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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. 8 years ago I asked a school I was teaching at what they paid for me with a fairly well known agency. The answer was 75k a month plus they had to use the agencies books. My thought pattern is this Agencies set the amount they are charging the schools and they set the amount they are going topay teachers. If you are working through an agency donot get mad at the school paying little it is the agency raking in the profits
  2. It is the same anywhere. Go into any business and demand a raise or you are going to quit and you will be shown the door. Businesses and remember schools are businesses have limits as to what they will pay employees. They really7 do not care so much about the prodcut because anyone can do the job. It may not be the first person they hire to replace you at a cheaper rate but it could be the next one. School directors have only so much money and only care about the bottom line. To a lot of people and I am starting to think that this is the case in a lot of western countries whether the kids learn or not is secondary. Government schools are not designed to graduate Einstein's they all go to private schools. Every school in Thailand pays what the market is worth. If you want to be paid well get your degree improved and if you are good apply at St Joseph convent or at the top schools. Government schools were designed strictly to replace their parents. The idea was that we need to teach the children of government employees so that they can replace mom and dad when they retire.
  3. First if you think you have it bad talk to the Thai teachers. As to NES teachers it is supply and demand. Just as you stated costs have gone up for everything including for the schools Most schools have a pay scale once you hit the top that is it. Not that long ago people were getting 25 a month in some school's
  4. Agreed it is usually the date signed and declared by the judge and is usually the day he grants it.
  5. Not so sure we can point the finger just at Thailand. The one rule for the rich is in most countries Look at California the kid that was racing killed a woman and got probation because dad had money.
  6. Ok where is the trafficking. How many kids work in family businesses. There is no mention of what the assault was. Except for the fact that TIT I don't see any crimes. If the kids are looked after.
  7. How about simple assault. The big problem is what actually happened What's roughing him up and where was hospital security or staff if it was that violent.
  8. Talk to the teachér. Don't complain until you have all the facts. What grade is your daughter. If matayom or p 6 the teacher may be trying to get them to think. On the other hand your child may have missed something in the translation.
  9. If people get ripped off by LB and ladies then that will be what people hear about and will stay away Going through this exercise is not only good pr but they can add faces to their scrapbook so it will be easier to catch the theives It also will gain the assistance of the girls on the street if someone is doing things wrong then they or bf will be interested in looking after it on their own just to keep the cops away.
  10. LOL so really if we think about it buying pot is a lot like buying cigarettes or beer in 711 you can buy it there but have to go somewhere else to consume it.
  11. Thais were wearing face masks before covid. There is the belief that it will stop you from getting the cold or spreading germs. They were also worn against the dust and <deleted> i the air when it was high. Thais have gotten comfortable wearing them and feel safer (rightly or wrongly it is how they feel) It has very little to do with the government. Thai parents still have their kids wearing masks because covid is still in the school system. As to people being punished for not wearing a mask that is crazy Thais understand that some people have decided that they do not need the ask and it is their choice. Once covid gets to a point that it is not in the news and is not as prevalent in society then you may see people taking masks off but it will not be for awhile and will probably start with the young people.
  12. Couple spits up and she figures that he had as much to lose as her by reporting her so she played chicken.
  13. I think the problem that they have is the hypocrisy of saying that you can not smoke in buildings, You cannot smoke shisha but you can smoke Maiojuana. There is a bit of a WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. to that rule. Personally I could not see making pot legal but keeping shish as illegal. Will be interesting to see what happens. Question for my indulging friends here. If a bar was set up and you could buy beer and smoke weed would it be legal
  14. I think there is a difference between the girls in the bars and the girls and ladyboys on the street. Looking at it from a western perspective the bars are more like a brothel. The girls all work for the house/bar and any issues that a customer has will come back against the bar so the girls are on relatively best behaviour. Street prostitution in any country is a risky thing as you really do not know what you are getting. The girls have o one to answer to and if they get caught ripping off a customer oh well they pay a fine and are back on the street the next day or they move to Phuket or a different part of BKK.
  15. I thank you for the lesson. However I wonder how many Thais know this
  16. Just wondering when farang became a white western person. My interpretation from everyone Thai and non Thai was that it was a foreigner meaning that it was multi cultural and multi colored. Recently in a chat on here I used the term and got called a racist because I used the term and they felt I was only saying that white people smoked pot and got drunk. Looking up online the definition for farang is foreigner which to me includes all races and people from all non Thai countries. Is ASEAN news now gone Woke.
  17. As added insurance, tell them to go in the opposite direction of terminal 21.
  18. To us Foreigners, it seems like the military is corrupt. Unfortunately, too many of the older Thais, the military, is looked at as the saviour of the country. I think with today's youth, that is changing, BUT the challenge is to get the people to elect a government that is not Putting someone in power that has no business or political knowledge or track record. the young people need to start voting in groups that are larger than the older wealthy crowd, Last the party coming in must forget those that have been exiled and just concentrate on running the country properly and with transparency. Also get rid of party list MP's This removes the extra wasted bodies and makes the people running responsible to the people that voted them in not beholding to the person that appointed them and made them rich. LAST THING TO STOP MILITARY RULE Quit overthrowing the government with protests. That is how the military keeps getting its nose in the door. If you do not like a party, fine, protest but then wait for an election to remove them.
  19. BB the easy answer is YES. But then again I would probably want to do it at the police station. Could get messy diong it ont he street.
  20. Not really a mixed message. The drugs that they are testing for are YABA and it's friends I think that more tourists and foreingers use cannabis than Thais. The drug of choice of youg Thais is YABA.
  21. If the cops were watching it I would say very few just before the raid.
  22. Nope you got it wrong. Watch for the grand opening of ไม่ธรรมดา 96 owned by different owners with different names but funded by the current owners. The new owners willget all the licences that is why it will not open right away.
  23. The funny thing is that this is not just farm kids. I have a friend whose daughter goes to a Prestigious Thai school. She got excited because she was one of the top 5 in Chinese and asked her score, but she would not tell me. Could not tell me how she did in other subjects either. The funny thing is that the U.S. seems also to be having an education problem. The solution is easy. get back to the basics, get away from Multiple choice tests and make students really think.
  24. I am in the same boat as you. The solution is going to have to be that the police set up check points outside these establishments. The other rule that they have in Canada would be interesting here. If you serve someone that is drunk and they get into an accident you as the provider as just as guilty and libel as the driver. You come to my house have a few beers and are a little over the limit go out and hit another car. I can be sued and charged just like the driver. Bands in Bars used to start at 9 pm then they moved the closing time back so they come on at 10. Does that mean that bar bands would start playing at midnight?
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