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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. On 6/13/2022 at 2:00 PM, BritManToo said:

    Never found any soil in Thailand that didn't kill the seedlings. I always do a hydroponic grow in coco coir. And use liquid chemical fertiliser once a day. Mix as specified on the packet, adjust PH to 6.8 using citric acid crystals and PH pen, pour around fabic pot (not on plant) until it drips through the bottom. 


    This is the growing medium I use (G4 coco coir mix)



    This for veg. 30-20-10.



    And this for flower 0-52-34.


    Where can I buy citric acid crystals, please? Shopee & lazada don't stock them according to my search.

  2. This bird flew into our window and seems very dazed, so my wife has pt him in a cage for a couple of days to llok after him, before she releases him again. She's done this with several birds over the years, but she doesn't know what this one is, or what it eats. Any help appreciated, thank you

    IMG20220120161304 NEW BIRD 4.jpg

    IMG20220120161215 NEW BIRD 3.jpg

  3. 52 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    That is not quite what happened.


    What happened was a system was introduced for migrant workers from neighboring countries, priced with comparatively young, strong manual laborers in mind.


    As is unfortunately common here, all the announcements/directive issued for it were vaguely worded and open to multiple interpretations. In particular, said only "foreigner" and did nto specify migrant or foreigner from neighboring country. Adding to the confusion, the entity managing the system in Bangkok told callers who asked that it was open to all foreigners.


    In most provinces, hospitals therefore began to enroll all who came forward.


    Eventually the central Ministry caught one and issued clarification and that was the end of that. Ended before the current government came in and has nothing to do with the military junta.


    It was never remotely feasible to enrol elderly expats at that low rate, the system would have sustained huge losses.


    There has  periodically been talk of developing a system specifically for resident expats, which would have to have different prices for different ages since many are older. I haven't heard any mention of it for quote a while, though.


    The easiest system to address this issue would, IMO, be to establish a system allowing foreigners to access government hospitals for accidents and emergencies only,  for a set fee levied on entry to the country or on extension of a long stay visa. (It would have to be limited to accidents and emergencies or else the country would be flooded with people seeking to have their cataract surgery, hernia repairs and the like done on the cheap - especially from nearby countries in the region). Those wanting to use private hospitals, and those wanting other than emergency care, would either pay out of pocket or have private insurance, up to them, but at least government hospitals -- which are the ones that have been losing money-- would be protected.


    I stand corrected, unfortunately my memory isn't what it was, ain't old age grand! lol
    Thanks for the clarification, and I agree with your final paragraph.

  4. 6 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    As a 67 year old long term resident here with a home, partner, cars etc......paying outrageous taxes on cars but getting nothing back. I would go back to Europe if I hadn't invested so much on this racist country.

    The government should allow all longer term (one year plus) resident to access the Thai government healthcare system for a reasonable fee instead of forcing us into the claws of these morally bankrupt private hospitals and insurance companies that charge foreigners much more than Thais.

    They did, when Yingluck was in charge, but it was rescinded when the army took over.

    I believe it was 70 Pounds (can't remember the Baht equivalent), and one had to pass 5 items on a health checklist, all of which were minor, very easy to get and use.

    Second paragraph added in edit.

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