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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. That is the place I was talking about. It is not a pretty place starting out but it has a very high-efficiency rate also, it is geared to Thais. The one catch is that she has to want to go there and want to quit. OP I do not know how close you are to her but as stated above you are going to have to make some lifestyle changes as well and one of them may be to relocate out of Pattaya away from all her temptations. There are videos about it on youtube and it is known worldwide but again she has to want it. I have known many people that had alcohol dependency and no matter what their families tried it did not work. These people lived, stole and did anything they could including claiming that they were abused as children. Be very careful the website https://wat-thamkrabok.org/
  2. I actually know a couple of women that have married a Thai man. Both were teachers. Teaching would probably be the best job for her as she possibly could teach at the same school her kids are or will be going to.
  3. So divers have been inside the ship. Wonder why they have not found bodies.
  4. Where was the government partners. This smells more like mps getting together and agreeing to leave together. With an election coming. No one wants to step on their testes
  5. If Thai university students want to lower their loans why not get a job working as bar restaurant staff. That is what most in the west do. Wages are not an issue as much as people are at home in village and young people are too lazy and addicted to the phone
  6. If she is in Pattaya and that is her lifestyle then you do not want to try treatment in Pattaya. That would be equal to trying to quit smoking and working in a tobacco shop. If she wants to with them look at some of the outside areas and do not move her back to Pat's up Can't find the bhuddist drug rehab that is famous. Can anyone please post. I think that is what op is looking for
  7. I agree that it is not right but considering that under Sharia law women are not allowed out by themselves it is not a surprise. Besides they can not get a job with their degree so what is the use. THe American government and it's withdrawal with no deal created this and there is nothing they can do.
  8. Kenny you do not need to set up a company to work in Thailand. Where did you get that info. Many expats work in thailand all you need is to be hired and have the right visa to get work permits
  9. 7 years CDN navy. 27 total years military service including 7 boards of inquiry one for a Hercules that crashed in the Canadian Arctic. I prefaced what I said with based on what I read. This is an accident that happened in all likelihood die to someone not doing their job or a part failing.
  10. The thing that has to be considered is that most countries in the world are going through the same e if not worse. This is an international problem.
  11. Not the only country I am sure. Chinese gangs are in every country.
  12. I think that the pooor number will not change very much. The below poverty might be helped. But before you celebrate 600 baht remember PT has to Win the election Get it passed in house passed by the Senate Stay in power long enough to make it happen. Kids in school are still waiting for their tablets
  13. Reading everything here I am going to Hypothesize. The Comander of the boat had never had to deal with an emergency and probably had never practiced emergency drills The Engine room had not done the proper care and maintenance for an antique. There had to be a hatch that had not been closed properly. Add all this together and the fact that most people in Thailand think that maintenance is something you do when something breaks you can see the problems. The result is that a few good men have lost their lives, and Their families have lost a loved one and in most cases the breadwinner. The country has lost some good men that wanted to do a good thing get an education and be part of the country. Unfortunately until they open the ship up to allow divers we will never really know what has happened. RIP
  14. I am confused (might be old age) So she was hired by the school and they allowed her to overstay and still work there. That means that the school or agency is in <deleted> also. Surprised her family did not look after her. PT immigration is ususally easy to deal with but with the crackdown they have no control.
  15. Sadly unless there's an uprising or he who remains nameless bans it there is nothing that can be done until they start replacing senators. Remember everything voted on by the government has to go through the Senate. That is how he got in this time. Even if pt got an amazing majority he could still be one PM.
  16. Agreed Doubtful or they would not have allowed him in He is only trespassing if he refuses to leave and even that is a grey area The bottom line I am getting at is that although the police were called as long as the husband quietly leaves and does not cause any problems there is actually nothing that they can do. She is his daughter he has a right to see her until a judge says no.
  17. Are you looking to buy aseannews?? You are not looking to invest in Multimedia but in a company. Do your due diligence ont he company. ASEANNEWS was builit on the premise that it was going to be the number 1 place for ASEAN countries. I am not sure of the prices and therfore will not speculate you really need to look at the business prospectus and not ask people here.
  18. Had this problem with a class next to mine Thai teacher just kept on teaching. Number 1 do not try to stop the fight too much of a chance of them hitting you either on purpose or by mistake. My suggestion in this case is to send 2 students to find the director or your department head. Move all the other students out of the way and let them beat the <deleted> out of each other Make suer that everything is on video. for protection You are not Thai so therefore any action youtake could come back to haunt you. I agree schools here were a hole lot safer and more controlled when the bamboo was still in force. Parents are more interested in their kid just attending they really do not care what they do at school. Contacting the parents is only going to get you Your problem not mine He is a good boy for us.
  19. Check your history been there, done that.
  20. This is a case of he said she said. The father may have over stepped his bounds but the school let him in and were it seems willing to let him give her the pizza. It was when he shoed affection that they got interested. The mother did ot warn the school nor did she charge him with anything when he went after her with the pen gun. Therefore there are not charges that can be laid. As to kidnapping not a chance. He is her legal father, there is no paperwork that says he has to stay away from her, except bringing a pizza there is nothing that he did. The school can not even charge him with being on the property they let him in. The only thing the cops can do is let him go and advise him to get a lawyer or take it to court. He might also be able to file charges although I am not sure what against her.
  21. The only way Thailand will do anything is if the EU or US puts them on notice for pollution and threatens to sanction them. iT'
  22. And how many legit Thai females are going to want a first date that is your hotel room. unless they are getting paid
  23. Still ti the best deal in town
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