Yes - you expressed your opinion. It was "It's a guy slapping a girls ass. She didn't like it. Fine. Sorry.. Bye bye ".
"Fine"? Really? That is your opinion? And you think that it shouldn't be called into question?
Well now you know that "sorry.. Bye Bye" doesn't always cut it. That it isn't "Fine". That sometimes there are repercussions. Sometimes those repercussions might seem relatively extreme. Simply because you slapped the wrong ass.
I am the opposite of being triggered - I'm not the one to cower in a corner at the mention of you guys passing off sexual assault like it's nothing.
On the contrary - I just coolly and calmly told you that I intentionally dismantled the future of the last person that did something like this to my daughter.
I am merely presenting another side to this discussion that has not been mentioned. That you might slap the ass of a small girl - but you may end up facing her father or brother - and he might be someone as passionate about his daughter's mental well-being as I am. I can assure you - that knowing her dad has her back and that every boy in the school knows that too - well - that's the sort of thing that let's a girl face school again after an assault.
It's the ass-slappers that are getting triggered - as well as those, like you, passing it off like it's nothing. Well it is nothing - until one day it's something you can't put back into the bottle.