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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:


    One of the things that I find most suprising is that nobody is shouting from the rooftops about the proposed 39bn payment (as part of the eu/may 'deal') to the eu!  Why is this being ignored?  Edit - It certainly annoys the hell out of me - 39bn for BRINO???


    I could understand it if it was a sweetener to obtain a good trade deal - but trade deal discussions (as far as we know) haven't even started yet!

    In a reliant German newspaper I have read that the EU is not entitled by law to ask for the 39 billions, especially if there isn't any Brexit-deal. But, but, but ….. there is a „small problem“ for GB.


    Let me explain by the well know group of card-players.

    A group of 18 card-players sitting in the pub, playing and drinking beer. Playing together for 2 hours, one man ordered a beer for all. After some time, he left the group without paying the bill. The club members couldn't do anything to convince him for doing his duty.


    Some years later the poor debtor knocked on the club's door: please let me be a member again, this club is so great. Then one member asked him: „Did you forget what happened when you had left our club??? Before we think about taking you back, please PAY your debt including interest. And don't forget you will not receive the same preferences as before!“


    Isn't that an example of what would happen with GB after leaving the EU-club? There is a big probability that GB once again will knock on the EU door.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 5/18/2019 at 1:50 PM, Morch said:


    So to "love the idea" is fine, but doesn't seem to have a whole lot of meaning.


    As for Trump/Bolton incapable of affecting regime change, I'll have to disagree. Like going to war, regime change is quite possible (one way or another). The issues involved are more to do with the consequences of such actions.

    OMG, the „regime changes“ the US tried in the world after WW II have been so successful :sad:?


    I.e. in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. Of course, following your logic, the regime change in Iran would be as successful …. as before. Tell us more jokes, but real jokes. As if the chaos in the ME – caused by the US – wouldn't be enough.


    If the US under Trump would like to be a world moral player, why not fight for changes in Saudi Arabia, Russia, China a.s.o.??


    Why don't the USA fight for regime changes in the own country? Under Trump it is revealed the the own „regime“ - called democracy – is full of undemocratic holes a lot more than in an Swiss cheese. Only a few examples:


    • President must not be the one who has won the majority of the votes, laughable.

    • Separation of powers.

      • In a normal democracy the president is the head of the executive. Trump is working like another power of the state, the legislative; by his myriad of executive orders (which belong to the parliament and should be laws).

      • He even can overrule decisions of both chambers of the Congress. (dictator style), if they don't suite him..

      • The 3rd power in the state, the judicature, is completely influenced politically and therefore not independent. The members of the highest court in the USA are chosen because of the political background and not because of their judicial qualities. And those members have to give back to the parties or (president) Trump which or who have/had chosen them. Remember the Brett Kavanaugh story. Do you think he will ever vote against Trump?

      • That the members of the Highest Court can stay there until they die of Alzheimer - to exaggerate it - is another undemocratic, but serious joke.

      • The REPs have been able (by law!) to stop Obama's nomination of one member of the highest court, because they knew they would have the majority in both houses of the congress after the next election. That's manipulation.

      • Most embarrassing, the POTUS is able to stop all investigations against him by executive orders, mainly under the pretense of „security“.



    Nearly all predecessors of Trump have had the quality and the character not to abuse the flaws mentioned above. Because we know Trump we recognize what can happen if these holes are not plugged.


    The US a pothole country without regime changes.


    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, rabas said:

    <----> Jimmy [Carter] didn't know a lot about technology the economy or a lot of things.  The day after he left office, Reagan got Iran to release our Embassy hostages on his first day in office.

    I guess you have been a member of the so-called Trump-University. That's the reason you are able to write a "new" history.


    But the official history books tell us the related story „a little bit different“. And that's a daily experience, inventing new Hi-Stories by the Orange Face and his blind REP-followers.






    <..... A common narrative of the Iran-Contra affair has the US-sponsored arms sales to Iran beginning in the year 1985. That date is important to the official justifications of the Reagan administration because the government claimed that the secret arms shipments were in exchange for Iranian cooperation with the release of hostages held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, where the first hostage was taken in 1982. But if an agreement to send secret arms shipments to Iran, and the fact of those shipments, both began before 1982, then the release of the hostages cannot be the reason for the arms shipments......>


    POTUS Reagan started on January 20, 1981.

