seem yo have missed. Those European bases support the US military deployment around the world, which assert US strategic economic and  military interests. Without  airforce bases in Europe how do you propose the US support  (refuel/maintain) its military aircraft in both a  financially prudent and  efficient strategic manner?

    Where do you wish  injured US military  personnel to  be evacuated to when injured? Are you aware that without  something like Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) most seriously wounded personnel from Iraq or Afghanistan would have died? It has 1200+ US military personnel at this one location.

    How do you propose the USA undertake spying and intelligence gathering operations on other countries without active bases in other countries?

    Close the Japanese bases and  the USA loses the Pacific and China moves about freely, uncontained.


    Do you people ever think these things through? The USA is not independent, nor self sufficient. It relies on  exports to foreign markets and  revenues derived from foreign operations. The USA also relies on the import of key finished goods, food and  raw materials. How do you propose that the USA  protect its trade interests if its navy lacks foreign naval bases, or its  airforce foreign  airfields, or its special forces and army, forward operating positions?


    Most, certainly all developed, countries rely on international trade in the globalized world.


    How many maintain large numbers of military bases world wide?


    Certainly not the UK, Germany, France or other EU member states. Nor Australia, NZ, Canada, or Asian countries. 


    China and Russia it seems are keen to expand. 



  11. 5 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

    Um, the euro Germans and Italians against some other Euros. We Euros would like to thanks the US for turning up late twice and wish they’d stop trying to start a Third World War. We’d be happy to defend ourselves as we’ve been busy making friends for 70 years, not making enemies. ????????‍♂️


    Indeed. To be fair, the US has more than helped keep the peace that fostered friendships. To also be fair, they did come late into two world wars; and did make a lot of money out of each!

  12. 5 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    She won't / can't do anything about this. 


    I am pretty sure we can guess which establishment ordered this to take place. 


    The fact that Thailand openly opposes some of the basic UN human rights (e.g - freedom of speech) tells you that her position is generally trivial.  


    Have a look which countries are on the UN HR committees. The whole UN is generally trivial!

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