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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. 2 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Personally, in a dozen or so purchases, both online and in the shop, I simply do a direct bank transfer from my phone, and then forward or show (most transactions for me occur on LINE or Messenger) a screengrab of the confirmation


    You could ask a friend, who has mobile banking, to make the transfer then you reimburse them in cash.


    Maybe ask Greenlabs for other options? I've never done it but I guess you could go to a branch of their bank and make a cash "transfer or deposit"?




    "You could ask a friend etc"...

    I used my wife's account to make a bank transfer, (on a Sunday) * and Green Lab said they hadn't received it. After a couple of emails to explain how I'd paid, and sending photo of the receipt,  the problem was sorted out.

    This was in the first week of the company doing business, so one can expect a few teething troubles!
    Points to note
    1 Keep a photographic copy of the transaction, so you can send it to them if there is a misunderstanding, or mix up
    *2 Don't order when they are closed for business hours, if using point 1  !!
    Green Lab are very nice people to do business with, and it was decent gear too,  I'll definitely re-order from them. 

  2. 23 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    Weed may not cause violence but it can sure cause couch-potato-ness........

    No, in your face addiction like crack or meth but it can definitely  slowly chip away at your motivation and drive with regular use.....





    Absolutely not true, certainly in my case. I run 10 miles every morning. Used MJ for over 50 years, I've been a regional Kung <deleted> champion, represented my town at football, and held down a job that allowed me to retire 15 years early.


  3. 6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    A lot of countries went own this path of decriminalization of Cannabis already and have no problems at all ...

    In Thailand the problem is more the use of Yaba , Ice , Methamphetamines than Cannabis . By legalizing Cannabis , the ' authorities ' did a little step to reduce the amount of illegal chemical drugs taken . A good thing .

    The medical benefits of Marihuana , ( prevention of cancer and reduction of stress levels that can lead to psychological disorder etc ) , especially when used in tea , food etc , far outweigh the dangers .

    Anyway , who wants it , gets it , illegal or not .

    The government got it right , It creates an aditional source of income for the people of Thailand . And for the country as well .

    You forgot the main cause of more problems than any drug - alcohol. Otherwise well said!

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Denim said:

    As a former heavy smoker my advice to smokers is buy buy buy  while you can.


    Thai goal posts are never set in cement which is why they have succeeded in avoiding a lot of flack from international opinion over the centuries.


    Things will not long remain as they are now.  Traditionally they like to hang back rather than take the lead. 


    If they once perceive that they are leading the pack and out on a limb, no longer following the pack but leading it , then they will forget all talk of hubs and seek a nut and bolt situation..


    Things are going to tighten up so make hay while the sun shines. Get a stash in.


    It's worth noting that the reaction to the now fluid situation has taken the authorities completely by surprise and the juvenile flood of comments on social media will only hasten the tightening up the current unclear situation. 


    If smokers had just done their thing without talking about it so much it would have worked in their favor. But talk attracts attention , and not all of it friendly.


    Imagine discovering an unspoilt beach....no tourists and cheap bungalows. If you go online and brag about your discovery , tell the net where it is and post pictures of it , and then a few years later it is no longer as you found it ?  Are you not in some way responsible for the negative change ?


    I know, I'll go into the pot smokers section, and sow a bit of paranoia! That will mess with their heads.
    Troll on.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, fusion58 said:

    I miss having the option to make changes to orders after they’ve been placed. Also, whose bright idea was the name, i.e., “Lotus’s?” Obviously no one whose first language is English.

    My thoughts too, on the name. I suspect "Lotus" is already taken though!

  6. On 7/17/2022 at 11:37 AM, BritManToo said:

    My first one (Thai bar girl) insisted on doing it 5x a day ......... almost killed me. I lasted 9 months then ran away, no forwarding address.


    Lucky escape as a few years later she's piled on the pounds.

    Can you imagine living with a fat chick that wanted to do it all the time?

    So glad you added that last paragraph was about to ask for her number!  lol

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Delight said:

     I suspect that withdrawing   income post his demise could be illegal.

    Not making the account 'joint' will inhibit that process.

