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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Imagine what the numbers would be like if they opened bars and nightclubs for NYE and Christmas break. Is that not a time for a lot of tourists to come to Thailand or does Thailand only support the Chinese New Year
  2. If it isnot the transportation of goods then someone tellme why the prices are going up? I agree the government can not subsidize the prices or force PTT and others to take a loss. That hurts the people that have the stations. It is not like N.A. used to be anymore where gas is just a get me in the lot and then I will make money on repairs. Remember the old your fan belt looks old or when was the last time yu checked the oil
  3. Swimming is a great exercise and one I would love to do. The problem is tht there are no swimming pools available. The only one we had here had teh roof collapse adn they say there is no money to fix it. If you want people to swim then you have to provide them with the facility or make it easier to get the facility. As to exercise and learning 2 languages. That goes without saying. Partial solution is to get the schools open so that the kids can go to school instead of sitting at home on their computers and phones. OH yeah establish a system that teaches kids to read and makes them read and write instead of the <deleted> system of multiple choice tests.
  4. This is the stupidest opening date. Telling me that it is about covid is like telling me that China and India are the most climate friendly countries in the world. You can say it all you want but I am not buying. The date is in order to cut down on the number of Thais that get drunk and stupid over the NYE period and kill themselves. It is about placating the anti-drink crowd. 20 days is not going to make a big difference. Next to possibly Songkran NYE is the biggest money making date for bars in Thailand and many other countries. Mid January is the stupidest time to open most people have spent their holiday money. There are no holidays and bars may open but there will not be a lot of partiers. Imagine if they announced not only that Thailand was open for business but that bars and pubs and dancing places were also starting 20 December .
  5. Yeah but setting up the system to accept payment is a b!tch. I am talking about online payments when selling something
  6. I went out with a girl in Pat that owned a restaurant. Got supreme <deleted> from her when I went to clear a table for her. Her understanding was that if one of the other shops saw me and complained the authorities could shut her down. All I was allowed to do was talk to people drink and eat or just sit there waiting for her.
  7. I find paypal good when I am buying something and do not want to use my credit card directly. Question though. Can gf register a personal business (Amazon or such) and get a business number therefore make paypal a useful way of collecting funds. What will businesses use in Thailand to collect payment from Thais
  8. Going to be interesting to see how many of the big hotels put on NYE with their restaurants. Usually a bunch put on a big spread with dancing food lasts almost to midnite
  9. Using the logic you and others have then we should not build any new developments or buildings The problem or thing to remember is that most buildings are renovated replaced because they can serve a better purpose or be more financially viable in a different format. Buildings get old and if they are not being used and making a profit then they are not going to stay. Another example is the HARDROCK it was in that area and I am sure that it was making a huge profit. But it is gone. Why because the rest of the land and buildings were not making the money that the people leasing the land thought it could. Chula has all the classrooms and buildings that they need. The idea is to make money so tht they can higher the best professors and give the students the best equipment to work with. This can not be done with an empty theater. For a comparison look at North America. How many drive in theaters do you see these days. Why? Not because people did not want to go but the amount of time it was used and the value of the land for other businesses created a waste of value.
  10. While yes Chula could have used it as a multi use facility the point is that it was theirs to do with as they pleased. There is no law protecting buildings. It is not just Chula doing this and it is not just happening in Thailand. There are a lot of buildings in Canada that have strong memories and did things for the community that are under the gun or have gone under the wrecking ball. An example is Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. As to it becoming a mall. Well that may not happen if the tourism business stays the way it is malls are dying at this stage from lack of customers so it goes without saying the plan may change.
  11. If you live near Pathum Thani go to Zeer great shops and great service mostly
  12. I would disagree with you about better living than Thailand. Yes people make more but just like any other country they pay more and are mopre hurried. LaLisa lived in S Korea for ne reason. That is where her agency is and that is where the k pop world is. Would she move back to isann probably not but then again how many girls and guys that move to Bangkok want to go back. It has more to do with what is offered in the cities. As to clubhouse it is the same as anywhere that people can yap and rant and be anonymous. People will say and do anything in ignorance or hated as long as they do not have to face anyone. Want proof look at twitter and the woke generation.
  13. There is alcohol, just not unlimited. not sure why for a semi religious thing you need to go to a bar. Lanterns in the country would not be an issue but lanterns set free in Pathum Thani or around the airports are just asking for problems. Simple solution is if you want to have a beer go to 7 buy a couple and find a nice place to sit and watch things. For me I am happy that I will be able to enjoy a nice meal and go out for once as I am not working Friday.
  14. This looks like the restaurant at the beginning of walking street. It is getting ridiculous. I think that they need to open the bars to booze but limit the number of people at each bar.
  15. They still have not adjusted teh fairs on the lines. They need to get them in order. I can tell you that the Khu Khot line has a lot of people using it in the morning and at night. Not sure how the red line will do it is sort of out of the way. Does anyone know if they bult a parking area there.
  16. Thailand needs to look at India and now the Philippines and increase the ability of people to speak English and then get into the Call Center business.
  17. Hey the contract was for 2.7 mil worth of gloves did it say they had to be new?????????
  18. Means nothing until China India Pakistan come on board with controls. They are the biggest pollutors and will be for a long time.
  19. YOu are right that medication itself does not work however with therapy and using meditation which does in fact work even if you are using meds you can fight things. I came here with PTSD and mod swings that went from great heights to severe lows. If I went into a restaurant and there was an issue I went ballistic. I had to keep to places that I knew and knew me that way I could guard against a lot of issue. After 9 years and counting the PTSD is resolved the mood swings still happen and I am still on meds although drastically reduced The big thing is learning the signs of depression when it is starting so that you can switch to other activities to get away from it. Not always an easy thing. For me one of my things is tutoring students because they always bring a smile to my face.
  20. I am and will always be a proponent of corporal punishment in the home. I hate going to a store and listening to some kid screaming and yelling and mom and dad just sitting there doing nothing. A smack on the backside is not a bad thing. I am against hitting with thick belts and anything that is overboard. As to corporal punishment in schools I am divided. As a boomer we had corporal punishment in the school and for the most part it was a 3rd strike affair. It serves it's purpose if warranted. As a teacher in Matayom classes I had to deal with students that did not want to work did not want to listen and just wanted to disrupt a class including breaking up a fight in a classroom next door while the Thai teacher kept writing on the board. Corporal punishment in many cases was a deterrent either by having the teacher that administered it attend my class, sending the student to her or asking a student if she could go get Khun X. The challenge is that there are times that teachers go overboard. Shaving a head or stuff like that is extreme. Also there are teachers that administer it with no remorse or for no real reason. My question though to everyone that is against it is simple since the kids acting up don't care, the school has no way of detention or the possibility of failing the student, suspending is just giving them a holiday and more importantly most moms and dads could care less. What is the solution?
  21. Most teachers that I have seen at semi private and government schools do not care. The old ones are jaded and past their used buy date. They are putting in time and that is it. There are always a couple of teachers that are willing to help after class but the students must approach them If your niece is lazy7 then they simply do not care. If she does not ask for help and do what they suggest then they do not care. remember kids never fail so at some point the school does not even care as long as they are getting the money. Yes if a new teacher comes in and gets results then the older ones feel threatened and will react in a negative way. Like a lot of things in LOS it is felt that things work well so why get excited or make changes.
  22. I fond it a great way to meditate. Instead of trying to shut off the brain just concentrated on petting the cat. blocked everything else out.
  23. YES OF COURSE They look at the continued deals that farmers get and expect that they will be coddled too.
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