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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. my point is that in most countries yes I now TIT there is a limit to the number of hours you can drive. While I know it is not a big thing guarantee it is one of the reasons the people suing will use.
  2. I can understand the driver saying it might have been a tire that went out. The problem is that it could have been any part of the wheel or undercarriage that let go. That being said I wonder how many hours he had behind the wheel and awake. I am willing to bet that there was no one cause of the accident but that it is probably like making a cake a little of speed a little of sleepy or lost concentration poor maintenance on the vehicle. We will never know until the families sue the government Scary thing for me is I like to sit up in the front of the bus to see where i am going and get the extra foot room. Might have to rethink that
  3. Actually it is relatively easy. In that here the hospital received a patient and the records showed his information. If the home tells you it is person A then the staff will mark the person as person A. The screw up was not at the hospital but at the nursing home. Staff obviously had 2 older men that were about the same age and got them confused. Very easy to do when you remember 3 things 1 TIT 2. people in the Nursing homes are not rocket scientists are paid more as caregivers. Follow procedures SEE NUMBER 1 LOL As to dong a DNA check on the dead person for the hospital it would be very difficult as they would not have access to the ashes. The only people that can do the DNA check on the cremated body is the police Forensics.
  4. YOU seem to have missed the part where I said it is not alright to hit a student. However, as most will tell you Capital Punishment is used in Thai schools. There is a big difference between a student that asks a simple question and a student that is a disturbance in class asking a question just to get the teacher going. Just as there is a difference between a student that is a good student getting punished and a trouble making student punished. The report makes the kid sound like an angel that the teacher picked on. I have a funny feeling abased on past practices in Thai schools and my own observations as a teacher that there is than he just asked a question,
  5. he challenge is that most Thai teachers have been teaching the same class over and over for umpteen years and are not so much teaching as regurgitating the same lessons. This also happens in Canadian schools or schools where the teacher teaches the same lessons over an over again. If asked a question that they have never been asked beofre they get flustered. Also while I am ot saying it is alright to hit a student I would like to know more about the student. A teacher hitting a student because they asked A question does not feel right to me. I think there is probably a whole lot more to the situation most Thai teachers I know just ignore the question>
  6. Young teachers ar e more worried about how they look and being popular. Old teachers just want to get it done and over with. They no longer care because the system doesn't care. From what I am hearing from friends in Canada Thailand is not the only place that is devoted to wrote learning. Teachers are getting lazy and schools no longer care about the students it is ensuring that they keep the funding they need no matter how low they have to go.
  7. This has been going on around the world since probably the start of time. The difference in this is the amount. HISO and wannabe HISO live in a different world. Money is the only thing they know. I am sure that this was not just sprung on the guy. I am also willing to be that his parents had him see a lawyer for the NON DOWRY thing called a PRE NUP. The 10 million may be her families response to the PRENUP that would leave her destitute if he dumped her. Either way I am willing to be there is more to the story than the writer is saying.
  8. GF is upset with me. One of her co workers tested positive and she sent me a line msg My response that got me in trouble was good for him.
  9. I think there is a translation problem the ban is not on imports to Russia but importing oil FROM russis
  10. WOW a definite loss he was well known and respected. My condolences to all of Australia especially his family and the cricketing community world wide
  11. Rooster Stereotyping people is below who I thought you were. You obviously restrict yourself to ASEAN NOW and do not read a lot of SM or MSM outside Thailand. People pontificating about how bad things are or what should be done is the past tome of a hug e part of the population. The fact that someone can post a lovely picture and get flamed by unknown people that think it is their right to do so and stay hiddden behind fictitious names is the #1 past time. In the Wester n world it is the number 1 thing for people that sit at home and anonymously flame everyone else just because they hate their life or think they are better. As to the Russian people I have limited sympathy for them. I feel sorry for those that are stranded here with no money or means that sucks but I would rather be in t heir situation than anyone living in Ukraine. Saying that they have no responsibility is like saying that the German people had no control over Hitler getting elected. The people have a voice unfortunately like a lot of countries they do not use it as well and the guy they are upset with has too much money and support from the wealthy and the military. If we look at Russia right now there are a great many paralells to 1939-40 The world did nothing when a country decided that against the rules that they had agreed they built a huge military machine. The world did nothing when religious beliefs were prosecuted and people lost not only their businesses and livelihoods but all their belongings. The world did nothing when the country moved into one saying that it was reuniting people of the same race and history. The world said Bad boy don't do this again and sanctioned the country telling everyone that he had learnt his lesson and would behave. Then he did it again and the world still did nothing. Finally the world found a leader that was willing to fight for Europe and all the small countries. What did the U.S. do NOTHING we want to stay neutral. When asked for the planes and ships to fight the U.S. said no we can not because we do not want to get involved in your fight. Japan saw weakness do you not think that the present Asian power country may not see the same thing.
  12. Queen was in Thailand. Why did I have to go to Korea to see them. This is misleading in that most of these performers were a long long time ago. Thailand has been out of the main big shows as they do not have the fan base. Thais could not afford Queen or any of the large international groups. If you ask the normal Thai teen they will fly to Korea for K POP before they will attend a concert here.
  13. Going to be interesting to see what immigration and hotels do with Russian people that can no longer pay their bills and are unable to get home.
  14. Not really but I think the biggest catch is going to be getting reimbursed.
  15. Perfect way to make the U.S. raise y our rating as a trade partner. Thailand may gain money from the Russand but they will lose from the EU and N.A. market.
  16. If you are Ukrainian apply for refugee status. If not look up you embassies on line and see which one looks after Thailand. There may not be a consulate here but there is an embassy responsible for Thailand
  17. Until Thais are able to compete they will always be protected. That is the problem with ASEAN one of it's premise is that member countries will allow people to compete equally for jobs. As long jobs are protected people will think that they are safe and do not have to improve.
  18. Why couldn't the home brewers join forces. Establish a company that produces beer the law says that you have to sell x amount of beer it does not say anything ythe brands. In Canada Molson's brews a <deleted> load of beer under too many labels to mention.
  19. Yeah right open the school now when the holidays are starting. The only thing this does is allow schools to open to test the students on what they did not learn online
  20. I still think this is the best one I have seen on a singing show
  21. It seems that even the countries that paid for the feed NBC in the states took a bath. With all the <deleted> happening with judges that are corupt doping and rules that get changed or ignored at the whim of the IOC the olympic games are a farce. The only chance that people would watch is if they televised the bog t hings for the US and Canada live. People would have stayed up and tuned if the NHGL players had of been allowed to compete. China had too much control and sucked. Even looking on youtube there is not very much.
  22. He is screwed. Career over and definitely looking at heavy money payment to family