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  1. Doesn't the UK have one of these, does this mean UK citizens who pay ANY tax, won't be liable for tax in Thailand? I'm taxed on Savings interest in the UK.
  2. Wasn't aware there was a loophole! What I've done in the past (I'm on a retirement "visa"), is transfer money every few years, as and when I need it, using "personal expenses" on the transfer form, as the reason for bringing the money over, which is the reason for doing so. If memory serves me correctly using "personal expenses", means the money isn't taxed on entry here. No one has mentioned that the UK & Thai Governments have a tax agreement, where if one pays UK tax, then one doesn't pay tax in Thailand, and presumably vice versa. I pay tax on savings in the UK, so as far as I'm aware, I'm not liable for tax here.I did claim arebate here once, many years ago, but haven't since. I also pay tax on my savings in Thailand.
  3. Can someone put this into layman's terms please. Is Thailand expecting foreign retirees who live here, pay tax on their pensions from their home countries?
  4. Sick to death of people posting topics just to cause annoyance to those of us that use a little cannabis. it's just winding up for the sake of it. Please get a life!
  5. Ridiculous! How about the Jews stop trying to claim land that they forfeited 2,000 years ago? Or are you OK with the US being retaken by Native Americans, or the UK being subject to the Angles, or Saxons?
  6. Completely wrong. Those of us who are educated, and humane, do not support israel.
  7. Which (if any), UK Banks allow customers to live in Thailand, and under what conditions?
  8. As far as I know this whole topic is pure speculation / clickbait. I've had two serious operations here, over the past 12 years, one involving organ removal, and the other for prostate removal. Neither came anywhere near 800,000 baht, and yes I went to private Hospitals in both cases. So why would the Thai Government increase the 800,00 Bank deposit for retirees? Calm down!
  9. More rubbish on the supposed dangers of Cannabis. Sick to death of these clickbait posts.
  10. He's just another one who posts on any topic, just to see his name in print. Been on my ignore list for a long time! This site seems to attract them, no idea why!
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