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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. sorry used the wrong word. Yes, it is the address report. When I did my annual extension renewal, I was past due because they will not renew online if you do not have a full 90 on your extension. I am not even sure they worried about it as I had the last report paper in my passport and nothing was asked. I have for the past 12 years done it that way renewal, then 90-day report in that order, and never had an issue. I have the receipt, and of course, they have access to the computer, but I have never had to or been able to get a 90-day before I renew. Now my 90 days are usually just a week at most overdue not sure that makes a difference though
  2. Strange, it is the opposite for retirement. In order to get my 90-day extension, I had to get my retirement extended first.
  3. I agree that the system is flawed. The problem is that this is not just a Thai issue. My friend's granddaughter is in high school as a normal student. The problem is she is not normal. She suffers from FAS and does not have the same maturity level. There are no special school resources in place for these kids. The other issue is the parents. Most of them have no idea how to care for or look after a problem child other than going to the monks for prayers. Thai teachers are overworked and under-educated and supported by the administration. The challenge that a lot of Thai teachers have is ignorance of the changes. Consider that a 50-year-old Thai teacher was in school BEFORE computers. 40 year old teachers were learning before MTV came out 30 year old started teaching just as Facebook began 20 years ago, Twitter started. Any student that had a phone in the past 20 years had a phone that you could call and or text. Now you have MS chat Lilne, facetime whats app and an assortment of apps Then add to the fact that life before all these things was simpler. Teachers taught students to listen. The Thai family was established with an order that had an order where grandparents looked after the kids while the oldest son and wife worked and looked after the family. there was little peer pressure. People did not have outside noise. Also, remember that the older teachers started during the Vietnam War in a system that was developed in the 30s. People did not have the financial issues or day to day stress. The solutions are going to take time but need to start with the schools developing the 60's Canadian system where there are vice principals or directors that are responsible for student discipline. Guidelines need to be established, and parents need to be advised of the new rules and also contacted about issues that arise. How many of us hear the words, "Kingston kid, go see the principal," Then the principal of vice saying, "ok, hope you have no plans for after school as you are going to be staying after school," then notifying parents that you would need a different way home or would be late. The bottom line is yes, there needs to be actual teaching of grads who want to teach with them doing internships in schools that have passed OBEC screening and have an established system with teachers that will assist them.
  4. Why would you want to do 90-day report before? I think you need to do it after you do the visa extension, possibly book it for after lunch
  5. Same back in Canada Sam. I always find that a large lady understand that they are not going to be attracted to looks in a lot of cases, so they do so in other ways. There is nothing wrong with a large (not huge) girl. Just like older versus younger bar girls.
  6. Sitting with a lovely lady to talk to is a lot better than sitting with a fat farang or just staring at the phone. As to getting ripped off, I am a regular on Soi Nana and have never had a problem with the drink price. Mainly because when I get the first bar drink I check the chit. Also, being regular, the girls know me and know what I will and will not accept. Remember these girls are working and it is their livelihood. Have you never bought a girl a drink in a bar before
  7. It's not the money but the wallet. Thais just like us would live to have 10k. But not with the restrictions or the limitations that wallet brings.
  8. The main problem with transit is the lack of parking space If they want to solve it they need to get old buses and commercial vehicles off the road. Banning large vehicles during the day is also a start
  9. I have no doubt that he has been playing the game for a long time. It will be interesting to see who he fingers as aiding him. Will he kill a party? This is going to hurt the military Elite parties as he was their attack dog. Now they are going to have t find another smuck to become a serial accuser of the MFP
  10. If you are forced to sell the apartment and she had a will, then it might not be bad. I would seek legal advice so you will have full access to the funds. I might be Naive but I would think that the Spanish embassy should be able to give you directions on what to do and the procedures or at least provide guidance as to what is required. this is for the UK but probably is not far off what you will need https://www.urnsforashes.co.uk/transporting-ashes/taking-ashes-abroad/ I would contact Qatar office here in Bangkok personally if you can so that you are sure of the info the contact info is https://www.airlineshq.com/ticket_offices/qatar_airways/bangkok.htm AS WITH EVERYONE ELSE, I WANT TO WISH MY CONDOLENCES ON YOUR LOSS.
  11. PTP is grabbing at straws to find ways to make the Thai people think they are doing good. If this was a great deal and there was a lot of money to be made, I am sure that many THAI families would be stepping up to the trough. There is a great deal of money to be made by the PTP and friends simply in contracts to investigate the feasibility contracts to study economics and, of course, the contract for the environment. We all know the outcomes but thas never stopped the trough from filling I am sure Siam Cement for one would really like this to go through
  12. I blame the media for that. It is the same everywhere post the clickbait headline but never follow up or investigate. Or report what happens next.
  13. I knew a guy from Canada who bought his pet cat with him, and it was about the same size. It was hilarious walking through the airport with the cat on top of the luggage carrier, looking at everyone. Then, the look on the hotel staff's faces when they realized. The hotel policy was that cats and small dogs were ok. LOL, the Cat was bigger than a lot of dogs. I think the sceptics here need to give her a break. This cat has a few years on it and is probably as much of a member of the family as most kids are, if not more. I can understand the concern, or Pattaya officials wonder how many Pattaya Thais would freak out if she moved in next door.
  14. Considering that they have removed boxing and even then the rules were so pathetic that it was stupoid and rife for corruption. No one is going to want to bring in Muay Thai.
  15. There is also a shop at Bang Su Junction mall
  16. Anutin is on his way out with the BJT He is no longer really effective. What is going to happen is that shops will be regulated and licenced. Doctors prescribing/writing scripts are going to have to have some sort to licence (LOL). Only shops that have licences are going to be allowed to sell. Locations of shops will be restricted. Only licenced people will be allowed to grow. Just like alcohol, the sale to people under age will be forbidden. The main thing that they are going to want to do is to ensure that people on street corners are no more. That kids are not in harm's way and that people that do not need it do not get it. As to stores closing, I think that that is a given, and most people that opened stores since the law passed knew that it was a crap shoot. Wonderland in NANA is probably the smartest one in that they opened a medical office in a separate location.
  17. It will be interesting to see what they do. All going to PTP is not a given. If the money isno longer there I think some of them may go MFP and some will go Mil. With the Senate asking questions and holding the PTP to fire it will be a case of the country could see a new election before MAY.
  18. my sore throat is from a head cold and run off from sinusses
  19. The challenge is that the only way to get lenire is at a Lenire clinic. None in Thailand lol The Duo they talk abut is a rental at 249 US a month. Not sure either will be avail in Thailand soon.
  20. It boggles my mind why, when going out to walkingstreet or to the bars, these fools wear all the expensive items.
  21. The challenge that the new generation has figured out is that a major street protest just gives the military ELITE the ability to take back control. What they need to do is mobilize and push the MFP and some of the other parties. They need to protest for a new election. You really do not want the military getting their foot in the door.
  22. That would be the sensible thing but T I T The other point is you really do not want to talk about little sister.
  23. First this is a party that just got taken to court because the family got caught. Also this is the party of Anutin. If you are young do you really want to be associated with him.
  24. People will only protest Thaksin if he comes out of the woodwork and publicly gets involved in the government. The best thing PTP can do is send Thaksin home and tell him to stay home. Do not go out. Do not speak publicly. Act retired and play with his grandkids. If he starts to act as the leader then there is going to be a problem. The last thing the military and elites need is him coming out and making them look like idiots.
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