  4. On 5/9/2019 at 2:29 PM, Morch said:


    Unless you missed it the so-called Iran Deal was signed by the previous POTUS. Lacking enough political support on the home front, the US signature was basically conditional from the start. This was acceptable to the rest of the signatories, even though some then-presidential-hopefuls were rather vocal about their intentions. 


    Trump is Trump and the US is the US. 


    You confirm that you are in line with your dumb LOTUS : „pacta NON sunt servanda“ made by US predecessors in office, if against current egoistic interests.


    Hereby you confirm what I said before  (#4):

    If the US don't stop this extreme dangerous liar and moron, all contracts and deals with the USA should be used as a toilet paper. You cannot rely on them any more.


  5. 3 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

    Just another person who is what he is due to fate of birth. 

    No member of  any Royal family ever earned their life of privilege and public adulation.

    Another one is about to be born in the UK.


    When I read your first sentence I thought of a "person" with the longest Pinocchio-nose, a POTUS ever has had. Rich only because of his fathers gifts.

    You recognize that happens not only in royal families. Just one example.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Draining the swamp will continue! ???? 

    I`m waiting for the day when the swamp draining will be done concerning the man/child with the absolutely longest Pinocchhio-nose, a US president ever has had. 10,000 lies within 800 days, a new record, the egomaniac can brag about (as usual) who needs followers like you. The REPs nearly died of suffocation when the former POTUS seemed to lie only one time.


    Fortunately there are (a few) officials like R. who cannot stand the arxlicking any more.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:



     My advise to Trump is wait a few days until some other crisis engulfs the dems - maybe Ms Omar in another antisemitic row? - and get him pardoned and released. 

    You are right:


    a criminal LOTUS (liar Of The....) should reward a criminal for his criminal actions :cheesy::cheesy: !

    Did you read this in your Trump-bible or in his book how to make a deal?

    • Like 2
  8. In a nutshell:   

    Brexit, a chaos of fraudulent and empty promises and clueless politicians.


    What do they, the politicians, expect now?  Postpone, postpone .... and postpone, but no real idea to find a solution to which the majority is able to agree? Idiotic. An unworthy spectacle of democracy(z)y. Democracy means to do and represent what the people want - now, after having been enlightened about the EU.


    • Like 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Sooooo, how else would Trump stay in power- just stay in his chair and refuse to leave?

    Where in the world has any president/ PM stayed in power without the backing of the military? The Guardian is just doing what the Guardian does and stirring, IMO.

    What a "highly intelligent" awareness/knowledge :cheesy:!!!


    To name only a few countries in "the world" - not in your vivid imagination  - :

    GB, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Australia .... and don't forget your own world, the USA, where the president/PM stay(s) in power "without the backing of the military".  The list goes on.

  10. 21 hours ago, blazes said:



    As you may not have noticed, I did not mention Trump when querying Harris's trustworthiness or capacity for viciousness.  And I certainly did not mean to imply that Trump was a more decent human being than Harris (or indeed almost anyone you could care to mention in modern political life!!)

    You talked about

    Of all the million candidates who've been foolish enough to thrust themselves forward so far, this woman is the least trustwort

    hy of the lot


    Me too. By citing facts I showed you the "least trustworthy" candidate, your beloved symbol of incompetence and lying and .... and ... (the list goes on), the Orange Pinocchio of the USA.


    • Sad 1
  11. On 2/12/2019 at 2:53 PM, blazes said:

    So she's one up on Bill by inhaling, but destined to become Hillary Lite as she turns and turns according to which way the wind is blowing.


    Of all the million candidates who've been foolish enough to thrust themselves forward so far, this woman is the least trustworthy of the lot.

    You are right. Compared to Trump she isn't „trustworthy?:cheesy::cheesy:


    Nowadays you have the biggest chance to win race for the GOP (better SOP = Sordid Old Party) if you are so „trustworthy“. That means the SOP-people „trust(ed)“ Trump

    • when he grabbed ladies“ pussies.

    • when he <deleted> around at the time his wife gave or has given birth to a baby

    • when he said: We've gotten more done than any other administration

    • when he said: Steel and automaker investments are skyrocketing

    • when he said: Tariffs are making America rich

    • when he said: Democrats are "radical socialists” who want to turn America into Venezuela

    • when he said: We pulled off an economic turnaround of historic proportions

    • when he said: Obama separated children from their families at the border.