    The incomes  are  for him -not the widow.--unless special provisions have been made.

    That said she will never be prosecuted from the UK end. 

    Convincing his  UK income providers that he has passed-could prove difficult.

    I have the same issue.

    The easy one is the UK state pension. The British Embassy based in Bangkok will sort out his UK pension. As for the rest-maybe that could follow through and his bank will freeze any withdrawals which his bank can clearly define as income.


    Suggest that any other monies which are not regular income relate -are transferred to Thailand.

    When you die -so do your pensions!

    Not always, my company pension pays 50% to my wife, after my death.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Excel said:

    And if not, sue them ?.  Absolutely pointless exercise with private hospitals here. They will maximise profits so keep the treatment going come what may. If you want not to be kept alive unnecessarily suggest you use a government hospital.  They will still try to help you wherever possible as all the doctors follow the Hippocratic oath.  The only difference is government hospitals put patients first not profits.

    Have to agree with this. I used a very well known private Hospital in Bangkok. They kept asking would I like this test, or that treatment? Cost me a small fortune by the time they'd finished and I was no better!

    • Thanks 2
  9. 13 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    You state that you need one week... amazing, but perhaps you want to share what city and branch?

    I have since years a BKB 800k fixed deposit for retirement extensions, it takes no longer than 5 minutes to get the letter duly stamped, Immigration always happy with it. Chiang Mai.

    I had the same problem where I live, then the Bank got my address wrong on the statement! Only been with them 20+ years! Was told it would be another week to correct the address. Absolutely hopeless, they need to get their Bank into the 21st century!
    Yet they can give a 6 month statement straight away, but not for 12 months, no reason given as to why!

  10. On 7/18/2022 at 5:02 PM, TigerandDog said:

    The format of a Thai will makes provision for you to dictate how your remains are disposed of .e.g. cremation, burial or repatriation to home country.


    How many more threads on this topic have to appear before people realise how easy it is to sort these things out, AND you do not need a lawyer if you have nominated an executor in your Thai will.

    You don't have to reply, it's not compulsory, you can always scroll on.

    • Confused 1
  11. I was brought up a few hundred yards from Cloughie's old house, on Valley Road, and dated one of his Nieces, at school for a while, best looking girl in the school, she soon realised she was onto a wrong 'un, with me!
    Off the top of my head (where the hair used to be), I've got three Man Utd shirts, last season's home, this seasons's warm up shirt, and one to commemorate the treble in 1999, when Vodafone was their sponsor. I wore that one at Redcar, on a trip back to the UK, before the new Vodafone shirt was released, and some bloke approached me in the street, asked if it was the new MU shirt, and offered me 60 quid for it! 
    On the subject of women, isn't Nottingham one of the few places in the UK, where the women outnumber the men?

    IMG20220722154819 MU SHIRTS.jpg

    IMG20220722154830 MU BADGE.jpg

    • Like 1
  12. Really late reply from me, too. Born in Scotland, Rangers from birth, moved to Middlesbrough, brought up there. Follow Rangers, Boro, and Liverpool. Live in a village in the mountains of northern Thailand, been here 20 years. Watch a lot of football on TV, EPL, with True, and also have BeIN for Scottish, European Cups, Spanish, Italian, French, US, & Australian football. Have favourite teams in all of those! Also a big Cristiano Ronaldo fan.
    I actually won the Prediction competition a few years ago, (the same year Leicester won the EPL), no idea how either of those happened!
    As a youngster I played for Middlesbrough schoolboys, and also later played for South Bank FC, in the Northern League. I collect football shirts, have a few hundred now.
    I'm sure you'll be made very welcome in the predictions competition, if it is running next season, after Wilai's sad death.
    Nice to be able to welcome another member to the footy forum!

    • Like 2
  13. On 6/12/2022 at 1:32 PM, Upnotover said:

    You cannot use it for travel, that's all.  It is cancelled on the UK database when they receive the application there.  Thai immigration will have no knowledge of that.  The corner is not clipped until you receive the new passport.

    Mine was clipped when it was taken for renewal at the Trendy office. For the next 90 day report, just do it online.

    • Confused 1
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