    • When he said: The Russia probe is witch hunt

    • when he said: Republicans support protections for people with pre-existing conditions (in connection with Obama care).

    • when he said: We're building the (cement) wall

    • when he said: making America great again.

    • The list of lies goes on … nearly endlessly.


    Go on ….. and trust him and his limited brain. Let's not talk about his "trustworthy moral" against (former) US friends.



    • Like 1
  12. Since Trump and Brexit it's modern style to work with alternative facts. Alternative facts means: subjects you believe in, but cannot be approved. Believe means: not knowing the facts.


    So let me improve this:


    Sydebolle said - #3

    Fact is, that the electricity now is drawn from sockets fed by the French Electricity Authorities ....... which produce nuclear power. So much to transparency, EU politics and the bunch of liars and crooks.


    Hanaguma said - #10

    It's lovely to think of, but electricity is only a small part of Germany's overall energy use.  Less than 20% I believe. The majority is still fossil fuels, and the majority of that is still imported.  Germany is still the largest importer of natural gas n the world.



    A trustful resource - Deutsches Umweltamt, a public agency - gives the facts (I try to translate it in English):

    In general (inserting a copy of a screenshot doesn't work):

    It shows the part of renewable energy in the year 2017

    first row: electricity  -           36,0 %

    second row: heat energy -     13,9 %

    third row: traffic -                   5,2 %         

    All together: 417 TWh have been produced ( 1 TWh = 1 billion kw) by renewable energy. Thereof

    • 52% (216 TWh) for electricity

    • 41% (171 TWh) for caloric energy

    • 7% (30 TWh) for biogenic fuels in traffic

    Russian gas will/can deliver the missing energy parts in the future. For extreme situation coal will work again for winning energy. I.e. if there would be an extreme drought as in 2018.

  13. 1 hour ago, hhinhh said:

    They worry only about the lost jobs in coal industry but not how to substitute the power plants. As there is very limited sourse of water power and bio-gas the only option is to build gas power plants for periods without wind and sun. This will cost a lot more than € 40 billion mentioned and additionaly make Germany depending on gas supply by Russia. I think this agreement is the best news for Mr. Putin in 2019! New business and a big foot in EU econonmy.

    And by the way what does it help if Germany shuts off some 30 coal power plants if actually more than 1000 are under construction or in planning stage worldwide? Another example of Merkel desaster politics.

    Should Germany instead depend on Trump's more expensive and dirty, low quality  "fracking-oil"?  :bah:

    • Like 1
  14. 36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    For those who still believe that Armageddon will happen after Brexit. I could have posted the whole article although some posters seem to get upset????






    You quote a Murdock Newspaper; that explains all your negative anti-EU propaganda as "corrupt" etc. - without any concrete facts.


    I would start with your own government:

    • May, a stubborn lady, completely unable to say and act how a Brexit should be administered. A complete incompetent MP. She didn't think one minute about finding a bipartisan agreement within GB, so that the parliament could vote for it. She didn't think of the GB people.
    • Corbyn, as opposition leader, an absolute failure. Without a clear program, without ideas how to go on, only blabla concerning the process, but no idea for a bipartisan (GB) agreement.
    • Only now, after two and a half years - 5 Minutes before the door is closed -  members of the legislature, and of different parties, and not of the government, try to find a solution for solving the Brexit problem.  That was missed by May and Corbyn.
    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Rugon said:

    I mean it would only be about $5-10,000. Hardly a lot to live for a year in Thailand. Hardly a lot for someone's life savings.

    :w00t:  OMG,


    800.000 THB divided by the T/T KTB-exchange rate of 31,62 for 1 US$ ( by the moment ) „is only“ 25.300 US $.


    And when you die the Thai banksters will die for :cheesy: I



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    • Sad 1
  16. Moron Trump, if you would like to build a wall in order to reduce "terrorism" .... than ask for a budget money to build a wall against the NRA (National Rifle Association).


    That would save lives, xxxx-times more than your pretended "terrorism victims".


    But the majority in the world already recognized ruling with brain that's not your cup of tea.

  17. 3 hours ago, samran said:

    He will take credit for anything...



    This depicts „tremendously“ the knowledge, the incompetence, the intelligence and the character of the biggest moron who has ever been living in the White House.


    He makes the USA going down, down, down … as seen by nearly all countries in the world. After him, the slogan is correct: Make America great AGAIN. Nowadays, it's BAD (Bring America Down), not MAGA.

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